Fri, 10 Feb. 2017, 00:00 UTC — Sat, 11 Feb. 2017, 00:00 UTC 


Codegate CTF Preliminary event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 22.20 

Rating weight: 40.55 

Event organizers 


471 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 CyKOR 4740.00081.100
2 binja 4270.00056.804
3 Old KAIST GoN 4250.00049.875
4 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 3780.00042.475
5 217 3360.00036.854
6 LC↯BC 3330.00035.246
7 PwnThyBytes 3330.00034.281
8 HackingForSoju 2965.00030.434
9 CodeRed 2960.00029.828
10 eee 2860.00028.522
11 NOP Saget 2425.00024.432
12 LeaveCat 2220.00022.371
13 Permission Denied 2175.00021.726
14 old.MINUS 2120.00021.033
15 TokyoWesterns 2085.00020.540
16 hackability 2060.00020.157
17 p4 2005.00019.538
18 Tasteless 1775.00017.438
19 Craft n' Capture 1765.00017.234
20 AngelboyQQ 1765.00017.127
21 Dragon Sector 1745.00016.859
22 Balsn 1680.00016.215
23 Shellphish 1650.00015.879
24 GYG 1650.00015.805
25 최순실게이트 1640.00015.652
26 0x90r00t 1640.00015.590
27 OpenToAll 1640.00015.532
28 null2root 1355.00013.040
29 CLGT 1330.00012.776
30 G1900 1315.00012.601
31 0daysober 1315.00012.558
32 BabyPhD 1300.00012.388
33 Thomas 1290.00012.265
34 dcua 1290.00012.228
35 magnum 1170.00011.168
36 LosFuzzys 1080.00010.366
37 hxp 1075.00010.292
38 콰트로치즈와퍼 975.0009.408
39 CodiSec 975.0009.381
40 Divine Outlaws 965.0009.269
41 qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm 965.0009.244
42 khack40 850.0008.237
43 TSG 805.0007.830
44 SSAT 805.0007.808
45 SUSlo.PAS 780.0007.574
46 DeliciousHorse 775.0007.512
47 YellowYellowYellow 705.0006.894
48 Bushwhackers 680.0006.662
49 irGeeks 650.0006.388
50 ASIS 645.0006.329
51 CTF wo Suru 640.0006.270
52 blue-lotus 610.0005.998
53 PiggyBird 610.0005.984
54 NULL 610.0005.969
55 HSG 610.0005.956
56 R3d4l3rt 610.0005.943
57 NASA Rejects 605.0005.887
58 JohnDoe 600.0005.832
59 Samurai 600.0005.820
60 NYUSEC 600.0005.809
61 bi0s 480.0004.771
62 wasamusume 480.0004.760
63 squareroots 480.0004.750
64 SIGPwny 475.0004.697
65 $1 430.0004.302
66 CardiffComputingClub 425.0004.250
67 RPISEC 405.0004.070
68 Batman's Kitchen 405.0004.061
69 콤퓨타열중자 405.0004.052
70 hs 405.0004.044
71 empire-old 405.0004.036
72 Just Hit the Core 355.0003.600
73 Nightst0rm 355.0003.592
74 IPFactory 355.0003.585
75 m1z0r3 355.0003.578
76 z3r0n8 355.0003.571
77 HackXore 355.0003.564
78 poepoe 305.0003.129
79 초코칩쿠키 280.0002.909
80 NBP Security 280.0002.902
81 *AAA* 275.0002.853
82 amn3s1a 275.0002.847
83 Sa_E_Da 275.0002.841
84 Deepsea 275.0002.835
85 r00t-m0b 275.0002.830
86 noobfromsea 255.0002.653
87 r3d4 255.0002.648
88 Chicken Baby 230.0002.428
89 farmingsimulator2015 230.0002.423
90 greunion 230.0002.418
91 junuvubu 230.0002.413
92 Honeypot 230.0002.408
93 vulnhub-ctf 225.0002.361
94 Hacknam Style 225.0002.356
95 Nol3ptr 225.0002.352
96 c2school 180.0001.962
97 SHARK 180.0001.958
98 Reverse+Slow 180.0001.954
99 MonSec 180.0001.949
100 powerhacker 180.0001.945
101 0x01 180.0001.941
102 Magic Hat 180.0001.937
103 True0xA3 175.0001.891
104 xSTF 150.0001.673
105 El Turco 150.0001.669
106 CODEGAY 150.0001.666
107 super_harmless_busters 150.0001.662
108 KuroNeko 150.0001.659
109 c00kies@venice 150.0001.655
110 blackbunny 100.0001.224
