Also known as
  • ThePwnInternational
  • Hunt for Red Pwnctober


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The revolution shall be pwned. Here to learn and win flags.

Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
795Nullcon Goa HackIM 2025 CTF1.00000.045
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
379Hack The Vote 20241.00000.070
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
260ASIS CTF Finals 202330.00000.763
4351337UP LIVE CTF250.00000.463
357Africa battleCTF 2023 prequal50.00000.188
789KnightCTF 202325.00000.114
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
492ASIS CTF Quals 202224.00000.740
383RomHack 2022 CTF100.00000.526
579Hacker's Playground 202210.00000.103
220Pragyan CTF 202210.00000.068
479UMDCTF 20221.00000.076
128Cyber Grabs CTF 0x03 Junior1200.00004.437
559DiceCTF 20222.00000.052
354Real World CTF 4th32.00000.558
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
280Jornadas 2021300.00000.533
812CSAW CTF Qualification Round 202186.00000.000
393FwordCTF 202110.00000.073
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
279RaziCTF 202010.00000.084
1202CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20205.00000.116
6500CTF/TCTF 2020 Quals 12.00000.283
1293redpwnCTF 2020244.00000.272
661Really Awesome CTF 2020450.00000.616
4162020 Defenit CTF100.00000.191
885WPICTF 20201.00000.043
294Byte Bandits CTF 20201.00000.127
1004TG:HACK 2020110.00000.264
526Midnight Sun CTF 2020 Quals55.00000.282
409Securinets CTF Quals 2020100.00000.234
348CONFidence CTF 2020 Teaser9.00000.197
573b01lers CTF2.00000.046
1101ångstromCTF 2020150.00000.916
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
138Pwn2Win CTF 2019124.00001.610
628Balsn CTF 2019106.00000.371
278Teaser Dragon CTF 201968.00000.788
327InCTF 201970.00000.430
536Newark Academy CTF 20191535.00004.257
978CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20191.00000.052
878HSCTF 6316.00000.446
124TSG CTF101.00000.497
719INS'hAck 201949.00000.322
1511TAMUctf 19201.00000.354
275STEM CTF: Cyber Challenge 201950.00000.480
138Evlz CTF1.00000.137
482NeverLAN CTF 20191290.00003.135
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
62635C3 CTF1.00000.183
653X-MAS CTF 201876.00000.176
802TokyoWesterns CTF 4th 201828.00000.497
318ISITDTU CTF 2018 Quals10.00000.090
223CTFZone 2018 Quals1.00000.112
503Security Fest CTF51.00000.691
269UIUCTF 20182.00000.095
622SunshineCTF 20181.00000.018
450INS'hAck 201840.00000.207
592SharifCTF 810.00000.177
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
132InCTF 20171.00000.195
152WhiteHat Grand Prix 20171.00000.162
407Takoma Park CTF8.00000.158
714TUCTF 201776.00000.361
364CODE BLUE CTF 201738.00000.221
1026HITCON CTF 2017 Quals50.00000.687
306Hack Dat Kiwi 201725.00000.121
303DefCamp CTF Qualification 20175.00000.069
1199CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20171.00000.024
297SEC-T CTF10.00000.153
510ASIS CTF Finals 201718.00000.242
672Tokyo Westerns CTF 3rd 201711.00000.211
139WhiteHat Challenge 040.00000.000
209HackIT CTF 201750.00000.305
120HITB CTF Singapore 2017259.00000.681
210bugs_bunny ctf 2k17265.00001.170
208MeePwn CTF 1st 2017101.00000.409
857Google Capture The Flag 2017 (Quals)50.00000.223
348Security Fest 201710.00000.141
431RCTF 201732.00000.101
41YUBITSEC CTF 2017651.00000.000
255Insigne CTF5.00000.000
110SunshineCTF 201776.00000.202
224ASIS CTF Quals 201710.00000.239
267INS'hAck 201768.00000.359
675VolgaCTF 2017 Quals50.00000.150
8800CTF 2017 Quals12.00000.132
1692EasyCTF 201715.00000.000
113Pragyan CTF 2017510.00001.584
333BSides San Francisco CTF126.00000.512
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
436SharifCTF 71.00000.106
213ASIS CTF Finals 20163.00000.307
395Pwn2Win CTF 20160.00000.000
389Sharif University CTF 201650.00000.394
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
746EKOPARTY CTF 20150.00000.000

Team members

Team writeups

DefCamp CTF Qualification 2017Hex Warm Up [1]read writeup
DefCamp CTF Qualification 2017No that kind of network [1]read writeup
Codefest CTF 2017Digging Deeper [200]read writeup
Codefest CTF 2017SimplyBlack [50]read writeup
Codefest CTF 2017Role Reversal [100]read writeup
HITB CTF Singapore 2017simple_transfer [259]read writeup
SHA2017 CTFJunior - Rotation [1]read writeup
SHA2017 CTFJunior - Transposition [3]read writeup
SHA2017 CTFJunior - Location [3]read writeup
SHA2017 CTFJunior - Deleted File [3]read writeup
SHA2017 CTFJunior - Captured Mail [4]read writeup
SHA2017 CTFJunior - Hidden Message [3]read writeup
SHA2017 CTFJunior - Weird Website [3]read writeup
SHA2017 CTFJunior - Zipfile Two [2]read writeup
SHA2017 CTFJunior - Zipfile One [1]read writeup
SHA2017 CTFJunior - Broken Image [2]read writeup
SHA2017 CTFJunior - Old School [2]read writeup
SHA2017 CTFJunior - Wanna Buy a Flag? [2]read writeup
SHA2017 CTFJunior - Find The Flag [1]read writeup
SHA2017 CTFJunior - All about the Base [1]read writeup
SHA2017 CTFJunior - In Your Head [1]read writeup
bugs_bunny ctf 2k17Scy way [45]read writeup
bugs_bunny ctf 2k17Crypto-15 [15]read writeup
bugs_bunny ctf 2k17NothingHere [5]read writeup
WhiteHat Challenge 03For002 [15]read writeup
WhiteHat Challenge 03For001 [15]read writeup
WhiteHat Challenge 03Crypto002 [10]read writeup
WhiteHat Challenge 03Crypto001 [25]read writeup
WhiteHat Challenge 03Web001 [20]read writeup
YUBITSEC CTF 2017Gifted [50]read writeup
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