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Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 975 with 46.207 pts in 2023

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
66TSG CTF 2023512.00003.225
164SekaiCTF 2023578.00001.531
33Hacker's Playground 2023848.000011.005
150Google Capture The Flag 2023343.00005.025
19Codegate CTF 2023 Preliminary1057.00004.960
152TyphoonCon CTF 202325.00000.143
23GPN CTF 20231949.00004.362
81HSCTF 106183.000015.608
657DanteCTF 2023100.00000.349
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
1128DEADFACE CTF10.00000.052
393ASIS CTF Quals 202224.00000.784
152SekaiCTF 2022769.00001.895
250DownUnderCTF 2022 (Online) 1220.00002.489
2930CTF/TCTF 202218.00000.553
49CakeCTF 2022735.00000.000
78Balsn CTF 2022232.00003.244
333HSCTF 9682.00001.986
32SEETF 20223634.00004.106
98DEF CON CTF Qualifier 202273.00002.939
43Codegate CTF 2022 Preliminary908.00003.058

Overall rating place: 677 with 36.987 pts in 2019

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
105Rooters CTF781.00002.203
188InCTF 2019150.00000.875
528Newark Academy CTF 20191560.00004.326
101Security Fest 2019392.00002.326
152WPICTF 2019331.00001.116
98AceBear Security Contest 2019100.00000.478
43ENCRYPT CTF2776.000015.350
57SunshineCTF 2019755.00005.465
92UTCTF 20192400.00002.439
67Aero CTF 2019574.00002.408
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
714RITSEC CTF 2018100.00000.304 CTF 2018261.00003.959
160Hackover CTF 2018100.00000.570
101Teaser Dragon CTF 201878.00001.115
68DefCamp CTF Qualification 2018448.00003.291
220noxCTF 2018442.00000.555
1320IceCTF 201860.00000.285
99ISITDTU CTF 2018 Quals618.00001.270

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