Fri, 16 Dec. 2016, 14:30 UTC — Sun, 18 Dec. 2016, 14:30 UTC 


Sharif University CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 43.48 

Rating weight: 43.48 

Event organizers 

The 7th international SharifCTF competition will be started on December 16, 2016, and run for 48 hours.

Each team could have an unlimited number of members. One of the team members should represent the team as the team leader and all communications with respect to the CTF will be through the team leader. All members must login with the email/password of the team leader.


First team: 1395 milli-bitcoins.

Among *OTHER* teams, the following prizes are offered for the Iranian teams:

* First place: 30,000,000 IRR
* Second place: 20,000,000 IRR

Prizes can be claimed provided that the corresponding team sends us the write-ups for the challenges they solved (within 1 week after the contest).


700 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 irGeeks 7397.00086.960
2 LosFuzzys 6909.00062.352
3 int3pids 6624.00053.430
4 ASIS 5816.00045.057
5 0daysober 5690.00042.142
6 DeliciousHorse 5666.00040.552
7 dcua 5431.00038.135
8 p4 4998.00034.814
9 Dragon Sector 4964.00034.010
10 LC↯BC 4753.00032.286
11 scryptos 4397.00029.799
12 kowliz 4236.00028.523
13 Ox002147 4163.00027.815
14 galhacktic trendsetters 3966.00026.418
15 STT 3942.00026.070
16 FluxFingers 3647.00024.155
17 Snatch The Root 3048.00020.474
18 defragmented brains 2874.00019.309
19 WE_0WN_Y0U 2813.00018.823
20 Magic Hat 2785.00018.544
21 Pwnium 2745.00018.206
22 JBZ 2730.00018.023
23 yonghwi 2726.00017.914
24 CTFAalborg 2720.00017.800
25 Capture the Swag 2678.00017.481
26 w0pr 2630.00017.132
27 WizardsOfDos 2613.00016.970
28 EpicTeam 2530.00016.424
29 hxp 2521.00016.318
30 Balsn 2430.00015.733
31 squareroots 2428.00015.675
32 Lor3m 2358.00015.219
33 0x90r00t 2280.00014.720
34 Shellphish 2260.00014.563
35 Bushwhackers 2155.00013.910
36 maRO 2039.00013.193
37 khack40 2011.00012.996
38 knightsIR 2005.00012.930
39 CTF-infinit 1921.00012.407
40 Infiltrat3 1819.00011.779
41 edger 1802.00011.653
42 farmingsimulator2015 1754.00011.345
43 ENOFLAG 1713.00011.080
44 hakado 1690.00010.922
45 TokyoWesterns 1654.00010.689
46 Cambridge2 1653.00010.662
47 REU 1601.00010.336
48 justme 1601.00010.317
49 blackbunny 1601.00010.298
50 tmtz 1518.0009.792
51 Beers4Flags 1508.0009.717
52 JohnDoe 1501.0009.659
53 noraneco 1501.0009.643
54 Shady Hats 1501.0009.628
55 The Northern Coalition 1458.0009.361
56 YoloSw4g 1454.0009.323
57 EISTI 1401.0008.998
58 z3r0n8 1344.0008.650
59 0ctet 1305.0008.408
60 Invulnerable 1275.0008.219
61 Antichat 1216.0007.861
62 0x00C0FFEE 1211.0007.820
63 Just Hit the Core 1201.0007.750
64 item404 1172.0007.568
65 nther 1163.0007.505
66 koko 1158.0007.466
67 xSTF 1151.0007.415
68 Batman's Kitchen 1151.0007.405
69 Honeypot 1151.0007.396
70 SpyDer 1101.0007.093
71 peterx 1101.0007.084
72 InfectedPacket 1101.0007.076
73 Apppppppple 1101.0007.067
74 ufologists 1101.0007.059
75 Koibasta 1063.0006.828
76 OpenToAll 1058.0006.791
77 PequalsNP 1054.0006.760
78 m4try0shk4 1051.0006.735
79 MV9rwGOf08 1051.0006.728
