Sat, 15 June 2024, 08:00 UTC — Sun, 16 June 2024, 08:00 UTC 


justCTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 97.20 

Rating weight: 77.17 

Event organizers 

- Trail of Bits
- OtterSec
- HexRays
- Intigriti
- Burp Suite
- Secforce


Teaser Top N teams (N>=3, still to be determined):
- travel and acommodation reimbursements for justCTF 2024 Finals which will take place on the HackYeah event on 28th September in Cracow, Poland

Additional Teaser prizes:
- Top3 teams: 1x IDA Pro named license for a year with 2 decompilers
- Top6 teams: 1x Burp Suite Professional license for a year
- First 6 web challenges first bloods: "JavaScript for hackers" ebook from Gareth Heyes

On Finals we will have $$$ prizes!

Please note that while we don't prohibit participation from anywhere in the world, we will not be able to send prizes to individuals from countries sanctioned in Poland (or UE, UN etc.).


436 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 Project Sekai 4806.000154.340
2 FluxFingers 4765.000115.097
3 Team Austria 4468.00097.466
4 ECSC Team France 4016.00083.777
5 SKSD 3470.00071.152
6 thehackerscrew 3327.00066.283
7 Zer0Tolerance 3255.00063.290
8 idek 3247.00061.783
9 DiceGang 3086.00058.126
10 Odin 3030.00056.370
11 hxp 2991.00055.042
12 defunqt 2960.00053.960
13 LosFuzzys 2921.00052.839
14 *0xA 2837.00051.066
15 Cyber Dark Inferno 2566.00046.347
16 Balsn 2544.00045.672
17 Wojownicy z Piwnicy 2428.00043.526
18 pwnagaukar 2382.00042.535
19 Lite Chicken 2181.00039.082
20 💦​ 2175.00038.783
21 Nu1L 2067.00036.865
22 Zażółć gęślą jaźń 1950.00034.819
23 fibonhack 1935.00034.426
24 Perperikon 1836.00032.696
25 ./Vespiary 1803.00032.038
26 Cubermitis 1711.00030.442
27 Super Guesser 1629.00029.015
28 SleepyHollow 1602.00028.479
29 KITCTF 1500.00026.747
30 CyKOR 1431.00025.550
31 The Awakening of Ancient Spirits 1422.00025.322
32 Zimzi 1372.00024.442
33 Never Stop Exploiting 1359.00024.160
34 Aqua Cat 1276.00022.758
35 The Flat Network Society 1195.00021.393
36 Epic Failures 1194.00021.316
37 Wade 1167.00020.824
38 SPAIN ECSC 2024 1158.00020.625
39 ARESx 1145.00020.364
40 nobody 1103.00019.640
41 H4aG4au 1048.00018.710
42 shablul 1043.00018.585
43 Fluid Attacks 998.00017.820
44 FlyingArmageddon 986.00017.586
45 rpwn 964.00017.194
46 PH4NT0MS 875.00015.727
47 Bogdan 833.00015.017
48 FR13NDS TEAM 820.00014.774
49 Hungarian Cyber Security Team 751.00013.634
50 qsec 685.00012.542
51 average_port139_enjoyers 681.00012.448
52 Maple Bacon 666.00012.178
53 InfoSecChess 664.00012.118
54 Mhoro 657.00011.979
55 ilariodalmon 646.00011.776
56 PWr Synt@x Err0r 646.00011.751
57 Pixel Perfect 639.00011.614
58 kyc 639.00011.591
59 FlagMotori 623.00011.311
60 Departement-Of-Marketing 619.00011.225
61 t1nyB0vineArmag3ddon 609.00011.044
62 ☕​ 605.00010.959
63 Lilac 603.00010.907
64 InfoSecIITR 465.0008.672
65 CyberTaskForce Zero 465.0008.654
66 sillysec 465.0008.636
67 PSO 445.0008.297
68 Ireland without the RE 445.0008.280
69 greenhorn 439.0008.167
70 wiredin_iitk 429.0007.991
71 I AM PERIL 425.0007.911
72 SavedByTheShell 415.0007.735
73 BKISC 408.0007.608
74 _cbd0gs 405.0007.546
75 MindCrafters 404.0007.516
76 IntegratedTechSolutions 404.0007.502
