Voting ended at: June 23, 2024, 8 a.m.
Weight after voting: 97.20 / 100.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
100 0x6fe1be2 cool ctf, good challenges, maybe more binary pwn?
100 Krzyttt Very cool CTF
100 dfyz Bluray ftw!
100 newton very nice ctf with nice challs!
100 strellic nice
100 crazyman nice
99 sahuang nice
100 ph4n7 nice challs
100 m0z4rt wish there were more forensics challenges, brainfu** challs.
96 i5mai1 good challs
100 La_Brosse_Adam High difficulty challenges. Very fun to solve
75 Chessmaster not so beginner friendly and success from challenges a little bit random
90 Aryt3 Had lots of fun, good chals, wish there were more PPC chals
100 h4ckd0tm3 fun challenges, good quality
100 yahlialton .
100 gil fun challenges