80 991.0006.369
81 Bikan 975.0006.268
82 TheGoonies 955.0006.144
83 PUSSYCAT1KILL1KILL 951.0006.114
84 kopipacket 951.0006.108
85 VoidHack 951.0006.102
86 d4rkc0de 901.0005.802
87 CleanC0w 901.0005.796
88 0xc0ffee 901.0005.790
89 pwn1e 901.0005.785
90 ReallyNonamesFor 900.0005.773
91 217 871.0005.598
92 $1 851.0005.475
93 AFiniteNumberOfMonkeys 851.0005.470
94 DirtyCOW 851.0005.465
95 BonoiPad 851.0005.460
96 bi0s 851.0005.455
97 pidgone 835.0005.356
98 TrendKiller 806.0005.181
99 UPTim 806.0005.177
100 controversial 801.0005.143
101 InnovationParis 801.0005.139
102 Lilac 758.0004.882
103 HackInfinity 755.0004.860
104 0xCB3 751.0004.832
105 TeamContagion 751.0004.829
106 booms 751.0004.825
107 SHARK 751.0004.821
108 Juxim 751.0004.817
109 abc 751.0004.813
110 n0obz 708.0004.557
111 Script0ld1es 705.0004.536
112 LeaveCat 704.0004.526
113 Team__85 701.0004.505
114 ITCrowd 701.0004.502
115 kolang 701.0004.499
116 pwniebears 655.0004.225
117 Hackademics 655.0004.222
118 ENSI 655.0004.219
119 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 651.0004.192
120 fennec 651.0004.189
121 noTeamName 651.0004.186
122 Harekaze 651.0004.183
123 dqi 650.0004.174
124 zzoru 616.0003.972
125 Ethical Hackers Club 613.0003.951
126 Epic Leet Team 605.0003.901
127 OPT 605.0003.899
128 P_TE 601.0003.872
129 efiens 601.0003.870
130 WolfSecurity 601.0003.867
131 DoubleSigma 601.0003.865
132 SPY - Sing Penting Yaqueen 601.0003.862
133 luxeria 601.0003.860
134 goatplt 551.0003.563
135 NYUSEC 551.0003.561
136 t4hu 551.0003.559
137 Somodo 551.0003.556
138 AUCC 551.0003.554
139 idsteam 551.0003.552
140 P01TERGEIST 551.0003.549
141 BITSkrieg 551.0003.547
142 DC21321 501.0003.251
143 StreetCtf 501.0003.249
144 Soy Sauce Rhapsody 501.0003.247
145 xipigeons 501.0003.245
146 mohumohu 501.0003.243
147 dnari 501.0003.241
148 SULOBAND 501.0003.239
149 DATATECH 501.0003.237
150 pony7 501.0003.235
151 GooniesWithoutChange 501.0003.233
152 BabyPhD 459.0002.984
153 wkk 455.0002.959
154 z_retired 451.0002.933
155 Sadeq 451.0002.932
156 _PRIME_ 451.0002.930
157 Brutewoorse 451.0002.928
158 CacheCrook 451.0002.926
159 NTTSEC 451.0002.924
160 NIS 451.0002.923
161 invader 450.0002.915
162 desertanon 431.0002.802
163 hackability 401.0002.624
164 Citramonum 401.0002.622
165 FWHIBBIT 401.0002.621
166 atdog 401.0002.619
167 cerealkillers 401.0002.617
168 taurus 401.0002.616
169 reboot 401.0002.614
170 Hans 401.0002.613
171 oldschool 400.0002.605
172 Ouroboros 356.0002.345
173 xpo 355.0002.338
174 omakase 351.0002.313
175 flamezzz 351.0002.312
176 PogTeam 351.0002.310
177 Swampers 351.0002.309
178 THEJACKER5 351.0002.307
179 g0tiu5a 351.0002.306
180 acdwas 351.0002.305
181 fs0c13ty 351.0002.303
182 rls1004 351.0002.302
183 PHCN 309.0002.054
184 swehack 305.0002.029
185 AtLeastWeArePretty 301.0002.004
186 NInjaOpenCore 301.0002.003
187 mereana 301.0002.002
188 phucteam 301.0002.001
189 Shady.Solutions 301.0001.999
190 fookeet 301.0001.998
191 enZyme 301.0001.997
192 evilmaids 301.0001.996
193 ISITDTU 301.0001.995
194 m3rlion1337 301.0001.993
195 Kind 301.0001.992
196 KerKerYuan 301.0001.991
197 TimeIDA 301.0001.990
