Fri, 08 March 2024, 12:30 UTC — Sat, 09 March 2024, 12:30 UTC 


Shakti CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 34.10 

Rating weight: 24.10 

Event organizers 

ShaktiCTF is a Jeopardy style online Capture The Flag competition. It's a beginner friendly CTF. It's main goal is to make more women interested in the field and expand the CTF community in India. It is part of the ShaktiCon conference.
The CTF will include following categories:-

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For Top Women Only Teams

Rank 1 - $300 cash prize + TryHackMe voucher + 3-month access to PentesterLab Pro

Rank 2 - $200 cash prize + TryHackMe voucher + 1-month access to PentesterLab Pro

Rank 3 - $100 cash prize + TryHackMe voucher + 1-month access to PentesterLab Pro


495 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 Fidethus 5350.00048.200
2 SNI 5050.00034.799
3 InfoSecIITR 5000.00030.557
4 C0d3 Bre4k3rs 4750.00027.422
5 Omsk_Hackers 4600.00025.541
6 S.h.i.c.h.i.b.u.k.a.i 4000.00022.035
7 polygl0ts 3950.00021.236
8 NEUQXOR 3600.00019.229
9 BA1YAN 3550.00018.669
10 BITSkrieg 3550.00018.402
11 Girl Gang 3400.00017.507
12 Prozhack 3300.00016.874
13 Bits & Pieces 3150.00016.044
14 Rakettiryhmä 3050.00015.461
15 Pedal Pushers 3000.00015.121
16 FREE PALESTINE 2950.00014.795
17 dlab 2950.00014.706
18 0xNox 2900.00014.402
19 Nol3ptr 2800.00013.882
20 Blue Hens 2750.00013.593
21 Sm0rtBuff3rB0yZ 2700.00013.310
22 WDTT 2550.00012.582
23 Beavers0 2500.00012.310
24 KerKerYuan 2400.00011.815
25 zeski 2350.00011.550
26 Byte Jugglers 2300.00011.288
27 securisec 2250.00011.028
28 F91d 2200.00010.771
29 MoonRae 2200.00010.741
30 Tulgaaaa 2050.00010.038
31 H3LP?! 2050.00010.012
32 Catnip_security 2050.0009.988
33 ahoaho 2050.0009.965
34 wicys 2025.0009.831
35 CryptoWomen 1950.0009.473
36 John_X9 1950.0009.454
37 MK37 1950.0009.435
38 error_404 1950.0009.418
39 appse 1950.0009.402
40 piratica 1950.0009.387
41 AmTrain 1950.0009.372
42 ups_mega_hard 1900.0009.133
43 noraneco 1900.0009.119
44 nCreeps 1900.0009.107
45 cyR3N 1900.0009.094
46 Himadri 1850.0008.858
47 Cyber_girls 1850.0008.846
48 Thattu Vadai 1850.0008.836
49 triplefault 1800.0008.600
50 D320 1800.0008.590
51 c0d3_r3d 1800.0008.581
52 Lal14@ 1800.0008.572
53 M.Harini Krishna Sri Suchitra 1800.0008.563
54 Trishika Reddy 1800.0008.555
55 0ffset 1750.0008.321
56 NoCLB 1750.0008.314
57 Team-915 1700.0008.081
58 Sakana 1700.0008.073
59 70M470_50UP 1700.0008.066
60 TheF0rce4wakens 1700.0008.060
61 PrivateUser 1650.0007.828
62 acdwas 1600.0007.596
63 Red Jessies 1600.0007.590
64 t3kn0isn0td3aD 1550.0007.359
65 404notfound 1550.0007.353
66 olaszrizling 1550.0007.347
67 whatisactf 1500.0007.117
68 5k4r 1500.0007.111
69 BackMoon 1500.0007.106
70 ~/ 1500.0007.101
71 H7Tex 1500.0007.096
72 Trojan Army 1500.0007.092
73 302 1500.0007.087
74 forzaitalia 1450.0006.857
