

Twitter: @Digit4lOverdose

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Digital Overdose Community CTF team


Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
65n00bzCTF 20222747.00003.253
205DiceCTF 2022236.00001.040
80KnightCTF 20223350.000011.360

Overall rating place: 232 with 110.619 pts in 2021

Country place: 3

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
138ASIS CTF Finals 202122.00000.713
638X-MAS CTF 2021 Second Weekend6.00000.043
18idekCTF 20214959.00008.587
15MetaCTF CyberGames 202111225.000019.544
94Block CTF 202150.00001.116
17N1CTF 20211045.00008.822
41Intent CTF 2021300.00001.748
12Winja CTF | c0c0n 20211650.000011.748
17eHaCON CTF 2K21636.000016.791
15DamCTF 20214720.000015.791
451ALLES! CTF 2021104.00000.965
305Really Awesome CTF 2021750.00001.813
96InCTF 2021450.00002.088
153BSides Noida CTF597.00001.207
632UIUCTF 20211.00000.040
121CyberThreatForce CTF | 2021260.00000.000
146Hack-A-Sat 2 Qualifiers101.00000.000
45WeCTF 20211833.00000.000
278HSCTF 83124.00004.344
95BCACTF 2.03175.00000.000
72Zh3r0 CTF V21039.00001.613
289Pwn2Win CTF 202150.00000.900
11NorzhCTF 2021197.000011.008
67DCTF 20214200.00000.000

Team members

Team writeups

San Diego CTF 2021Git Good read writeup