198 ahihi 301.0001.989
199 CactusField 301.0001.988
200 TNET 301.0001.987
201 lintile 301.0001.986
202 ghost@/bin/sh 301.0001.985
203 etcctf 301.0001.983
204 0Shi0hShi 301.0001.982
205 penpenweed 301.0001.981
206 2O2L2H 301.0001.980
207 DauGau 301.0001.979
208 NeOLuxC1Ph3r 301.0001.978
209 meandmyself 300.0001.971
210 hr0 300.0001.970
211 TeamOnymous 300.0001.969
212 0o0o 300.0001.969
213 ObsessiveCompulsive 251.0001.680
214 DFM 251.0001.679
215 The DHARMA Initiative 251.0001.678
216 KAOS 251.0001.677
217 r3s 251.0001.676
218 LiTiAloNe 251.0001.675
219 ZeroDimension 251.0001.674
220 keva 251.0001.673
221 251.0001.672
222 tank1st99 251.0001.671
223 noobs 251.0001.670
224 CO2 251.0001.669
225 EtCetera 251.0001.669
226 Albalookhoshke 206.0001.403
227 HDC 205.0001.397
228 zork 204.0001.390
229 Alamina 201.0001.371
230 ByteBandits 201.0001.371
231 QuokkaLight 201.0001.370
232 GPSecs 201.0001.369
233 hjz 201.0001.368
234 ahihiahehe 201.0001.367
235 ArtificialTruth 201.0001.367
236 rhama 201.0001.366
237 Sudo_root 201.0001.365
238 Tinfoil Hats 201.0001.364
239 imdrunkofpinacoladas 201.0001.363
240 Eris 201.0001.363
241 MonaLizaTurbo 201.0001.362
242 KalVasFlam 201.0001.361
243 wagiro 201.0001.360
244 TeamNetsplit 201.0001.360
245 9SOC 201.0001.359
246 0xh 201.0001.358
247 0xBuildReview 201.0001.358
248 FlagrantFlagFetchers 201.0001.357
249 Vidar 201.0001.356
250 TheExploiter 201.0001.355
251 tanasan 201.0001.355
252 EPAD 201.0001.354
253 PrideOfN 201.0001.353
254 rise5 201.0001.353
255 AnotherBadIdea 200.0001.346
256 m0rl 200.0001.345
257 ChocolateMakers 200.0001.345
258 B04KAg3ng 200.0001.344
259 DNO 200.0001.343
260 superquark 200.0001.343
261 bobby 200.0001.342
262 rookieCtf 200.0001.342
263 akhalash 151.0001.053
264 quinoa 151.0001.052
265 bmtd 151.0001.052
266 C521 151.0001.051
267 FooBar5 151.0001.050
268 Mandali 151.0001.050
269 NIB 151.0001.049
270 worldfx 151.0001.049
271 Blind Horse Contingent 151.0001.048
272 m1z0r3 151.0001.047
273 3v01v3 151.0001.047
274 LordVarys 151.0001.046
275 PENSIUN | DFCI | SUKSMA 151.0001.046
276 sorrrrry 151.0001.045
277 Loki 151.0001.045
278 Yacine101 151.0001.044
279 Lelou 151.0001.043
280 Codelobsters 151.0001.043
281 BANTIDS 151.0001.042
282 glaros 151.0001.042
283 Tilda 151.0001.041
284 TRIS 151.0001.041
285 s1aFu 151.0001.040
286 ANONYMOUS 151.0001.040
287 facinginternet 151.0001.039
288 Ox002147beta 151.0001.039
289 tba 151.0001.038
290 Samurai 151.0001.038
291 x3rn345 151.0001.037
292 old.MINUS 151.0001.036
293 ShzuNetsecMD9 151.0001.036
294 Voidseeker 151.0001.035
295 Gorani 151.0001.035
296 panda 150.0001.029
297 Espacio 150.0001.028
298 darkmark 150.0001.028
299 liakhouf 101.0000.739
300 Esparta 101.0000.739
301 Hackyou 101.0000.738
302 hAIXer 101.0000.738
303 qArch 101.0000.737
304 SaiberSekuriti 101.0000.737
305 h4x0r 101.0000.736
306 Ring4 101.0000.736
307 Come To Fight 101.0000.735
308 PMPForever 101.0000.735
309 DPS 101.0000.734
310 shijima 101.0000.734
311 MSEC 101.0000.733
312 dec0de 101.0000.733
313 CTFIUTteam 101.0000.733
314 iSome 101.0000.732
315 nacayoshi00 101.0000.732
316 h4oxer 101.0000.731