77 noobie 402.0007.457
78 wimbc_ops 402.0007.444
79 0xF0DA55E 402.0007.432
80 Lu513n 395.0007.307
81 Heaven's_Birds 381.0007.070
82 ECSC Slovak Cyber Team 333.0006.288
83 Caliphal Hounds 306.0005.843
84 Black Bauhinia 296.0005.672
85 pspspsps 296.0005.661
86 Paolo Boldo 265.0005.152
87 bartek 265.0005.142
88 zysgmzb 256.0004.988
89 taldgan 251.0004.897
90 CT 251.0004.888
91 nobodyknows 246.0004.798
92 CRUSADERS 246.0004.789
93 l3b3rk4s 230.0004.523
94 Raong2 230.0004.514
95 HCS 230.0004.505
96 alone nugget 230.0004.497
97 SecFault 230.0004.489
98 JSoyke 230.0004.481
99 wgpsec 230.0004.473
100 5H3RL0CK_H0LM35 228.0004.433
101 G.0.4.7 228.0004.425
102 xls team 228.0004.418
103 pwnalone 228.0004.410
104 UVT-CTF 228.0004.403
105 TheRoundTable 228.0004.396
106 Rounding Error 224.0004.325
107 wzy 224.0004.318
108 XaavTeam 224.0004.311
109 UKFC 224.0004.305
110 Securani 224.0004.298
111 La frèrerie 224.0004.292
112 0xbad9e125 224.0004.286
113 wibiz 224.0004.280
114 bi0sblr 224.0004.274
115 Hexion 215.0004.123
116 dex 215.0004.118
117 THC 215.0004.112
118 aawqxzwqe 180.0003.544
119 SNI 180.0003.539
120 MaybePlaying 178.0003.501
121 dsfjdsfkhfds 178.0003.496
122 Hash Dogs 178.0003.491
123 1337%Yogurt 178.0003.486
124 QloPwn 174.0003.416
125 Yodak 174.0003.411
126 RPCA Cyber Club 50.0001.415
127 ICPL 50.0001.410
128 Intel Chips 50.0001.406
129 Phreaky Phantoms 50.0001.401
130 TheWiz 50.0001.396
131 cats 50.0001.392
132 Madoka 50.0001.387
133 InTheShell_ 50.0001.383
134 Tower of Hanoi 50.0001.379
135 ehc_fumosquad 50.0001.374
136 Breaking Flag 50.0001.370
137 breakdanceres 50.0001.366
138 Bl4ckSec 50.0001.362
139 WeAre 50.0001.358
140 Tarturs 50.0001.354
141 acids 50.0001.350
142 SKR Cyber OPS Master 50.0001.346
143 SB Ascii 50.0001.343
144 Hellbound 50.0001.339
145 Hacksperience 50.0001.335
146 ctf_is_fun 50.0001.331
147 404_flag_found 50.0001.328
148 Singapore Students Merger 50.0001.324
149 MundekCTFuje 50.0001.321
150 bER4bb1t$ 50.0001.317
151 st0p_cyb3rbu11ying 50.0001.314
152 B.O.M.B Squad 50.0001.311
153 ultraviolet 50.0001.307
154 LSE 50.0001.304
155 H4ckers_141 50.0001.301
156 N.O.X.U.S 50.0001.298
157 deathwing 50.0001.294
158 skysoul1024 50.0001.291
159 Just For The Questions 50.0001.288
160 Uplink Corporation 50.0001.285
161 gaunter 50.0001.282
162 UPT-CTF 50.0001.279
163 CID 50.0001.276
164 busjis 50.0001.273
165 HAki 50.0001.271
166 [[email protected]] 50.0001.268
167 Rhacklette_ 50.0001.265
168 Cipherghost54 50.0001.262
169 kiscicak 50.0001.259
170 1n54n1ty_0v3rfl0w 50.0001.257
171 404 Brain Not Found 50.0001.254
172 L7e3 50.0001.252
173 t4t3012 50.0001.249
174 4nonymous4 50.0001.246
175 GranolaSport 50.0001.244
176 Sakana 50.0001.241
177 aptx378 50.0001.239
178 seagull 50.0001.236
179 adept 50.0001.234
180 zero_cool 50.0001.232
181 Windows+L 50.0001.229
182 Stack 50.0001.227
183 ctfrrteam 50.0001.225
184 dk 50.0001.222
185 Truly Depressed Developers 50.0001.220
186 clown 50.0001.218
187 unary 50.0001.216
188 bhuk-lagi 50.0001.213
189 TRIPLEMONSTRE 50.0001.211
190 PixelPilots 50.0001.209
191 inconspicuous 50.0001.207
192 playerone 50.0001.205
193 Achiv3 50.0001.203
194 SAIC_IITMandi 50.0001.201