111 TheGoonies 100.0001.221
112 0xD13A 100.0001.218
113 BambooFox 100.0001.214
114 ENOFLAG 100.0001.211
115 assblaster 100.0001.208
116 nacayoshi00 100.0001.205
117 NullByte 100.0001.202
118 grnmteam 100.0001.199
119 noraneco 100.0001.196
120 CTF-infinit 100.0001.193
121 kirasys 100.0001.191
122 WE_0WN_Y0U 100.0001.188
123 digx3 100.0001.185
124 elihu 100.0001.183
125 MV9rwGOf08 100.0001.180
126 느메운 100.0001.177
127 badfirmware 100.0001.175
128 STT 100.0001.172
129 angelwhu 100.0001.170
130 PackdeSys 100.0001.167
131 efiens 100.0001.165
132 [censored] 100.0001.163
133 SAba 100.0001.160
134 Insanity 100.0001.158
135 w0pr 100.0001.156
136 Disaster 100.0001.154
137 InSecurity 100.0001.151
138 RunCommand 100.0001.149
139 Rõnins 100.0001.147
140 NULLify 100.0001.145
141 CTD Elite 50.0000.715
142 goldkili 50.0000.713
143 Snatch The Root 50.0000.711
144 카카야로 50.0000.709
145 NewbNewb 50.0000.707
146 Knowledge 50.0000.705
147 Team Solo 50.0000.704
148 hippo 50.0000.702
149 팀이름짓기귀찮다 50.0000.700
150 UPTimSec 50.0000.698
151 Baldur 50.0000.696
152 GobchangSoju 50.0000.695
153 triplesec 50.0000.693
154 SYSR_ 50.0000.691
155 Hash Slinging Hackers 50.0000.689
156 helpmetomcr00se 50.0000.688
157 objEEdump 50.0000.686
158 f1ay 50.0000.684
159 M57 50.0000.683
160 HCCCL 50.0000.681
161 jackersteam 50.0000.680
162 hackbyr0k 50.0000.678
163 Harekaze 50.0000.677
164 Beers4Flags 50.0000.675
165 pwn4food 50.0000.674
166 woo 50.0000.672
167 Fruit 50.0000.671
168 CultOfTheDeadCarrot 50.0000.669
169 PogTeam 50.0000.668
170 Team JM 50.0000.666
171 notsafeforhumanconsumption 50.0000.665
172 The Unhandled 50.0000.663
173 FacePawn 50.0000.662
174 Dunnno 50.0000.661
175 kkokdae 50.0000.659
176 cRUcible 50.0000.658
177 noTeamName 50.0000.657
178 weRgR00t 50.0000.656
179 Horror in Tiny Town 50.0000.654
180 ascii overflow 50.0000.653
181 bam 50.0000.652
182 RTFM 50.0000.651
183 clubbingbabyseals 50.0000.649
184 Fourchette Bombe 50.0000.648
185 WCSC 50.0000.647
186 WTF_hack 50.0000.646
187 CyberLions 50.0000.645
188 galhacktic trendsetters 50.0000.643
189 웹사냥개 50.0000.642
190 Solo [Nepal] 50.0000.641
191 Sudo_root 50.0000.640
192 Cksum 50.0000.639
193 Team_n00b 50.0000.638
194 zzz 50.0000.637
195 team name 50.0000.636
196 HackOver 50.0000.635
197 0xDEADD00D 50.0000.634
198 z3romong 50.0000.633
199 UnknownException 50.0000.632
200 inout 50.0000.630
201 KKu 50.0000.629
202 ENUSEC 50.0000.628
203 Vulmon 50.0000.627
204 DI4N0K0R 50.0000.627
205 5@r@Guru 50.0000.626
206 P01TERGEIST 50.0000.625
207 Ascope 50.0000.624
208 neo_monarchs 50.0000.623
209 Jeros 50.0000.622
210 DDangGGoMa 50.0000.621
211 master2016 50.0000.620
212 distcc 50.0000.619
213 tokyo forest 50.0000.618
214 원팩토리얼 50.0000.617
215 52AZ 50.0000.616
216 3stones 50.0000.615
217 TracerTee 50.0000.615
218 Noobs in The Hood 50.0000.614
219 b0tch_sec 50.0000.613
220 아춥당 50.0000.612
221 Epic Leet Team 50.0000.611
222 ToBe 50.0000.610
223 ASLAN 50.0000.610
224 hAIXer 50.0000.609
225 C521 50.0000.608
226 EAnbai 50.0000.607
227 50.0000.606
228 pid1 50.0000.606
229 practice101 50.0000.605
230 Fury 50.0000.604
231 @why? 50.0000.603
232 Ssol 50.0000.603
233 rise5 50.0000.602
234 PwnStar 50.0000.601
235 KiritoQN 50.0000.600
236 OPT 50.0000.600
237 CheatHunters 50.0000.599