317 G4ngli0s 101.0000.731
318 duguhu 101.0000.730
319 kojicucaz 101.0000.730
320 ROOTKIT 101.0000.730
321 rootarded 101.0000.729
322 1234441 101.0000.729
323 jinsiben 101.0000.728
324 h1dd3ntru7h 101.0000.728
325 minami 51.0000.434
326 how2hack 51.0000.433
327 MhackGyver 51.0000.433
328 CatFlag 51.0000.432
329 HIS 51.0000.432
330 MahnaMahna 51.0000.432
331 Valentinois 51.0000.431
332 piratesecurity 51.0000.431
333 PUPR 51.0000.430
334 r3b00+ 51.0000.430
335 CTFF 51.0000.430
336 WeHateYourRegex 51.0000.429
337 C00ki3s 51.0000.429
338 Cupertino 51.0000.428
339 IBAS 51.0000.428
340 IsiLabs 51.0000.428
341 r00timentary 51.0000.427
342 HackThisSite 51.0000.427
343 Hexpresso 51.0000.427
344 xx01FFFF 51.0000.426
345 penthackon 51.0000.426
346 Dakine 51.0000.425
347 botti 51.0000.425
348 SST CTF 51.0000.425
349 pwned 51.0000.424
350 staticSushi 51.0000.424
351 SharLike 51.0000.424
352 ATLAS 51.0000.423
353 z2S 51.0000.423
354 IndoXploit 51.0000.423
355 Gibdeon 51.0000.422
356 gnight 51.0000.422
357 Ra1ningSn0w 51.0000.422
358 mutilation 51.0000.421
359 TheIITBCoders 51.0000.421
360 0xdeadbeef 51.0000.421
361 supernarf 51.0000.420
362 HIDD3N 51.0000.420
363 fsociety 51.0000.420
364 SPAM0DAYz 51.0000.419
365 H3X0R 51.0000.419
366 enTaris 51.0000.419
367 Pwn17 51.0000.418
368 nomadsign 51.0000.418
369 snekk 51.0000.418
370 chrisbex 51.0000.417
371 okudo3 51.0000.417
372 CyberOps 51.0000.417
373 IPFactory 50.0000.410
374 MonkeyTeam 50.0000.410
375 FlappyPig 50.0000.410
376 HungryCaterpillar 50.0000.410
377 SiBears 50.0000.409
378 KXTI123 50.0000.409
379 phobia 50.0000.409
380 DATAEXPUNGED 50.0000.408
381 ukk1337 1.0000.120
382 JengaX 1.0000.120
383 Scrypter 1.0000.119
384 nexus 1.0000.119
385 fancit 1.0000.119
386 ShzUNetSecMrX 1.0000.119
387 Thenub 1.0000.118
388 MR2 1.0000.118
389 shirazuNetsecIguana 1.0000.118
390 ITCMUDTU 1.0000.117
391 OvenShell 1.0000.117
392 q86 1.0000.117
393 IM01 1.0000.117
394 idis 1.0000.116
395 Basajaun 1.0000.116
396 fiveSector 1.0000.116
397 de4db1t 1.0000.115
398 Ted3 1.0000.115
399 Calgon 1.0000.115
400 blackstellar 1.0000.115
401 1up 1.0000.114
402 thedevilhacks 1.0000.114
403 pwnslinger 1.0000.114
404 n3wb13 1.0000.114
405 CyberPython 1.0000.113
406 danzek 1.0000.113
407 garbage 1.0000.113
408 Fiddlers 1.0000.112
409 RaziAPA 1.0000.112
410 RedArmy 1.0000.112
411 heomoilacho123 1.0000.112
412 lth1508 1.0000.111
413 HIGH 1.0000.111
414 yyy 1.0000.111
415 rocket 1.0000.111
416 Sailendra 1.0000.110
417 WonderAliceLand 1.0000.110
418 a2sa2s 1.0000.110
419 HeadHunter 1.0000.110
420 strikeout 1.0000.109
421 BITSkriegV2 1.0000.109
422 IAM 1.0000.109
423 Espacio2 1.0000.109
424 Amirkzm 1.0000.108
425 NoGeek 1.0000.108
426 HHSS 1.0000.108
427 ShzuNetSec95 1.0000.108
428 Merges 1.0000.107
429 Avidya 1.0000.107
430 KXTI1 1.0000.107
431 PPAP 1.0000.107
432 Hack2Win 1.0000.107
433 lighteam 1.0000.106
434 solomid 1.0000.106
435 SuperPanda 1.0000.106
436 Pwn October 1.0000.106
437 th3at4ckEr 1.0000.105
438 SecretTeam 1.0000.105
439 ShzuNetsecKing2016 1.0000.105
440 isf2 1.0000.105
441 cuti 1.0000.104
442 BugsOverflow 1.0000.104