195 GONGHI 50.0001.199
196 rae 50.0001.197
197 Hashcats 50.0001.195
198 Aexon 50.0001.193
199 attt2024 50.0001.191
200 4Ray 50.0001.189
201 Amaterasu 50.0001.187
202 errormath 50.0001.185
203 LeCulot 50.0001.183
204 UTE_SeCui 50.0001.181
205 DÆŽDSEC 50.0001.179
206 hackingobservers 50.0001.177
207 ELTE 50.0001.176
208 0xxn00b 50.0001.174
209 butuhduit 50.0001.172
210 BITSkrieg 50.0001.170
211 Hackergirl 50.0001.169
212 Del0n1x 50.0001.167
213 Lucifer 50.0001.165
214 UT-THS 50.0001.163
215 pwn dot computer 50.0001.162
216 D0ubl3_M 50.0001.160
217 charredfishcakes 50.0001.158
218 extremethanh 50.0001.157
219 Southrain 50.0001.155
220 TCTN 50.0001.154
221 fish_Pakoda 50.0001.152
222 nfsu 50.0001.150
223 SOLO MESTER 50.0001.149
224 followUheart 50.0001.147
225 bl4ckp4r4d1s3 50.0001.146
226 G_D_J_D 50.0001.144
227 soala gogo 50.0001.143
228 AABB 50.0001.141
229 HCMUTE_ISC 50.0001.140
230 mimicats 50.0001.138
231 Top 50.0001.137
232 EHT 50.0001.135
233 1c3Gh3tt0 50.0001.134
234 CipherHunters 50.0001.133
235 SLATE 50.0001.131
236 Seongho let's go army 50.0001.130
237 Da Melody 50.0001.128
238 zeromarea 50.0001.127
239 Akalol 50.0001.126
240 super sleepy hackers 50.0001.124
241 Pwnishment 50.0001.123
242 metadors 50.0001.122
243 scorpion 50.0001.120
244 S133PY 50.0001.119
245 0xraran 50.0001.118
246 Whoof 50.0001.117
247 manissoc 50.0001.115
248 ruby 50.0001.114
249 T-sec 50.0001.113
250 Archetype 50.0001.112
251 SoloQ 50.0001.110
252 Sk4r 50.0001.109
253 Engtech 50.0001.108
254 0xBADCODE 50.0001.107
255 Team_Cyb3R 50.0001.105
256 2er0day 50.0001.104
257 ShellBeat 50.0001.103
258 no ctrl 50.0001.102
259 k0kos 50.0001.101
260 miner 50.0001.100
261 PakCyberbot 50.0001.099
262 n00b5t3rs! 50.0001.097
263 Caff3in3-DB 50.0001.096
264 01 50.0001.095
265 Bits & Pieces 50.0001.094
266 CrypticClan 50.0001.093
267 CRUx BPHC 50.0001.092
268 1he_La5t_Br@in_5he11 50.0001.091
269 NCA@Nepal 50.0001.090
270 igorPyan 50.0001.089
271 CRMA 50.0001.088
272 JapaneseFrenchToast 50.0001.087
273 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 50.0001.086
274 AJ 50.0001.084
275 r4v3n 50.0001.083
276 OXOTA 50.0001.082
277 ElySec 50.0001.081
278 Centinels 50.0001.080
279 H3K3R_B01S 50.0001.079
280 Dunajci 50.0001.078
281 >>2 50.0001.077
282 0xdeadbeef 50.0001.077
283 smartoinker 50.0001.076
284 Elgato 50.0001.075
285 N2L 50.0001.074
286 test12358 50.0001.073
287 IluvFemboy 50.0001.072
288 Martial_Law_Enforcer 50.0001.071
289 H3110 50.0001.070
290 somayi2021 50.0001.069
291 OP_EN 50.0001.068
292 midnightbliss 50.0001.067
293 2xPwners 50.0001.066
294 BlazeBlitz 50.0001.065
295 zoombiex02 50.0001.064
296 570tenge 50.0001.064
297 sk1d_s3c 50.0001.063
298 C_137 50.0001.062
299 Team Tilted2 50.0001.061
300 etcshadow 50.0001.060
301 Tinfoil Hats 50.0001.059
302 PiyushThePal 50.0001.058
303 EICS1 50.0001.058
304 wsx 50.0001.057
305 Saen0zu 50.0001.056
306 CyberCh1ck 50.0001.055
307 cipherexx 50.0001.054
308 Twin Rivers Tech Collective 50.0001.053
309 AlphaPwners 50.0001.053
310 Kumo 50.0001.052
311 Slime 50.0001.051
312 1NCEPTION 50.0001.050
313 BlahLand 50.0001.049
314 peej 50.0001.049
315 AppyF1zz 50.0001.048
316 qwerasdf 50.0001.047
317 ockamey 50.0001.046
