Sat, 17 July 2021, 00:00 UTC — Sun, 18 July 2021, 23:59 UTC 


Google Capture The Flag event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 97.84 

Rating weight: 99.22 

Event organizers 

categories: web, pwn, crypto, reversing, hardware, misc

There will be a beginners quest at a later date, but not during the main CTF event. For more details, keep an eye on where we will post more information


13,337 USD for the first place
7,331 USD for the second place
3,133.7 USD for the third place

The best write-ups will also have 100 and 500 USD prizes.

In addition, there will be another virtual event (at a later time) that the top teams will be invited to participate for additional prizes.


379 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 perfect blue 6509.000198.440
2 Katzebin 6165.000143.586
3 DiceGang 6110.000126.211
4 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 5885.000114.513
5 Balsn 5716.000106.976
6 pasten 5655.000102.739
7 RedRocket 5539.00098.608
8 p4 5203.00091.714
9 Super Guesser 5130.00089.224
10 More Smoked Leet Chicken 5043.00086.795
11 Tea Deliverers 4675.00080.283
12 WreckTheLine 4603.00078.434
13 🚿🚿 3988.00068.423
14 zer0pts 3930.00066.994
15 5BC 3903.00066.110
16 justCatTheFish 3807.00064.233
17 kalmarunionen 3784.00063.518
18 PFS 3262.00055.237
19 vh++ 3231.00054.474
20 Dragon Sector 3156.00053.070
21 r00timentary 3151.00052.757
22 hxp 3076.00051.399
23 thethetheduck 3036.00050.593
24 Never Stop Exploiting 2999.00049.849
25 Black Bauhinia 2892.00048.053
26 zwnj 2863.00047.458
27 Bushwhackers 2855.00047.195
28 TokyoWesterns 2393.00040.021
29 ⚔️TSJ⚔️ 2081.00035.143
30 organizers 2074.00034.922
31 the cr0wn 2032.00034.175
32 s3qu3nc3 2024.00033.953
33 C4T BuT S4D 1972.00033.067
34 Shellphish 1857.00031.225
35 ALLES! 1848.00031.005
36 r3kapig 1500.00025.621
37 FAUST 1439.00024.617
38 ./Vespiary 1365.00023.418
39 The Flat Network Society 1328.00022.787
40 FluxFingers 1296.00022.236
41 GatorSheavesMutably 1264.00021.688
42 room2042 1216.00020.898
43 KuK Hofhackerei 1183.00020.341
44 STT 1182.00020.273
45 Maple Bacon 1168.00020.009
46 dodododo 1090.00018.772
47 PLUS 1065.00018.345
48 the3000 1055.00018.149
49 CornfieldComputerCrew 1041.00017.893
50 Ph0t1n1a 1004.00017.289
51 DuckDuckNo 997.00017.143
52 The Maccabees 993.00017.045
53 Keyboard Monkeys 957.00016.460
54 Tasteless 904.00015.618
55 Syclover 880.00015.218
56 r3billions 880.00015.186
57 traicachli 837.00014.500
58 greunion 772.00013.479
59 ID-10-T 771.00013.434
60 rdescent 735.00012.858
61 KUDoS 710.00012.449
62 xtal 701.00012.286
63 ; TODO: Create team name 679.00011.925
64 superflip 679.00011.901
65 ARESx 668.00011.709
66 IrisSec 653.00011.457
67 brain damage 649.00011.374
68 KITCTF 627.00011.017
69 mikecat 626.00010.980
70 bawolff 621.00010.884
71 efiens 603.00010.589
72 brkninjas 596.00010.463
73 AntiBuddies 558.0009.865
74 The Teamless 547.0009.679
75 better than team 499.0008.929
76 Where'sTheFlag 486.0008.714
77 onepunchpwn 482.0008.636
78 DarkArmy 480.0008.589
79 DuckDuckFlag 479.0008.558
80 Isengard 472.0008.435
81 idek 472.0008.420
82 Lorem Ipsec 472.0008.405
83 bi0s 445.0007.979
84 SiBears 445.0007.965
85 team_eat 445.0007.951
86 matipau 436.0007.800
87 Recursion Fairies 436.0007.787
88 Srdnlen 401.0007.240
89 Samurai 397.0007.167
90 bootplug 376.0006.834
91 slashbad 359.0006.563
92 BIT 357.0006.520
93 Xp0int 355.0006.478
94 andmed 338.0006.208