75 Byte Belles 1450.0006.853
76 HawkSec 1450.0006.849
77 cat_flag 1450.0006.845
78 4Ray 1400.0006.616
79 Gags169 1400.0006.612
80 ssongk 1400.0006.608
81 snick 1400.0006.604
82 m0wn1ka 1400.0006.600
83 Pilum Muralis 1400.0006.597
84 Order an Oily Pancake! 1400.0006.593
85 DuckDuckFlag 1350.0006.365
86 pr0m0ly 1300.0006.136
87 Nom d'équipe 1300.0006.133
88 LS Green Flags 1300.0006.130
89 SeeSeeTopic 1300.0006.127
90 Just_Hack_It 1300.0006.124
91 Checkm4te_ 1300.0006.121
92 Anjana Manoj 1300.0006.118
93 Crant 1275.0006.003
94 mr_bobot 1275.0006.000
95 knight_ 1275.0005.997
96 BornAgainShell 1250.0005.882
97 Sukoharjo CyberSec 1250.0005.879
98 Jell-o aux fraises 1250.0005.877
99 D34DS3C 1250.0005.874
100 Hex_Cyphers 1250.0005.872
101 Xp0int 1250.0005.869
102 Rhea Rajput 1200.0005.642
103 K4CTF 1200.0005.640
104 skill_issue 1200.0005.637
105 ph1nx 1200.0005.635
106 wwwwww 1150.0005.408
107 SeruitCTF 1150.0005.406
108 wqx 1100.0005.178
109 Tanveer Abdulaziz 1100.0005.176
110 Pixium 1100.0005.174
111 H4(k3rs 1100.0005.172
112 Wired Ghost 1100.0005.170
113 Dakshita Agarwal 1050.0004.943
114 ByteBusters 1050.0004.941
115 Cipher Blitz 1050.0004.939
116 Z3Ro 1050.0004.938
117 Supratik Datta 1050.0004.936
118 Danonymous 1050.0004.934
119 nexus 1050.0004.932
120 JordanShell 1000.0004.706
121 Ech0Ech0 1000.0004.704
122 ISFCR PESU 1000.0004.702
123 Mohammed Fouzaan Hussain 1000.0004.701
124 5p4c3 C415 975.0004.586
125 Hage Oyaji3 950.0004.472
126 openyourmind 950.0004.471
127 Gungun Khaitan 950.0004.469
128 D4ck3n 950.0004.468
129 sayonara 950.0004.466
130 <OOO> 900.0004.240
131 900.0004.238
132 Av3ng3rs 1n1t14t1v3 900.0004.237
133 'god'[::-1] 900.0004.235
134 oybek_cs 900.0004.234
135 MaverickSquad 900.0004.233
136 new_be 900.0004.231
137 Team Elites 900.0004.230
138 yemae 900.0004.229
139 CuchulainZA 900.0004.228
140 SParK 850.0004.001
141 Ba kala 850.0004.000
142 Zimzi 850.0003.999
143 WWE 850.0003.998
144 hamayanhamayan 850.0003.996
145 WeAre 850.0003.995
146 kt 850.0003.994
147 koishi 850.0003.993
148 ins0m1a_Øwls 850.0003.992
149 Horoscope 850.0003.991
150 greenluigi1 850.0003.990
151 s17x 850.0003.989
152 Cyber Sleuths 850.0003.988
153 1nf1n1ty 850.0003.986
154 chaser 850.0003.985
155 Imp0ster56 850.0003.984
156 LOBYI 850.0003.983
157 Strider 850.0003.982
158 Sarojni 850.0003.982
159 CKB_174 850.0003.981
160 soala gogo 850.0003.980
161 Hack@Sec 850.0003.979
162 Team_Orange 825.0003.865
163 Arthas 800.0003.752
164 Fevicol 800.0003.751
165 teamMoMo 800.0003.750
166 7D_WORLD 750.0003.524
167 XBS 750.0003.523
168 MrYellowOwl 750.0003.522
169 zzsla 750.0003.521
170 Rutvij Khatri 750.0003.520
171 Team Drishti 750.0003.519
172 eternity. 750.0003.519
173 Hansel Gray 750.0003.518
174 Rajat Sharma 750.0003.517
175 Arr[0]w 750.0003.516
176 archiveer 750.0003.515
177 mimicats 750.0003.515
178 cyb4x🎭 750.0003.514
