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SekaiCTF is a Capture The Flag event hosted by Team Project Sekai. We offer challenges in various difficulties and everyone is welcome to participate and enjoy.

CTF events

SekaiCTF 202555.00
SekaiCTF 202436.96
SekaiCTF 202324.86
SekaiCTF 202224.86
Related tags: crypto nothing web cs disk sleeping barcode math python mobile steganography cryptanalysis networking exploitation stegano pwning javascript csharp linux java scripting programming penetration sniffing googling reversing scala docker php c++ python3 android androidsecurity html c node.js css c shell assembly bash stuff phpsessionid phreaking xss sqlinjection troll writing puzzle encryption format-string pwn bof seccomp rsa number_theory ip fsb cet reverse engineering crpyto forensics misc bufferoverflow ret2libc ropchain orw rot morse forensic heap rust tcache uaf use-after-free modular-arithmetic exponentiation eulertheorem totient-function euler base64 audio image-processing qr mp3 qrcode binary-search qr-code path-commands xml svg pic18f pic18f452 substitution ecdsa nonce rop ret2csu ret2syscall traffic memdump thymeleaf ssti binexploit xor integer-overflow nosqli redirection hash-collision unity reverse_engineering jwt pyinstaller pyinstxtractor rev game sekai box web3 blockchain ppc solana rce pickle lfi pickle-deserialization ansi png covid-19 sekaictf2022 vocaloid_heardle fullpwn solang ethereum solidity network pentest ocaml nmap command_injection collision z3 polynomial crc matrix blockcipher sekaictf2023 pcapng maze alcohol binja reflection template-injection waf-bypass cache-poisoning request-smuggling jwks-spoofing html5 charset chrome csp racecondition csp-bypass cors content-spoofing content-injection mime-sniffing mime firebase