Tue, 18 Oct. 2022, 18:00 UTC — Wed, 19 Oct. 2022, 18:00 UTC 



CTF Internacional MetaRed event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL: https://ctfd2022.anuies.mx/

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 3.25 

Rating weight: 23.58 

Event organizers 

In the 2nd stage of the 2022 MetaRed International CTF the competition will be based around two different areas which will share exercises with distinct levels of graded difficulty.

1. Free and Global Competition, in which any team may enrol and participate.

2. Competition confined to MetaRed IES, in which participants will have to prove through their enrolment (email account) that they belong to an Ibero-American Institution of Higher Education.


Prizes will be divided into two categories, the Global Competition and the MetaRed Competition.

GLOBAL COMPETITION PRIZES (available to all participants)

A prize for the best competing team (accumulation of all stages)
1 (one) prize to the value of 1.500 U$D
METARED COMPETITION PRIZES (for MetaRed universities)

A prize for the best team from each country with the highest accumulated score for all the stages (it is a requirement to belong to a university forming part of the MetaRed network)
10 (ten) prizes each to the value of 500 U$D
One prize per stage for the best team of the stage
6 (six) prizes each to the value of 200 U$D
One prize per country awarded to the university of the winning team
10 (ten) prizes: Diploma and interview in the International MetaRed magazine
Prizes are accumulative for MetaRed teams.

Prizes are awarded to the leader of the team.

NEW 2022!

MetaRed Competition

Internships with Banco Santander's cybersecurity teams.