179 MetaFour 750.0003.513
180 BlueCyber CTF 700.0003.287
181 Sanju 700.0003.286
182 hogefugaman 700.0003.286
183 PinkPanthers 700.0003.285
184 knock knock :) 700.0003.284
185 SHAOCHI LU 700.0003.284
186 Nashita 700.0003.283
187 G1tc_Gu4rdians 700.0003.282
188 Waddle Warriors 700.0003.281
189 jpalayoor 650.0003.056
190 Shay_50 650.0003.055
191 OU7S1D3RS 650.0003.054
192 n2ryx 650.0003.054
193 LaxmanB 650.0003.053
194 SNAFU 650.0003.052
195 ag3n75 650.0003.052
196 AreDaYush? 650.0003.051
197 slo3r 650.0003.050
198 brok1en 650.0003.050
199 monkey zoo 625.0002.937
200 NotHotdog 600.0002.823
201 PiiPiiK 600.0002.823
202 Blowfishknight 600.0002.822
203 be4k 600.0002.822
204 Cyberknights 600.0002.821
205 frank1q22 600.0002.820
206 Mishanya00 600.0002.820
207 0xSanju 600.0002.819
208 NS 600.0002.819
209 00pium 600.0002.818
210 ladybugs 600.0002.818
211 NUTTHANON 600.0002.817
212 kuroiscomeback 575.0002.704
213 Abdelmoumen 550.0002.591
214 thestranger 550.0002.590
215 KXTI_Chipi 550.0002.590
216 0xn0b174 550.0002.589
217 Krofek 550.0002.589
218 Bl1ck Fl1g 550.0002.588
219 Kalpana B N 550.0002.588
220 kogandhi05 550.0002.587
221 NewBieee 550.0002.587
222 Magizhchi 550.0002.586
223 Sanjay S 550.0002.586
224 shadoWalkers 550.0002.585
225 dcj 550.0002.585
226 HikariOnna 550.0002.584
227 staspen 500.0002.359
228 NinjasInPyjamas 500.0002.358
229 Sirius14 500.0002.358
230 DIVYA D 500.0002.357
231 R4nd0m B00l5h33t5 G0 500.0002.357
232 Tulgaa 500.0002.356
233 4m1n3 500.0002.356
234 Tommy Boy 500.0002.355
235 FazeCT 500.0002.355
236 R&J1sAFMY 500.0002.354
237 k4g3 500.0002.354
238 SK4RP10N 500.0002.354
239 Shulupusu 500.0002.353
240 Arch! 500.0002.353
241 SENSEIXENUS 500.0002.352
242 Qubit 500.0002.352
243 malek 500.0002.352
244 Hor1zon 500.0002.351
245 hitori 500.0002.351
246 asadsadsadsad 500.0002.350
247 Gnanamozhi 500.0002.350
248 nemesis 500.0002.350
249 Kumar 500.0002.349
250 Totobarjo 500.0002.349
251 GanSw 500.0002.348
252 XH 500.0002.348
253 idk 500.0002.348
254 machongnam 500.0002.347
255 CY83RN4UT 500.0002.347
256 rekname 500.0002.346
257 0bug 500.0002.346
258 QWER 500.0002.346
259 Aft3r_7h0ugh7 500.0002.345
260 bug_destroy_us 500.0002.345
261 Haritha Ramesh 500.0002.345
262 sk1dd1ez 500.0002.344
263 cyber fortress 500.0002.344
264 Anshika 500.0002.344
265 GalETS 475.0002.231
266 299 450.0002.118
267 angel 450.0002.117
268 YMD_HK 450.0002.117
269 tas 450.0002.117
270 LeoSud 450.0002.116
271 eiiidolon_ 450.0002.116
272 Mark De Silva 450.0002.116
273 Get In.Bin 450.0002.115
274 Divya Vissapragada 450.0002.115
275 MEDRA 450.0002.115
276 BASH 450.0002.114
277 Shruti Alwani 450.0002.114
278 ghost_Valay 450.0002.114
279 The Amateurs 450.0002.113
280 Team NFSU 450.0002.113
281 uug4na 400.0001.888
282 Nang 400.0001.887
283 Apollo 400.0001.887
284 binarywarrior 400.0001.887
285 daffainfo 400.0001.886
286 aquilosec 400.0001.886