443 dodododo 1.0000.104
444 EHACKB 1.0000.104
445 BobbyTable 1.0000.104
446 FireBird 1.0000.103
447 DOSuccess 1.0000.103
448 4c1d 1.0000.103
449 atiti 1.0000.103
450 teamNAME1337 1.0000.103
451 PwnReversed 1.0000.102
452 tempname 1.0000.102
453 WhiteHat 1.0000.102
454 ZarbatSecurityTeam 1.0000.102
455 Pocket 1.0000.101
456 choithui 1.0000.101
457 CSsquad 1.0000.101
458 PoE 1.0000.101
459 ro420 1.0000.101
460 silent 1.0000.100
461 AnAbsoluteRush 1.0000.100
462 Meerkat 1.0000.100
463 rezero 1.0000.100
464 vanhelsing 1.0000.100
465 zeroteam 1.0000.099
466 rawsec 1.0000.099
467 CeGuilan 1.0000.099
468 m00m00 1.0000.099
469 L0ST 1.0000.099
470 b1n4ry4rms 1.0000.098
471 BGM 1.0000.098
472 ForzaJuven 1.0000.098
473 WAT 1.0000.098
474 newbie 1.0000.098
475 KernelPanic 1.0000.097
476 SUIT 1.0000.097
477 ZLYUKYB0BRY 1.0000.097
478 objEEdump 1.0000.097
479 dotSlash1 1.0000.097
480 Expelliarmus 1.0000.096
481 HarimeowMalaya 1.0000.096
482 IWD 1.0000.096
483 DjigIT 1.0000.096
484 SDHSROOT 1.0000.096
485 LizardSquid 1.0000.096
486 DataFatStack 1.0000.095
487 H4IMs 1.0000.095
488 Alphateam 1.0000.095
489 nashi 1.0000.095
490 mayankr 1.0000.095
491 k3y 1.0000.094
492 F010 1.0000.094
494 F11Z 1.0000.094
495 ayyy 1.0000.094
496 t4nk69 1.0000.094
497 BestOfTheBest 1.0000.093
498 ShzuNetSecHafez 1.0000.093
499 palpapoulpe 1.0000.093
500 CRYPTO 1.0000.093
501 skybullet 1.0000.093
502 Peter 1.0000.092
503 Northbr1dge 1.0000.092
504 C10ud 1.0000.092
505 D3siprox 1.0000.092
506 deadmanrose3 1.0000.092
507 unclemartian 1.0000.092
508 Temp 1.0000.091
509 ShzuNetSecPasargad 1.0000.091
510 legacy 1.0000.091
511 Entity 1.0000.091
512 s1f3rn00b 1.0000.091
513 Javier 1.0000.091
514 koo 1.0000.090
515 Leave 1.0000.090
516 stuff 1.0000.090
517 sm1le 1.0000.090
518 PoisonedBytes 1.0000.090
519 cemalsukri 1.0000.090
520 BecarefulTunisia 1.0000.089
521 gravity 1.0000.089
522 hhhhhh 1.0000.089
523 bakup 1.0000.089
524 TOPKEK124 1.0000.089
525 Proh4cker 1.0000.089
526 AqufallDefenseSquad 1.0000.089
527 penthackoff 1.0000.088
528 Stack 1.0000.088
529 NooB4ever 1.0000.088
530 HereComesDatBoi 1.0000.088
531 Bello 1.0000.088
532 smoke leet everyday 1.0000.088
533 aloteam 1.0000.087
534 Hextraordinary 1.0000.087
535 ontheground 1.0000.087
536 LearnByHack 1.0000.087
537 L3FF 1.0000.087
538 Ph03nix 1.0000.087
539 Teamanan 1.0000.087
540 KHTI 1.0000.086
541 sutechCTF 1.0000.086
542 splitline 1.0000.086
543 Dawsnow 1.0000.086
544 EHACKB4 1.0000.086
545 Delawarians 1.0000.086
546 rego 1.0000.086
547 TSL 1.0000.085
548 SerialHexOffenderz 1.0000.085
549 AmirAli 1.0000.085
550 teeest 1.0000.085
551 zzh5 1.0000.085
552 n0thing 1.0000.085
553 pashmak 1.0000.085
554 Knowledge 1.0000.084
555 Province 1.0000.084
556 0x09 1.0000.084
557 MDA06 1.0000.084
558 dankoverflow 1.0000.084
559 patate 1.0000.084
560 eHaCK 1.0000.084
561 Peach 1.0000.083
562 project0s 1.0000.083
563 PonemeMapita 1.0000.083
564 UncoArcanum 1.0000.083
565 yusaku 1.0000.083
566 Bigglesworth 1.0000.083
567 LIONCITY 1.0000.083
568 DropTableUsers 1.0000.082
569 Contrail 1.0000.082
570 iTz 1.0000.082
571 Azeroth 1.0000.082
572 2333 1.0000.082
