Sat, 26 Aug. 2017, 02:00 UTC — Sat, 26 Aug. 2017, 10:00 UTC 


WhiteHat Challenge event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

Future weight: 0.00 

Rating weight: 0.00 

Event organizers 

WhiteHat Challenge is a CTF contest held periodically by for beginners in learning or researching cybersecurity as system admins, students in technical schools, etc. It is to encourage the cybersecurity learning and researching, everyone can join, but only Vietnam teams receive awards. Teams have the chance to enroll in WhiteHat CTF Ranking.

WhiteHat CTF Ranking ranks teams in WhiteHat Challenge, WhiteHat Contest and WhiteHat Grand Prix with score top-down by year. WhiteHat Contest and WhiteHat Grand Prix are competitions for cybersecurity experts. The former is held twice a year, the latter is held periodically at the end of the year with grand prize. is the leading forum in Vietnam, where cybersecurity community exchanges expertise, ethics and law-related issues. It is a favorable environment to promote the learning and researching of cybersecurity lovers to follow the right path and become whitehat hackers, creating a community with high availability in troubleshooting incidents.


First prize: 5 million VND
Second prize: 2 million VND
Third prize: 1 million VND

Only teams from Vietnam get the prizes.


246 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 ISITDTU 125.0000.000
2 0o0o0o0 125.0000.000
3 Nightst0rm 125.0000.000
4 DTC 125.0000.000
5 bigbear 125.0000.000
6 ReUTD 125.0000.000
7 HackXore 85.0000.000
8 TeamIA 80.0000.000
9 HIS 80.0000.000
10 n0pe 80.0000.000
11 ASIS 75.0000.000
12 tcp0 75.0000.000
13 sojulover 75.0000.000
14 ano84 70.0000.000
15 NTPSec 70.0000.000
16 Luxki 70.0000.000
17 MV9rwGOf08 65.0000.000
18 TripleTH 65.0000.000
19 technic 65.0000.000
20 P1ggyBird 55.0000.000
21 noraneco 45.0000.000
22 taurus 45.0000.000
23 phucteam 45.0000.000
24 12A 45.0000.000
25 Ph03nixTeam 45.0000.000
26 TeamAZB4 45.0000.000
27 xorteam 40.0000.000
28 X15CDMua 40.0000.000
29 xorxor 40.0000.000
30 Ngheo 40.0000.000
31 sama 35.0000.000
32 pikalong 35.0000.000
33 kkplus 35.0000.000
34 TKOX 30.0000.000
35 gdfgf 30.0000.000
36 zzzz 30.0000.000
37 ZorkCTF 30.0000.000
38 abb 30.0000.000
39 Gr33nH4t 25.0000.000
40 Congacon 25.0000.000
41 thomas2 25.0000.000
42 WolfB 25.0000.000
43 HTS 25.0000.000
44 OfficeTeam 25.0000.000
45 pawn1454 25.0000.000
46 INSApwn 25.0000.000
47 Ha1cyon 25.0000.000
48 RootSheep 25.0000.000
49 MeePwn 15.0000.000
50 Ne0Lux 15.0000.000
51 PhantomFiery 15.0000.000
52 ransomware 15.0000.000
53 ITFSECURITY 15.0000.000
54 SSW 15.0000.000
55 BKDN20pGG 15.0000.000
56 MonsterCat 15.0000.000
57 1nf1n1te 15.0000.000
58 hieunguyeniti 15.0000.000
59 waterResist 15.0000.000
60 huyvinhptit 15.0000.000
61 rwm 15.0000.000
62 Justanewbie 15.0000.000
63 zwhubuntu 15.0000.000
64 Autorun 15.0000.000
65 20dtu 15.0000.000
66 soeasy 15.0000.000
67 FireShell 15.0000.000
68 BKMan 15.0000.000
69 YZJ 15.0000.000
70 AWkwem 15.0000.000
71 Camelot 15.0000.000
72 BKDNDPHOA 15.0000.000
73 BootCampNSA 15.0000.000
74 0x34044 15.0000.000
75 hungchang 15.0000.000
76 JustAName 15.0000.000
77 NeutrinoCannon 15.0000.000
78 Mami 15.0000.000
79 Gabut 15.0000.000
80 woondark 15.0000.000
81 testd 15.0000.000
82 GHCyberWarriors 15.0000.000
83 asa 15.0000.000
84 ahiihii 15.0000.000
85 Fr33 15.0000.000
86 CacheCrook 10.0000.000
87 testtset 10.0000.000
88 chanhdai 10.0000.000
89 tuandv 10.0000.000
90 page2me 10.0000.000
91 0nePiec3 0.0000.000
92 12345 0.0000.000
93 dcua 0.0000.000
94 turndown4wat 0.0000.000
95 OnePiec3 0.0000.000