287 bachira 400.0001.886
288 ivcoffee 400.0001.886
289 Euros Minions 400.0001.885
290 FunBeginsHere 400.0001.885
291 MiracleBytes 400.0001.885
292 GHOST 400.0001.884
293 fsociety 400.0001.884
294 Snapskillz 400.0001.884
295 miso fiesta 400.0001.884
296 Gowtham Manohar 400.0001.883
297 TCTForce 400.0001.883
298 myst3r10us 400.0001.883
299 H4CK3R_C311S_453 400.0001.882
300 Obsidian 400.0001.882
301 Fosso Kengni Doriane 400.0001.882
302 AzFyXi 400.0001.882
303 HxN0n3 400.0001.881
304 Blackhat women 350.0001.656
305 Gayathri 350.0001.656
306 Bugs B0unt3r 350.0001.655
307 mcpfree 350.0001.655
308 Glitch 350.0001.655
309 Untitled CTF Game 350.0001.655
310 S3NTINELS 350.0001.654
311 Kai88 350.0001.654
312 Skill_Issue_is_real 350.0001.654
313 stalk 350.0001.654
314 8B1TS 325.0001.541
315 sthk 300.0001.428
316 shinobe179 300.0001.428
317 Bhartiya girls 300.0001.427
318 foo 300.0001.427
319 d35cr1p710_0n 300.0001.427
320 Howl 300.0001.427
321 LoLa 300.0001.426
322 Tab_It_Out 300.0001.426
323 Vitaly Ford 300.0001.426
324 AbdelH2O 300.0001.426
325 N00b 300.0001.426
326 Whyyoucare 300.0001.425
327 Lunar_r3d 300.0001.425
328 Wubba Lubba Dub Dub 300.0001.425
329 livey. 300.0001.425
330 Sherlock 300.0001.424
331 mrhove 300.0001.424
332 Kapil Sareen 300.0001.424
333 pysu 300.0001.424
334 blorg 300.0001.424
335 X@k3R v R3k@X 300.0001.423
336 RooterX 300.0001.423
337 alienpancakes 300.0001.423
338 P1nz0ro 300.0001.423
339 PiePieBot 300.0001.422
340 4me302 300.0001.422
341 CTF-SH 300.0001.422
342 8H0UR5 300.0001.422
343 hanger 300.0001.422
344 zCrypt 300.0001.421
345 IndioSecures 300.0001.421
346 c0d€red 300.0001.421
347 brainiacs 300.0001.421
348 knguru 300.0001.421
349 Lakshmi Kandan 300.0001.420
350 alphaxxx 300.0001.420
351 Hitesh Matta 300.0001.420
352 Akatsuki 300.0001.420
353 nissae 300.0001.420
354 3_mates 300.0001.419
355 O+ jinchuriki's 300.0001.419
356 bun 300.0001.419
357 MastersOfTheCyberverse 300.0001.419
358 SkyJuic3 250.0001.193
359 Jakub Frąckiewicz 250.0001.193
360 Elaine_niu 250.0001.193
361 Shalvi 250.0001.193
362 Sri Rekha 250.0001.193
363 0h_PuT41N 250.0001.193
364 1NCEPTION 250.0001.192
365 Zell 250.0001.192
366 SheCrypts 250.0001.192
367 Mindfuckerz 250.0001.192
368 Nosflo 250.0001.192
369 C4ndr4M4w3A 250.0001.191
370 Enigma 250.0001.191
371 Th3_B0ys 250.0001.191
372 Acers 225.0001.078
373 pjx1314 200.0000.966
374 exec 200.0000.965
375 0xFFF 200.0000.965
376 Johan 200.0000.965
377 ELF Binary 200.0000.965
378 trial 200.0000.965
379 quelysol 200.0000.965
380 hamza 200.0000.964
381 Aland Han 200.0000.964
382 HACK._.HEAVEN 200.0000.964
383 0xbla 200.0000.964
384 scooby 200.0000.964
385 Bencious 200.0000.964
386 awoo 200.0000.963
387 zeromarea 200.0000.963
388 HyperTex 200.0000.963
389 🌸🍒krutie-devchenki💖🍓 200.0000.963
390 yang666 200.0000.963
391 dolstar77 200.0000.963
392 p3rplex3d 200.0000.962
393 innu 200.0000.962
