Academic team United States Coast Guard Academy


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Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 789 with 25.803 pts in 2018

Country place: 86

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
665TJCTF 201840.00000.459
119STEM CTF: Cyber Challenge 20181100.00000.000
293WPICTF 201863.00000.404
284UIUCTF 20182.00000.090
346INS'hAck 201860.00000.301
439SwampCTF 2018250.00000.604
69b00t2root '1876.00000.765
600ångstromCTF 2018530.00003.211
142NeverLAN CTF 20181960.00004.016
84Xiomara CTF 2018351.00002.987
321TAMUctf 181074.00004.128
179Harekaze CTF 2018130.00001.165
140EasyCTF IV1851.00000.000
69nullcom HackIM 2018700.00002.481
118SharifCTF 8425.00004.784

Overall rating place: 318 with 49.232 pts in 2017

Country place: 43

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
48School CTF 20171100.00004.340
713HITCON CTF 2017 Quals50.00000.716
2CyberSEED Social Engineering Competition 20171375.00000.000
11UConn CyberSEED 2017950.00000.000
184SEC-T CTF110.00000.901
124ASIS CTF Finals 2017231.00002.127
218Tokyo Westerns CTF 3rd 2017116.00001.605
14h4ckc0n 2017631.000010.515
178HITB CTF Singapore 2017130.00000.371
291SHA2017 CTF200.00001.088
232MeePwn CTF 1st 20171.00000.109
135Security Fest 2017160.00001.344
113UIUCTF 2017200.00001.289
269BCTF 201764.00000.186
411TAMUctf 2017245.00001.219
226FIT-HACK CTF 2017650.00003.077
115SunshineCTF 201776.00000.200
207INS'hAck 2017125.00000.616
158April Fools' GTF 2017555.00000.000
24MITCTF 20171300.00000.000
99EasyCTF 20172535.00000.000
41Pragyan CTF 20171160.00003.632
32Xiomara CTF 2017801.00003.970
469Boston Key Party CTF 20171.00000.141
126BSides San Francisco CTF881.00003.268
45h4ckc0n mini25.00000.742
157Codegate 2017 prequals50.00000.686
12BITSCTF 2017545.000011.573
337Insomni'hack teaser 201750.00000.404

Overall rating place: 289 with 44.754 pts in 2016

Country place: 37

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
175The 318br, DESEC, and SucuriHC Capture The Flag (3DSCTF)500.00001.395
478SharifCTF 71.00000.097
880SECCON 2016 Online CTF100.00000.496
17Juniors CTF 20165500.00000.000
71RC3 CTF 20162515.00006.720
166Qiwi-Infosec CTF-2016200.00000.489
197Hack The Vote 2016301.00001.348
174EKOPARTY CTF 2016600.00005.253
6UConn CyberSEED 20161350.00000.000
614HITCON CTF 2016 Quals50.00000.701
89DefCamp CTF Qualification 2016200.00001.061
265Tokyo Westerns/MMA CTF 2nd 2016160.00001.511
292CTF(x) 201651.00000.000
484h4ckc0n 2016500.00002.446
177IceCTF 20161556.00000.000
352SECUINSIDE CTF Quals 20161.00000.039
95BackdoorCTF 2016190.00002.614
278ALICTF 20165.00000.065
217TU CTF 2016215.00000.972
417ASIS CTF Quals 20161.00000.102
342Google Capture The Flag 2016205.00001.020
33Blaze CTF 2016420.00003.415
422PlaidCTF 201676.00001.713
443Pwn2Win CTF 20160.00000.000
262BCTF 201610.00000.190
8690CTF 2016 Quals1.00000.556
558Boston Key Party CTF 20161.00000.733
132Internetwache CTF 20161230.00002.966
63HackIM 20164200.00002.521
17Break In 2016570.00002.206
79Insomni'hack teaser 2016300.00004.124

Overall rating place: 516 with 16.733 pts in 2015

Country place: 59

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
21232C3 CTF150.00001.759
45FAUST CTF 20157040.00001.983
120SECCON 2015 Online CTF1500.00007.367
5389447 Security Society CTF 20151.00000.062
436RCTF 2015 Quals10.00000.113
8UConn CyberSEED 201517550.00004.036
340Defcamp CTF Qualification 2015100.00000.244
298MMA CTF 1st 2015150.00001.169

Team members

Team writeups

EvlzCTFYahoo [25]read writeup
UConn CyberSEED 2017Network Admin - Q4 read writeup
UConn CyberSEED 2017Network Admin - Q3 read writeup
UConn CyberSEED 2017Network Admin - Q2 read writeup
UConn CyberSEED 2017Network Admin - Q1 read writeup
UConn CyberSEED 2017American Folk Hero [50]read writeup
BITSCTF 2017Woodstock-1 [10]read writeup
BITSCTF 2017Flagception [30]read writeup
BITSCTF 2017Black Hole [10]read writeup
BITSCTF 2017Beginner's luck [40]read writeup
BITSCTF 2017Sherlock [60]read writeup
BITSCTF 2017Banana Princess [20]read writeup
BITSCTF 2017Labour [20]read writeup
BITSCTF 2017Mission improbable [20]read writeup
BITSCTF 2017Message the admin [60]read writeup
BITSCTF 2017Batman vs Joker [30]read writeup
BITSCTF 2017BotBot [10]read writeup
Break In CTF 2017A lost birthday gift [100]read writeup
Break In CTF 2017A Weird C Program [100]read writeup
Break In CTF 2017Wild Card Entry! [100]read writeup
Break In CTF 2017A dance partner [100]read writeup
Break In CTF 2017Simple Secret - Part 2 [100]read writeup
Break In CTF 2017Fast and Furious [100]read writeup
Break In CTF 2017Simple Secret - Part 1 [100]read writeup
Break In CTF 2017A present for her Birthday! [100]read writeup
Break In CTF 2017Hello world [100]read writeup
Qiwi-Infosec CTF-2016PPC100_2 [100]read writeup
Qiwi-Infosec CTF-2016PPC100_1 [100]read writeup
Qiwi-Infosec CTF-2016Reverse 100_2 [100]read writeup
Qiwi-Infosec CTF-2016Crypto 100_3 [100]read writeup
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