573 thehanover 1.0000.082
574 nonellldd 1.0000.082
575 itshacked 1.0000.081
576 bimbombonjoli 1.0000.081
577 teamcy 1.0000.081
578 dobu 1.0000.081
579 DiGIMON 1.0000.081
580 paradise 1.0000.081
581 Bladers 1.0000.081
582 calter 1.0000.081
583 H35T14 1.0000.080
584 baffoon 1.0000.080
585 UINHACKING 1.0000.080
586 omega12 1.0000.080
587 Acew0rm 1.0000.080
588 learner 1.0000.080
589 Tarun 1.0000.080
590 Hackit 1.0000.080
591 FireHands 1.0000.079
592 Cafelinux 1.0000.079
593 Playfair2k16 1.0000.079
594 LICHDINH 1.0000.079
595 DnO1 1.0000.079
596 METO 1.0000.079
597 0xNotHex 1.0000.079
598 SoftTrack 1.0000.079
599 bdd 1.0000.078
600 8bit 1.0000.078
601 MCEC 1.0000.078
602 TheHappyBit 1.0000.078
603 NLStartUp 1.0000.078
604 invincible 1.0000.078
605 i2sec 1.0000.078
606 Clanculum 1.0000.078
607 avenger 1.0000.078
608 SpyDer7 1.0000.077
609 ssh1club 1.0000.077
610 ltest 1.0000.077
611 CNSS 1.0000.077
612 Bikar 1.0000.077
613 Disqualified 1.0000.077
614 TmTs1 1.0000.077
615 testtest123 1.0000.077
616 Cyrus 1.0000.076
617 Metaspider 1.0000.076
618 Kamilinki 1.0000.076
619 SparkleHex 1.0000.076
620 Nyrox 1.0000.076
621 MorituriNolumusMori 1.0000.076
622 GerryScottiArmy 1.0000.076
623 codebreakers 1.0000.076
624 fr00t 1.0000.076
625 k0t0r1 1.0000.075
626 hong8yung 1.0000.075
627 cron 1.0000.075
628 salphakenny 1.0000.075
629 NewWorldKing 1.0000.075
630 Qododododo 1.0000.075
631 apes 1.0000.075
632 PSurvivor 1.0000.075
633 TheEmperors 1.0000.075
634 M0N4RCH13 1.0000.074
635 Team47 1.0000.074
636 igorPyan 1.0000.074
637 Amirght 1.0000.074
638 pwn2own 1.0000.074
639 zero1 1.0000.074
640 srup 1.0000.074
641 Sawadeeka 1.0000.074
642 DedSec 1.0000.074
643 halaheygirbedin 1.0000.073
644 Av3ng3rs1n1t14t1v3 1.0000.073
645 hiy 1.0000.073
646 KiritoQN 1.0000.073
647 ZetaNET 1.0000.073
648 TeamStartUp 1.0000.073
649 FIJ 1.0000.073
650 0xBU 1.0000.073
651 Yodada 1.0000.073
652 Teamonthefirstplace 1.0000.073
653 SunsOfAnarchy 1.0000.072
654 Orly 1.0000.072
655 TeamBestOfTheBest 1.0000.072
656 sollos 1.0000.072
657 grnm 1.0000.072
658 Blackadders 1.0000.072
659 TNCyberArmy 1.0000.072
660 FIIYC 1.0000.072
661 fennecX 1.0000.072
662 asad 1.0000.072
663 STAG 1.0000.071
664 shaved 1.0000.071
665 fl0w3r 1.0000.071
666 h4x0rs 1.0000.071
667 minecraft 1.0000.071
668 gooligans 1.0000.071
669 l33tH4x0r 1.0000.071
670 noel 1.0000.071
671 meat 1.0000.071
672 Th3PeopleCr3w 1.0000.071
673 iamroot 1.0000.070
674 Pfuenix 1.0000.070
675 TheKillingTime 1.0000.070
676 Yonk0 1.0000.070
677 empoly 1.0000.070
678 lcmafia 1.0000.070
679 DDOS 1.0000.070
680 frenchconnexion 1.0000.070
681 defund 1.0000.070
682 salamiqueen 1.0000.070
683 Berno 1.0000.070
684 Kernelsanders 1.0000.069
685 zeeshanhaxor 1.0000.069
686 MilWestA 1.0000.069
687 youngtala 1.0000.069
688 invisible 1.0000.069
689 test 1.0000.069
690 asciicharacter 1.0000.069
691 noname23 1.0000.069
692 SecurinetsISI 1.0000.069
693 Mehr 1.0000.069
694 zen 1.0000.069
695 APAUMA 1.0000.068
696 570rm7r00p3r5 1.0000.068
697 kimmongtae 1.0000.068
698 TeamA 1.0000.068
699 7385 1.0000.068
700 Clanculums 1.0000.034
streltsovgrigDec. 15, 2016, 10:21 a.m.

