Also known as
  • PWN.rar
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Just a team of young cyber security enthusiasts!

We try to get serious as much as possible :/

Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
345Tenable CTF 20211350.00004.506
212DiceCTF 2021265.00001.500

Overall rating place: 166 with 154.798 pts in 2020

Country place: 3

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
98Reply Cyber Security Challenge 2020632.00005.398
138FwordCTF 20201588.00002.207
107Google Capture The Flag 2020429.00006.681
56rgbCTF 20205407.00005.984
128redpwnCTF 20206129.00006.577
56Zh3r0 CTF4466.00004.706
24NahamCon CTF4390.000015.471
2Really Awesome CTF 202018200.000035.235
20HSCTF 710204.000015.850
67Pwn2Win CTF 2020339.00005.380
124m0leCon CTF 2020 Teaser115.00001.007
6TJCTF 20202810.000025.690
529DEF CON CTF Qualifier 2020200.00002.826
173S㎩mAndFlags Uけimate w呎は屸de C㏊mᒆonship Teaser ꕫꕫ - ㎩㏚i㎄ Edition10.00000.177
154De1CTF 2020273.00000.733
56Covid-19 CTF1236.00000.000
88Tiger King CTF1045.00000.000
170Houseplant CTF 20204909.00003.577
29WPICTF 20201876.000015.902
878PlaidCTF 20201.00000.121
12HackPack CTF 20205210.00000.000
232Byte Bandits CTF 20201.00000.160
49DawgCTF 20204380.00009.724
48saarCTF 202010066.08063.736
533b01lers CTF2.00000.049
152ångstromCTF 20202090.000012.573
232Aero CTF 2020100.00000.432

Overall rating place: 834 with 30.124 pts in 2019

Country place: 12

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
282#kksctf open 2019200.00000.409
178Inferno CTF 2019432.00002.434
98Reply Cyber Security Challenge 2019500.00003.369
170picoCTF 201923951.00000.000
276Newark Academy CTF 20192860.00007.935
653redpwnCTF 2019100.00000.210
198peaCTF 20192300.00000.000
499HSCTF 61268.00001.730
93ångstromCTF 20191210.00005.364
13WPICTF 20192381.00008.674

Team members

Team writeups

TJCTF 2020Zipped Up [70]read writeup
TJCTF 2020Home Rolled [80]read writeup
TJCTF 2020Gamer M [100]read writeup
TJCTF 2020Comprehensive 2 [65]read writeup
TJCTF 2020Naughty [100]read writeup
TJCTF 2020Difficult Decryption [100]read writeup
TJCTF 2020Circles [10]read writeup
TJCTF 2020Titanic [35]read writeup
WPICTF 2020John Cena ???? [100]read writeup
WPICTF 2019Chirp [50]read writeup
WPICTF 2019Remy's Epic Adventure [150]read writeup
WPICTF 2019mongolian basket weaving [400]read writeup