394 Shadowstorm Syndicate 200.0000.962
395 Aarushi 175.0000.849
396 Vortex 175.0000.849
397 B1u3_W4t3r5 150.0000.736
399 wavev1sion 150.0000.736
400 Crazzyman1081 150.0000.736
401 r4v3n 150.0000.736
402 GodsEye 150.0000.736
403 Spanish_501 150.0000.736
404 Order Of The Purple Flamingo 150.0000.735
405 emmaunicorn 150.0000.735
406 Swetha Divakar 150.0000.735
407 c0zybear 150.0000.735
408 Error 404 150.0000.735
409 Qwer1y 150.0000.735
410 SandeepD1 150.0000.734
411 GEEKY EXPLOITERS 150.0000.734
412 RU3T_Brain_interceptor 150.0000.734
413 fzhshzh 150.0000.734
414 skywalker-341 125.0000.621
415 Tim Turu 125.0000.621
416 k3nm1l35 100.0000.508
417 Mubashira Tahseen 100.0000.508
418 SleepyBear 100.0000.508
419 luoingly 100.0000.508
420 Qusai12 100.0000.508
421 Divyansh Goel 100.0000.508
422 Scarlet_Speedster 100.0000.508
423 Hutech Galaticos 100.0000.507
424 V!RU$ 100.0000.507
425 cook 100.0000.507
426 A$1er 100.0000.507
427 Ar4chn3 100.0000.507
428 CRUSADERS 100.0000.507
429 PineApple 100.0000.507
430 GG 100.0000.507
431 Laxman Reddy Vennam 100.0000.506
432 F1 100.0000.506
433 abaakilos 100.0000.506
434 zr0x 100.0000.506
435 Anjali Pandya 100.0000.506
436 kukugou 100.0000.506
437 Rhythm Mundra 100.0000.506
438 Super_Hackers 100.0000.505
439 MilkT 100.0000.505
440 Richa Kumari jaishwal 100.0000.505
441 MayMay 100.0000.505
442 apikmeister 100.0000.505
443 Rusk 100.0000.505
444 Ceiper 100.0000.505
445 Snoup 100.0000.505
446 Slab Allocator 100.0000.505
447 Dan Tinsley 100.0000.504
448 Gatfater 100.0000.504
449 Neha Manandhar 100.0000.504
450 Alex Sheng 100.0000.504
451 Munity 100.0000.504
452 Cameron Thacker 100.0000.504
453 nikko 100.0000.504
454 azuradarth 100.0000.504
455 Ucha_CTF 100.0000.503
456 Tronio 100.0000.503
457 ODovzh 100.0000.503
458 qazwsx 100.0000.503
459 drunken_boat 100.0000.503
460 kirimak 100.0000.503
461 5D`s 100.0000.503
462 lilly 100.0000.503
463 JAC 100.0000.503
464 Vedant Mishra 100.0000.502
465 Choco 100.0000.502
466 Crypto Kings 100.0000.502
467 Eack 100.0000.502
468 L34RN2H4CK 100.0000.502
469 0ut51d3r5 50.0000.277
470 Konstantinos Koutsantonis 50.0000.277
471 KXTI_HOSTages 50.0000.276
472 Robot Rebels 50.0000.276
473 4o1 50.0000.276
474 t1 50.0000.276
475 janvi 50.0000.276
476 mal 50.0000.276
477 nebularider 50.0000.276
478 Juveria Banu 50.0000.276
479 v1p3r 50.0000.276
480 Hold_our_flag 50.0000.275
481 Sowmya Allam 50.0000.275
482 Manasw1n1 50.0000.275
483 syps 50.0000.275
484 BroncoSec 50.0000.275
485 StarCat 50.0000.275
486 s0c41dgvns 50.0000.275
487 cyberchan 50.0000.275
488 Asrar Shaikh 50.0000.275
489 |3r0th3r CC 50.0000.275
490 Q1w2e3r4t5y6 50.0000.274
491 chignon 50.0000.274
492 Team Titans 50.0000.274
493 Nisha Unnikrishnanunny 50.0000.274
494 Codehers 50.0000.274
495 __m1m1__ 25.0000.081
496 SREELEKSHMI S 25.0000.081
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