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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
498SekaiCTF 202478.00000.580
681DownUnderCTF 2024800.00004.708
286Junior.Crypt.2024 CTF400.00001.787
158justCTF 2024 teaser50.00001.291
244vsCTF 20241262.00003.946
183BCACTF 5.0935.00007.583
169Akasec CTF 2024500.00000.902
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
385SekaiCTF 2023178.00000.489
163zer0pts CTF 2023144.00002.117
171UIUCTF 2023501.00005.262
132n00bzCTF 20233978.00004.771
145TJCTF 2023235.00001.913

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