318 Leviathan__ 50.0001.046
319 Dark_Warrior$ 50.0001.045
320 neuf1ag 50.0001.044
321 Soul Society 50.0001.043
322 [email protected] 50.0001.043
323 flagsplz 50.0001.042
324 50.0001.041
325 [email protected] 50.0001.040
326 Wolf1904 50.0001.040
327 john 50.0001.039
328 Hidden Investigations 50.0001.038
329 Secure Software Stack! 50.0001.037
330 Discordian Hood 50.0001.037
331 [email protected] 50.0001.036
332 D3ADH3ADS 50.0001.035
333 NOnameOPerators 50.0001.035
334 UAT Cyber 50.0001.034
335 Integrated Hawkers 50.0001.033
336 aliu 50.0001.033
337 No Man's Root 50.0001.032
338 fzhshzh 50.0001.031
339 H9dra 50.0001.030
340 ripppers 50.0001.030
341 DipanNama 50.0001.029
342 Ori 50.0001.028
343 N3JO 50.0001.028
344 cheesecake 50.0001.027
345 Karlos 50.0001.027
346 teem.extreme 50.0001.026
347 RooterX 50.0001.025
348 OneDay 50.0001.025
349 Benef 50.0001.024
350 0xFUN 50.0001.023
351 SCTAAAAAX 50.0001.023
352 Shadowstorm Syndicate 50.0001.022
353 Hacklabor 50.0001.021
354 MFGI 50.0001.021
355 CR4CK_P3G45U5 50.0001.020
356 CyberElite 50.0001.020
357 Inceptors 50.0001.019
358 admin$ 50.0001.018
359 BFTP 50.0001.018
360 freelance 50.0001.017
361 PIKLPACKERS 50.0001.017
362 nyanlabs 50.0001.016
363 SnickerDoooDLE 50.0001.015
364 AreDaYush? 50.0001.015
365 VexillumHunters 50.0001.014
366 M00se 50.0001.014
367 guohanming 50.0001.013
368 Meditated108 50.0001.013
369 Kak4rot 50.0001.012
370 grandmaster_flash 50.0001.011
371 5p0r7 50.0001.011
372 TheBeasts 50.0001.010
373 The Rooters 50.0001.010
374 VineAxe 50.0001.009
375 SSPS{CYB3R_T34M} 50.0001.009
376 totsuka 50.0001.008
377 NYUSEC 50.0001.008
378 cyphex 50.0001.007
379 Script Kitties 50.0001.006
380 HawkSec 50.0001.006
381 Dexter_Morgan 50.0001.005
382 hyuzuhnii 50.0001.005
383 missing_frog 50.0001.004
384 Carinhositos_UNI 50.0001.004
385 gruf 50.0001.003
386 babyd0nthurtm3 50.0001.003
387 TeamPizza 50.0001.002
388 Sauger2 50.0001.002
389 sauger 50.0001.001
390 AzNet 50.0001.001
391 Ch4kr4vyuh 50.0001.000
392 tarush 50.0001.000
393 lel 50.0000.999
394 d4rkbits_c0r3 50.0000.999
395 yuvalm 50.0000.998
396 Learning Is Fun! 50.0000.998
397 wrt 50.0000.997
398 oreniX 50.0000.997
399 Polska Gora 50.0000.996
400 W1LL PWN F0R R00T B33R 50.0000.996
401 5CR4P3D 50.0000.995
402 InfoSith 50.0000.995
403 wwwwperu 50.0000.994
404 flow 50.0000.994
405 Oscaredu01 50.0000.993
406 purg4tor10 50.0000.993
407 no smurfing 50.0000.992
408 petriQore 50.0000.992
409 YR 50.0000.992
410 PhoenixNest 50.0000.991
411 5upernova 50.0000.991
412 test123 50.0000.990
413 Lins 50.0000.990
414 1FT 50.0000.989
415 x4m_101 50.0000.989
416 The shadows 50.0000.988
417 Totsukawaii69 50.0000.988
418 kkeros 50.0000.987
419 |3r0th3r CC 50.0000.987
420 ex3x 50.0000.987
421 homesarr 50.0000.986
422 IndianHackers 50.0000.986
423 R4nd0m B00l5h33t5 G0 50.0000.985
424 theOrbit 50.0000.985
425 The Gluten Cult 50.0000.984
426 6s6 50.0000.984
427 LSPGEE 50.0000.984
428 A.Team 50.0000.983
430 f34rl3ss 50.0000.982
431 P4rad0x 50.0000.982
432 N1KO 50.0000.981
433 SunnyBunny 50.0000.981
434 Falcon Squad 50.0000.981
435 SALVATORE DAEMONS 50.0000.980
436 nsne 50.0000.490
437 TigaX6 50.0000.490
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