240 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 bootplug 5315.00047.160
2 UAC 4815.00033.152
3 EPT 4815.00029.222
4 John Keys 4326.00025.087
5 coldboots 3835.00021.730
6 Cumbancha 3830.00020.922
7 Liquid Team 3630.00019.473
8 Phish2Own 3388.00017.978
9 ucabrera 3346.00017.465
10 C4Team 2899.00015.219
11 JustDoCtf 2899.00015.005
12 RumbleInTheJungle 2846.00014.591
13 Ret2Cringe 2846.00014.440
14 kaktheplanet 2799.00014.102
15 TnomiPho 2788.00013.941
16 Flaggermeister 2546.00012.769
17 n3v3rm1nd 2431.00012.172
18 Brunnerne 2399.00011.953
19 sirius 2199.00010.997
20 FPTU EThical Hackers Club 2199.00010.935
21 1337B01S 1999.0009.991
22 CamelRiders 1999.0009.940
23 us3c 1899.0009.450
24 leonuz 1899.0009.407
25 pastabase64 1899.0009.368
26 BKISC 1899.0009.332
27 i'm down QQ 1800.0008.859
28 scimus_verum 1799.0008.823
29 CyberSpace 1700.0008.355
30 OnlyFeet 1699.0008.324
31 ntdll 1600.0007.859
32 dcua 1600.0007.835
33 {{ team.name }} 1600.0007.813
34 UEF1 1599.0007.787
35 T1r4m1sudo 1599.0007.768
36 MOJOS 1499.0007.305
37 Pum4H4x 1499.0007.288
38 Aft3r_7h0ugh7 1499.0007.271
39 Am4d3us 1499.0007.255
40 N0N@me13 1499.0007.240
41 alpha 1400.0006.786
42 MrNo0ne 1400.0006.773
43 SeaHatVN 1400.0006.759
44 Sloppy Joe Pirates 1399.0006.743
45 Happy Five Friends 1399.0006.731
46 31173m3x4 1399.0006.719
47 Solo-Run 1399.0006.708
48 bquanman 1300.0006.259
49 mother.hacker 1299.0006.244
50 Bits & Pieces 1299.0006.235
51 HawksUV 1299.0006.225
52 Poem 1200.0005.777
53 CyberDrivers_ 1200.0005.769
54 ManBearPig 1199.0005.756
55 FR13NDS TEAM 1199.0005.748
56 APT593 1199.0005.740
57 HelcsnewsXD 1199.0005.733
58 acdwas 1100.0005.287
59 Sarmat 1100.0005.280
60 gerigerishinzoo 1100.0005.273
61 alfa593 1100.0005.267
62 1ts_r34lly_h4rd 1100.0005.260
63 BackMoon 1100.0005.254
64 CTF Guards 1100.0005.249
65 HispaLynx 1099.0005.238
66 une_equipe_magnifique 1099.0005.233
67 ccsCTF 1099.0005.228
68 Pwn17 1099.0005.222
69 Bory 1000.0004.778
70 stone 1000.0004.773
71 prime_squad 1000.0004.769
72 amikus 1000.0004.764
73 4P0C4LYPS3 1000.0004.760
74 sf_t4ng0 1000.0004.755
75 ㄱㄴㄷ 1000.0004.751
76 tonisc 999.0004.742
77 RVG-CHRT 999.0004.738
78 team_dolphin_riders 999.0004.734
79 TheVOID 999.0004.731
80 Yupsilon 999.0004.727
81 white_void 900.0004.284
82 Hollow_Knight 900.0004.280
83 rabbitsthecat 900.0004.277
84 F055il215 900.0004.274
85 御黔战队 900.0004.270
86 Alexius 900.0004.267
87 Fs0ciety00 900.0004.264
88 CupTeam 899.0004.256
89 Inglorious Flagsterds 800.0003.814
90 Cryptoverse 800.0003.811
91 sliver 800.0003.808
92 MRROBOTS 800.0003.806
93 CCSClub 800.0003.803
94 CyberSlacker 800.0003.800
95 WitM 800.0003.797
96 TheRoundTable 800.0003.795
97 KMA_KN 800.0003.792
98 EmeraldCode 800.0003.790
99 $V3N0M 800.0003.787
100 Niños De La Noche 800.0003.785
101 Gr33n 799.0003.778
102 B-Boiz 799.0003.776
103 sag3_lil 700.0003.334
104 جغااام 700.0003.332
105 thienan 700.0003.330
106 Teotihuacan 700.0003.328
107 Decepticons 700.0003.326
108 breaking_bad 700.0003.324
109 TCTN 700.0003.322
110 Slab Allocator 700.0003.320
111 bdhxgrp 700.0003.318
112 RPCA Cyber Club 600.0002.872
113 t3mp 600.0002.871
114 CSALab_Sec 600.0002.869
115 MetaHack 600.0002.867
116 Deriz0 600.0002.865
117 Diamond Jackson 600.0002.863
118 Shell01_Team 600.0002.862
119 PracticeTeam001 600.0002.860
120 panchito 600.0002.858
121 bl00dy_bit 600.0002.857
122 bi0sblr 600.0002.855
123 EQUISDE 600.0002.854
124 Hay carencias 600.0002.852
125 Dinamita 2.0 600.0002.851
126 H3ll0_H0n3y! 600.0002.849
127 CowCow 599.0002.843
128 fcaUNAM{Anub1s} 500.0002.402
129 EdgeRunner$ 500.0002.401
130 Einstein 500.0002.400
131 test98 500.0002.398
132 LuckyMen's 500.0002.397
133 Access Denied 500.0002.396
134 Coding_noobs 500.0002.394
135 AEeo 500.0002.393
136 zzz 500.0002.392
137 TheHwackra 500.0002.390
138 Iñakos 500.0002.389
139 f1shburger 500.0002.388
140 HavaliTakim 500.0002.387
141 GO9 500.0002.385
142 PatagoniaHack 500.0002.384
143 SYNH4CK 500.0002.383
144 SHA-272 500.0002.382
145 Broski 500.0002.381
146 nullptr 500.0002.380
147 hounters 500.0002.379
148 H4wk5 499.0002.373
149 R3MAN3 400.0001.933
150 sql rejection 400.0001.932
151 hackteam 400.0001.931
152 KoJeBole 400.0001.930
153 1mem 400.0001.929
154 Nature_weqtaa 400.0001.928
155 TKJCyberLab 400.0001.927
156 Ch4mb3r5_XD 400.0001.926
157 Butterflies 400.0001.925
158 KXTI_C4TS 400.0001.924
159 CD army 400.0001.923
160 Tchong 300.0001.478
161 PiRsquaR3 300.0001.477
162 200OK 300.0001.477
163 SiberKost^^ 300.0001.476
164 5un9hun 300.0001.475
165 Ha3 300.0001.474
166 The_Apocalypse 300.0001.473
167 2win 300.0001.472
168 Incantations 300.0001.471
169 c4pm4rm0t4 300.0001.470
170 Almond Force 300.0001.470
171 x0r 299.0001.464
172 csirtuady 299.0001.464
173 R3gr3t 200.0001.024
174 Spectre v1 200.0001.023
175 YUVALV 200.0001.022
176 SoloRun 200.0001.021
177 bluebird 200.0001.021
178 BITSkrieg 200.0001.020
179 kekl1 200.0001.019
180 YoungTeam 200.0001.018
181 PwnFlag 200.0001.018
182 xunitechnx 200.0001.017
183 TSUKUYOMI 200.0001.016
184 TryHarder 200.0001.015
185 bER4bb1t$ 200.0001.015
186 Napst3r-CTF 200.0001.014
187 saruul 200.0001.013
188 Do_I_Know_You? 200.0001.013
189 pumpkin 200.0001.012
190 VA_Miner 200.0001.011
191 akk4sn3h 200.0001.011
192 DELTAxSYNDICATE 200.0001.010
193 hehe 200.0001.009
194 Lone_pwner 200.0001.009
195 shellpwn 200.0001.008
196 andser612345 200.0001.008
197 Logic 200.0001.007
198 Jongko_JoyoBoyo 200.0001.006
199 Deidar 200.0001.006
200 0xd4db0d 200.0001.005
201 HumanError 200.0001.005
202 ULISSE-T 199.0001.000
203 DesertedByMyTeam 100.0000.560
204 fanta 100.0000.559
205 randos 100.0000.559
206 AyyLamos 100.0000.558
207 Dr4c4ry5 100.0000.558
208 101DayPieDie 100.0000.557
209 Nucle@r 100.0000.556
210 LOLZ 100.0000.556
211 penguinit0 100.0000.555
212 X-H4ck3r%00 100.0000.555
213 thehackerscrew 100.0000.554
214 pikapi 100.0000.554
215 <OOO> 100.0000.553
216 NagariSecurity 100.0000.553
217 1cePeak 100.0000.552
218 AQtest 100.0000.552
219 Bedge 100.0000.551
220 muaUncleW 100.0000.551
221 Sankalpa_is_1337 100.0000.550
222 Lao Hacker 100.0000.550
223 splitline 100.0000.549
224 Shell01_Team0 100.0000.549
225 h3Xx 100.0000.548
226 OPT 100.0000.548
227 Siberkost 100.0000.548
228 edi 100.0000.547
229 uncoma 100.0000.547
230 kgrzk2 100.0000.546
231 rck.txt 100.0000.546
232 RiceGang Reborn 100.0000.545
233 5E5O 100.0000.545
234 ave 100.0000.544
235 hackiebackie 100.0000.544
236 hackcoeur 100.0000.544
237 2ez4us 100.0000.543
238 mh.warriors 100.0000.543
239 Pr0gr4mm1ng(4t 100.0000.542
240 ass 100.0000.271
j3xOct. 18, 2022, 8:25 p.m.

wt* is happening withe the platform ??!!

seanLimOct. 19, 2022, 4:49 a.m.

i cant access the challenges is this normal

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