95 anti-cult-cult 329.0006.060
96 DCC 328.0006.033
97 m4n3 328.0006.023
98 GoN 322.0005.921
99 EvilBunnyWrote 322.0005.911
100 D33VOLUTIONS 321.0005.885
101 no 314.0005.769
102 curlyflower 310.0005.698
103 potbelly 310.0005.689
104 Czech Cyber Team 310.0005.680
105 × × × × × 308.0005.640
106 Geeky Cat 308.0005.631
107 ThereIsNoInfoRoma 306.0005.592
108 0xCAFBE7 299.0005.477
109 Nevsor 298.0005.453
110 RPISEC 298.0005.445
111 0 296.0005.406
112 TheDefaced 296.0005.398
113 ghidradarkmodewhen 291.0005.314
114 F03v3ryY0ung 291.0005.306
115 Scavenger Security 291.0005.299
116 Saved by the Shell 291.0005.291
117 cypis 288.0005.238
118 ADDVulcan 284.0005.170
119 ZipZalabim 283.0005.148
120 dm0 283.0005.141
121 justdoit 272.0004.966
122 coffeelighten 253.0004.670
123 B3NNY 253.0004.663
124 dzil123 253.0004.657
125 TEAM0001 253.0004.650
126 Polymero 249.0004.583
127 rfr 249.0004.577
128 rabinkarp 247.0004.540
129 Watch4Hack 247.0004.534
130 SandiaN00bs 247.0004.528
131 SSAT 247.0004.523
132 ShamenDubon 247.0004.517
133 CreateRemoteThread 247.0004.511
134 DOUBLE STANDARD 247.0004.506
135 wuf2rev 247.0004.500
136 funtimes 247.0004.495
137 French Poetry 241.0004.398
138 flk 241.0004.393
139 A5537 241.0004.387
140 Team'); DROP TABLE Teams;-- 241.0004.382
141 saarsec 239.0004.347
142 shablul 234.0004.266
143 Infinite loop 229.0004.185
144 HugsForBugs 229.0004.180
145 krzysztof1222 229.0004.175
146 upbhack 223.0004.079
147 Epic Leet Team 223.0004.074
148 🅱️EndREdi 🅱️aCArDi 223.0004.070
149 ZH3R0 223.0004.065
150 mode13h 216.0003.954
151 cyberopensquad 204.0003.767
152 cyberwehr 204.0003.762
153 mhackeroni 204.0003.758
154 noraneco 204.0003.754
155 HungryCaterpillar 204.0003.750
156 team enu 204.0003.746
157 eskjekjaeba 203.0003.726
158 灵雨安全实验室 197.0003.631
159 Bluecat 173.0003.261
160 4919 173.0003.257
161 Cache Money 166.0003.147
162 dcua 154.0002.960
163 temptemp 154.0002.956
164 MirrorOS 154.0002.953
165 OpenToAll 125.0002.507
166 1t'5_n0t_fla9 125.0002.503
167 Lemonz 125.0002.500
168 YoungPwnawans 125.0002.496
169 greenhorn 125.0002.493
170 5upernova 125.0002.489
171 MonkOnMars 125.0002.486
172 nearkats 125.0002.482
173 LATIZA 125.0002.479
174 Saint Technics 125.0002.476
175 Sector Z 125.0002.472
176 Psyber Bois 125.0002.469
177 junior_groot 125.0002.466
178 PWr Synt@x Err0r 125.0002.463
179 ET Bilu (seek knowledge) 125.0002.460
180 Social Engineering Experts 125.0002.457
181 Nomads 125.0002.454
182 NULL 125.0002.451
183 KogCoder 125.0002.448
184 Kuality 125.0002.445
185 Hyp3rFlow 125.0002.442
186 0x62EEN7EA 125.0002.439
187 purf3ct 125.0002.436
188 Applicative 125.0002.433
189 K!nd4SUS 125.0002.430
190 SuperNewbie 125.0002.428
191 Tw1l1ght G4mb1t 125.0002.425
192 adrian17 125.0002.422
193 TangLangTech 125.0002.420
194 memekatz 125.0002.417
195 velvet_misconception 125.0002.414
196 r0nd 125.0002.412
197 EM_ANH_CHUONG_IDOL 125.0002.409
198 Hackernator 125.0002.407
199 ENOFLAG 125.0002.404
200 APT593 125.0002.402
201 InfosecIITG 125.0002.399
202 CYBEANS 125.0002.397
203 yult 125.0002.394
204 El_Psy_Kongroo 125.0002.392
205 MuddySports 125.0002.389
206 michiana-infosec 75.0001.625
207 CTF.SG 75.0001.623
208 ArcTropics 75.0001.620
209 Shy♥Shachaf♥Shoshi 75.0001.618
210 xiaobyeQQ 75.0001.616
211 PECTF 75.0001.614
212 Vidar Team 75.0001.611
213 c0mp053r 75.0001.609
214 Hopeful Raiders 75.0001.607
215 NYUSEC 75.0001.605
216 Can Haz Flag 75.0001.603
217 gameofpwns 75.0001.600