238 taurus 50.0000.598
239 starPt 50.0000.597
240 gheo 50.0000.597
241 소인성 50.0000.596
242 MrMugiwara 50.0000.595
243 log2 50.0000.595
244 Knightsec 50.0000.594
245 압구정술멤버 50.0000.593
246 FayettePwn 50.0000.593
247 Dakine 50.0000.592
248 Ph03nix 50.0000.591
249 Preditor 50.0000.591
250 PUPR 50.0000.590
251 greatpark1817 50.0000.589
252 orpeel 50.0000.589
253 simsun 50.0000.588
254 _PRIME_ 50.0000.587
255 Team-go 50.0000.587
256 Ox002147 50.0000.586
257 minaminao 50.0000.586
258 BlackPwn 50.0000.585
259 ASIK 50.0000.584
260 Yozakura 50.0000.584
261 MSEC 50.0000.583
262 Yaheed 50.0000.583
263 redMuffin 50.0000.582
264 PlayForFun 50.0000.581
265 Camelot 50.0000.581
266 ZerOM 50.0000.580
267 buchi 50.0000.580
268 TearsDrop 50.0000.579
269 b1n4ry4rms 50.0000.578
270 lb74 50.0000.578
271 G4ngli0s 50.0000.577
272 yyy 50.0000.577
273 Tenesys 50.0000.576
274 CommonCriteria 50.0000.576
275 Cyber Assassin Training Ground 50.0000.575
276 Scrypter 50.0000.575
277 huluwa 50.0000.574
278 cybernoeGo 50.0000.574
279 whoami 50.0000.573
280 Crytek 50.0000.573
281 r3alf0rc3 50.0000.572
282 mau5 50.0000.572
283 BITSkrieg 50.0000.571
284 Sailendra 50.0000.571
285 Gh05tPr1nc3 50.0000.570
286 zionspike 50.0000.570
287 sherl0ck 50.0000.569
288 b01lers 50.0000.569
289 Suffingcool 50.0000.568
290 너굴맨만믿으라구 50.0000.568
291 1508 50.0000.567
292 Pwn Reversing 50.0000.567
293 Nu1L 50.0000.566
294 daruma 50.0000.566
295 CatFlag 50.0000.565
296 The Jaden 50.0000.565
297 )#$#)#R#RKKKGV 50.0000.564
298 ljh 50.0000.564
299 Accalmie 50.0000.563
300 DecipherCreed 50.0000.563
301 x19h1a2 50.0000.562
302 Valentinois 50.0000.562
303 iSec 50.0000.562
304 Zero Score 50.0000.561
305 foryou97 50.0000.561
306 noname 50.0000.560
307 CactusField 50.0000.560
308 b1tt0 50.0000.559
309 GV 50.0000.559
310 tank1st99 50.0000.559
311 how2hack 50.0000.558
312 3cst4sy 50.0000.558
313 GONPAS 50.0000.557
314 Night Hawk 50.0000.557
315 sud0_fl4g 50.0000.556
316 Bopoznpvt 50.0000.556
317 233 50.0000.556
318 soluna 50.0000.555
319 bananagoat 50.0000.555
320 WhatTheSheep 50.0000.554
321 Sloth 50.0000.554
322 Mr_X 50.0000.554
323 OmsK28team 50.0000.553
324 n4rv4l0 50.0000.553
325 {esotericjokehere} 50.0000.553
326 ChalmersCTF 50.0000.552
327 TWICE 50.0000.552
328 sirius 50.0000.551
329 Moskva 50.0000.551
330 qazTeam 50.0000.551
331 peanuts 50.0000.550
332 luffy_99 50.0000.550
333 HIGH 50.0000.550
334 d3bug 50.0000.549
335 The Northern Coalition 50.0000.549
336 seo-jin 50.0000.548
337 pwnhack 50.0000.548
338 Shackers 50.0000.548
339 chithari 50.0000.547
340 zero 50.0000.547
342 KansasCityShuffle 50.0000.546
343 n3wbi3 50.0000.546
344 x0r19x91 50.0000.546
345 ffffx00000 50.0000.545
346 roleplayer 50.0000.545
347 ghorl 50.0000.545
348 Just_Hack_It_ 50.0000.544
349 VoidHack 50.0000.544
350 EPAD 50.0000.544
351 0x7ab00 50.0000.543
352 ScriptKidult 50.0000.543
353 kasia-tutej 50.0000.543
354 HackThisSite 50.0000.542
355 dhOO45 50.0000.542
356 Beta_securiteam 50.0000.542
357 qy2016 50.0000.541
358 Erkan 50.0000.541
359 DeepHACK 50.0000.541
360 쫄깃쫄깃 훈제 닭다리 50.0000.540
361 prostiroot 50.0000.540
362 KorBlackBreard 50.0000.540
363 Payone Security Team 50.0000.539
364 idhack 50.0000.539
365 513Eunice 50.0000.539
366 Espacio 50.0000.539