Hi, i've got a problem, there's no message for activating account in my mail. How can i resend activating message for my account?

SharifCTFDec. 15, 2016, 12:34 p.m.

check your spam folder. If you do not see the email contact us. (contest at

Yacine101Dec. 16, 2016, 3:21 p.m.

I forgot my Pass and I can't reset it . It fails with a 50X error .

AbstractDec. 16, 2016, 3:30 p.m.

Site just gives me server error 500.
Is there IRC somewhere?

SharifCTFDec. 16, 2016, 3:51 p.m.

The problem with 500 Error is resolved. please try again now.

Please contact us with contest at in case of any question or problem.

shishirjindalDec. 16, 2016, 3:55 p.m.

Hi, i've got a problem, there's no message for activating account in my mail. Please send it again.

SharifCTFDec. 16, 2016, 4:05 p.m.

Try the "Resend Activation" link from Login page.

SharifCTFDec. 18, 2016, 3:34 p.m.

The temporary results are as follows:


Within the next 24 hours, we will investigate our logs, and publish the final results. It will also be available on CTFTime. Yet, in the meantime, congratulations to the winner "irGeeks"!
The final results will be announced shortly after we are done with our investigations!
We will be honored if you take part in our voting system. You can also drop us an email, suggesting and/or criticizing the contest. Your opinion will make our next CTFs better!
While the scoreboard is (and will remain) frozen, you can still login to the portal and continue solving the challenges. It's especially useful for making write-ups, which you may email us as well. We will publish the best write-ups, with your team name, shortly!

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