96 KissTheRain 0.0000.000
97 ThangICT 0.0000.000
98 r00ts 0.0000.000
99 Math95Team 0.0000.000
100 ThienDiaHoi 0.0000.000
101 ATeam 0.0000.000
102 BTeam 0.0000.000
103 B3bieSec 0.0000.000
104 testtest 0.0000.000
105 toong 0.0000.000
106 OpenToAll 0.0000.000
107 KQKL 0.0000.000
108 VQEN 0.0000.000
109 ISPTITHCM 0.0000.000
110 ahihii 0.0000.000
111 ShadowFriend 0.0000.000
112 joizel 0.0000.000
113 waPTIT 0.0000.000
114 VMD 0.0000.000
115 STeam 0.0000.000
116 VL90Team 0.0000.000
117 ANAME 0.0000.000
118 Harekaze 0.0000.000
119 KXTI 0.0000.000
120 chickenrun 0.0000.000
121 kasiatutej 0.0000.000
122 DaNangHoiAn 0.0000.000
123 BadBad 0.0000.000
124 G3ar 0.0000.000
125 dancago 0.0000.000
126 Moskva 0.0000.000
127 hope 0.0000.000
128 boaconstrictor 0.0000.000
129 DRUGS 0.0000.000
130 bolgia4 0.0000.000
131 singlepoint 0.0000.000
132 MK 0.0000.000
133 narutotoma 0.0000.000
134 MrNewWind 0.0000.000
135 Toor 0.0000.000
136 nonellldd 0.0000.000
137 swoo10113 0.0000.000
138 ThePhantom 0.0000.000
139 Pwn October 0.0000.000
140 seed 0.0000.000
141 glhf 0.0000.000
142 SlllllTEAM 0.0000.000
143 hanoihack 0.0000.000
144 BKISBSE2017 0.0000.000
145 UnderGaylord 0.0000.000
146 0xCAFEBABE 0.0000.000
147 FIJ1 0.0000.000
148 233333333333 0.0000.000
149 hutuj 0.0000.000
150 NinjaSec 0.0000.000
151 Luxure 0.0000.000
152 R494 0.0000.000
153 OroJackson 0.0000.000
154 onotch 0.0000.000
155 cerealkillers 0.0000.000
156 893 0.0000.000
157 GrumpyNarwhal 0.0000.000
158 Bodyguard 0.0000.000
159 xSTF 0.0000.000
160 Woops 0.0000.000
161 WH0a 0.0000.000
162 nNipsx 0.0000.000
163 vmttt123 0.0000.000
164 testc 0.0000.000
165 NowOrNever 0.0000.000
166 poppopret 0.0000.000
167 dp33 0.0000.000
168 Lain 0.0000.000
169 Handsome 0.0000.000
170 scaunana 0.0000.000
171 ryo29 0.0000.000
172 summerlove 0.0000.000
173 test34 0.0000.000
174 Trẻ Em Có Tuổi 0.0000.000
175 a588 0.0000.000
176 AshokaTheGreat 0.0000.000
177 AnhTHc 0.0000.000
178 0x48piraj 0.0000.000
179 xxxx 0.0000.000
180 donteam 0.0000.000
181 Bang 0.0000.000
182 Bkav 0.0000.000
183 SpaceX92 0.0000.000
184 Oleg 0.0000.000
185 FWHIBBIT 0.0000.000
186 ReptileSecretAgents 0.0000.000
187 nopdata 0.0000.000
188 Born04 0.0000.000
189 mrx 0.0000.000
190 CutySexyJeonBoRam 0.0000.000
191 anbud 0.0000.000
192 hack0013 0.0000.000
193 No Man's Root 0.0000.000
194 FUnduk 0.0000.000
195 solomonbstoner 0.0000.000
196 0x7F 0.0000.000
197 FindingUNemo 0.0000.000
198 Vivec 0.0000.000
199 Research 0.0000.000
200 OntaArab 0.0000.000
201 Damfa 0.0000.000
202 NotName 0.0000.000
203 ss 0.0000.000
204 Iam9r00t 0.0000.000
205 Darksun 0.0000.000
206 anhhungdeptrai 0.0000.000
207 hangd6 0.0000.000
208 csd 0.0000.000
209 p3ngdump 0.0000.000
210 CarminetiTeam 0.0000.000
211 thejoker 0.0000.000
212 Protection113 0.0000.000
213 p0wn1t 0.0000.000
214 alexander 0.0000.000
215 vlc 0.0000.000
216 DangRanKeYi 0.0000.000
217 NetS3c 0.0000.000
218 s4db0y 0.0000.000
219 qwerty 0.0000.000
220 o37 0.0000.000
221 xamxidu 0.0000.000
222 0x41717561 0.0000.000
223 np95 0.0000.000
224 pr0xy 0.0000.000
225 KnowNothing 0.0000.000
226 Revenge 0.0000.000
227 schnabel 0.0000.000
228 redflager 0.0000.000
229 FUSPECTER 0.0000.000
230 lep 0.0000.000
231 emkhongbietgica 0.0000.000
232 ch4l1z4rd 0.0000.000
233 jjj 0.0000.000
234 Blue096 0.0000.000
235 alanlei 0.0000.000
236 dmknght 0.0000.000
237 HFF 0.0000.000
238 Alberties 0.0000.000
239 swt02026 0.0000.000
240 Yamamoto 0.0000.000
241 CTP 0.0000.000
242 icg 0.0000.000
243 no123456 0.0000.000
244 Mozzie 0.0000.000
245 Ignite 0.0000.000
246 tuanlinh 0.0000.000
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