367 PC_CTF 50.0000.538
368 TigerHammer 50.0000.538
369 Team Chhaipov 50.0000.538
370 Gibdeon 50.0000.537
371 DreamSec 50.0000.537
372 23333 50.0000.537
373 Taekwondo <3 50.0000.536
374 CalicemPulmenti 50.0000.536
375 Nahonja 50.0000.536
376 qwertypass 50.0000.536
377 Itemize 50.0000.535
378 l3@rnh@ck 50.0000.535
379 Team Cryptis 50.0000.535
380 mimidogz 50.0000.534
381 The Interns 50.0000.534
382 cqtls 50.0000.534
383 g0tiu5a 50.0000.534
384 Tarun 50.0000.533
385 D3xt3r 50.0000.533
386 TrinityCTF 50.0000.533
387 neodoxy 50.0000.533
388 PHCN 50.0000.532
389 NeoOttomans 50.0000.532
390 2333 50.0000.532
391 blacb 50.0000.531
392 the_hack 50.0000.531
393 rawsec 50.0000.531
394 CyberPython 50.0000.531
395 JBZ 50.0000.530
396 h1dd3ntru7h 50.0000.530
397 ukk1337 50.0000.530
398 Ouroboros 50.0000.530
399 InfoSecIITR 50.0000.529
400 Khanza 50.0000.529
401 WTF 50.0000.529
402 Atlas Group 50.0000.529
403 donbilbo 50.0000.528
404 Fiddlers 50.0000.528
405 DreadedLama 50.0000.528
406 debuild 50.0000.528
407 EpicTeam 50.0000.527
408 PKTeam 50.0000.527
409 ZAP 50.0000.527
410 jc 50.0000.527
411 Step 50.0000.526
412 bigboss 50.0000.526
413 nocommnt 50.0000.526
414 Cache_Crook 50.0000.526
415 FruIT2 50.0000.525
416 Invulnerable 50.0000.525
417 s0m4 50.0000.525
418 babos 50.0000.525
419 LeCode 50.0000.525
420 troublemakers 50.0000.524
421 Brutewoorse 50.0000.524
422 InFecTeD 50.0000.524
423 Hackerstan 50.0000.524
424 6l0ry 50.0000.523
425 ghost@/bin/sh 50.0000.523
426 UnderGaylord 50.0000.523
427 orkz 50.0000.523
428 badulmo 50.0000.522
429 5vc0d3 50.0000.522
430 mark@dlut 50.0000.522
431 AZ3 50.0000.522
432 Digital Gladiators 50.0000.522
433 2O2L2H 50.0000.521
434 topkek 50.0000.521
435 WhoMovedMyChicken 50.0000.521
436 ALLES! 50.0000.521
437 xiaoyaozizai 50.0000.521
438 igorPyan 50.0000.520
439 전보람결혼해조 50.0000.520
440 Harhoura 50.0000.520
441 IAM 50.0000.520
442 버거킹와퍼3000원 50.0000.519
443 ASGama 50.0000.519
444 acdwas 50.0000.519
445 Cambrdige2 50.0000.519
446 50.0000.519
447 ckmr 50.0000.518
448 AssuredNinjas 50.0000.518
449 Scott's Tots 50.0000.518
450 D3siprox 50.0000.518
451 larryboy825 50.0000.518
452 furu-chan 50.0000.517
453 autolycos 50.0000.517
454 gscu711 50.0000.517
455 mperial 50.0000.517
456 NIS 50.0000.517
457 MhackGyver 50.0000.516
458 CyberTeam6 50.0000.516
459 HackademINT 50.0000.516
460 cerealkillers 50.0000.516
461 Jimmy Jam and the Hoagies 50.0000.516
462 Mendoan Team 50.0000.516
463 ECX Inc. 50.0000.515
464 jjjjjjjjjj 50.0000.515
465 psuje 50.0000.515
466 THB 50.0000.515
467 abgenius 50.0000.515
468 Shadow Cats 50.0000.514
469 cnsuva 50.0000.514
470 MonkeyDance 50.0000.514
471 CCQK 50.0000.257
PharisaeusFeb. 6, 2017, 9:03 p.m.

Why such bad time for the CTF? Seriously, during working day on Friday? Why not Saturday?

firatkalkani57Feb. 9, 2017, 10:47 a.m.

Need additional registiration in offical website ?

Amar1729Feb. 14, 2017, 1:47 a.m.

All the challenges for this competition started at 500 points, then dropped by 5 every time someone solved them. When adding challenge descriptions should I put 500pts, or the point value each challenge ended with?

PharisaeusFeb. 15, 2017, 8:58 p.m.

Probably the final score ;)

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