Also known as
  • School of Science and Technology CTF
  • SST Capture The Flag
  • SST CTF 2016
  • SSTCTF2016

Academic team School of Science and Technology



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We are the CTF team at the School of Science and Technology (SST) located in Portland, Oregon. We strive to learn as much about programming and security as possible.

Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
862TAMUctf 191357.00002.279

Overall rating place: 615 with 32.585 pts in 2018

Country place: 72

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
423IceCTF 2018985.00004.449
251TJCTF 2018260.00002.842
10HSCTF 57175.00000.000
7STEM CTF: Cyber Challenge 20181000.00000.000
81ångstromCTF 20181970.000012.073
53Pragyan CTF 20181500.00003.627
147TAMUctf 182499.00009.594
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
130Juniors CTF 2017600.00002.346
170TUCTF 2017876.00003.967
412hxp CTF 20171.00000.076
117BackdoorCTF 2017400.00004.450
237PoliCTF 201733.00000.245
41EasyCTF 20173910.00000.000
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
91The 318br, DESEC, and SucuriHC Capture The Flag (3DSCTF)1203.00003.291
348SharifCTF 751.00000.425
53Juniors CTF 20163300.00000.000
239CTF(x) 201651.00000.000
347SECUINSIDE CTF Quals 20161.00000.039

Team members

Team writeups

Pragyan CTF 2018Improper encryption [100]read writeup
Juniors CTF 2016Black Suprematic Square [100]read writeup
Juniors CTF 2016Restricted area [400]read writeup
Juniors CTF 2016Here goes! [200]read writeup
Juniors CTF 2016Six Strange Tales [300]read writeup
Juniors CTF 2016ROFL [400]read writeup
Juniors CTF 2016Find The Gobblewonker [100]read writeup
Juniors CTF 2016Southern Cross [300]read writeup
Juniors CTF 2016Clone Attack [200]read writeup
Juniors CTF 2016LosT Code [200]read writeup
Juniors CTF 2016Voting !!! [400]read writeup
Juniors CTF 2016Dirty Repo [400]read writeup