218 Lala5th 75.0001.598
219 blackjackets 75.0001.596
220 RedDwarf 75.0001.594
221 die 75.0001.592
222 Bi0t_Ec 75.0001.590
223 Brolerobot 75.0001.588
224 swat 75.0001.586
225 SKR 75.0001.584
226 Harmony 4 You 75.0001.582
227 SonOfSnowden 75.0001.580
228 twc 75.0001.578
229 Jacoboom 75.0001.577
230 Little Twoos 75.0001.575
231 pmaster 50.0001.192
232 C Flat 50.0001.190
233 oakvedid 50.0001.188
234 1dayPWNED 50.0001.186
235 n0bitz 50.0001.184
236 osm_rabbit 50.0001.183
237 Wechall Warriors 50.0001.181
238 Thundernerds 50.0001.179
239 H4rdwo3k1ng 50.0001.177
240 Secret Squirrels 50.0001.176
241 wolvsec 50.0001.174
242 PWD 50.0001.172
243 BreakingCode101 50.0001.170
244 PolyHx 50.0001.169
245 TorrescHack 50.0001.167
246 bitb4ng 50.0001.166
247 IITBreachers 50.0001.164
248 YabbaDoo 50.0001.162
249 AlbSociety 50.0001.161
250 OnlyFeet 50.0001.159
251 JufoUfo 50.0001.157
252 eD 50.0001.156
253 Belgian Red Daemons 50.0001.154
254 Peak^Chaos 50.0001.153
255 pingCTF 50.0001.151
256 JustATeam 50.0001.150
257 NoPwn4OldMen 50.0001.148
258 <xufficiently 'STUP = id '> 50.0001.147
259 xSTF 50.0001.145
260 flagless 50.0001.144
261 aaronpl 50.0001.142
262 Bumbodosan 50.0001.141
263 AdelaideB9 50.0001.139
264 noTeamName 50.0001.138
265 Skiddies 50.0001.137
266 curdir 50.0001.135
267 FrenchRoomba 50.0001.134
268 DeepThonts 50.0001.132
269 CyKOR 50.0001.131
270 CyberErudites 50.0001.130
271 CTFMON 50.0001.128
272 R4nd0mGu3ssr 50.0001.127
273 sponge_bob 50.0001.126
274 m1t0 50.0001.124
275 N30Z30N 50.0001.123
276 ❄️🌸 ‍ ‍ ‍ 50.0001.122
277 Hacklabor 50.0001.120
278 CSALab_Sec 50.0001.119
279 Apollo-13 50.0001.118
280 burner_herz0g 50.0001.117
281 4LEARN 50.0001.115
282 MQCyberSec 50.0001.114
283 ev1111 50.0001.113
284 kokeshi 50.0001.112
285 Q&Z 50.0001.110
286 lcgg 50.0001.109
287 bnnz 50.0001.108
288 wotop 50.0001.107
289 _Marbin_ 50.0001.105
290 Billionaire_Space_Race 50.0001.104
291 esar 50.0001.103
292 4ever_1onely 50.0001.102
293 Topological surface 50.0001.101
294 trap_casual 50.0001.100
295 Pirates of the Caribbean 50.0001.099
296 kad96 50.0001.097
297 Ganesh 50.0001.096
298 Yoo 50.0001.095
299 shin2ro 50.0001.094
300 RokirovkaDef 50.0001.093
301 sf 50.0001.092
302 ONEASTEAM 50.0001.091
303 H3M5L0 50.0001.090
304 chunankai 50.0001.089
305 ByteForc3 50.0001.087
306 pwnthenope 50.0001.086
307 team a 50.0001.085
308 blue0620 50.0001.084
309 Raise the Flag 50.0001.083
310 Tucci Hang 50.0001.082
311 keyball123 50.0001.081
312 Hackappatoi 50.0001.080
313 UglyDucklings 50.0001.079
314 iWanFlagz 50.0001.078
315 BitteNichtAnfuzzen! 50.0001.077
316 Der Zimmermann 50.0001.076
317 A!Tians 50.0001.075
318 T0k 50.0001.074
319 K17 50.0001.073
320 Attack on Software 50.0001.072
321 xXxpassword123xXx 50.0001.071
322 Cybernated Wizards 50.0001.070
323 SSL 50.0001.069
324 0Trust 50.0001.068
325 Man In The Middle 50.0001.067
326 upperVillage 50.0001.067
327 hacking to the gate 50.0001.066
328 TeamKrabath 50.0001.065
329 thehackerscrew 50.0001.064
330 ktx 50.0001.063
331 Throw another payload on the barbie 50.0001.062
332 r00tstici 50.0001.061
333 OctaC0re 50.0001.060
334 Silver Catalysts 50.0001.059
335 SaltyCabbages 50.0001.058
336 KSP 50.0001.057
337 chimp 50.0001.057
338 UW-Madison Cybersecurity Club 50.0001.056
339 lángOS 50.0001.055
340 Jump2Flag 50.0001.054
341 mnsec 50.0001.053
342 nbg 50.0001.052
343 synackuk 50.0001.051
344 ractor_burton 50.0001.051
345 zach 50.0001.050
346 null2root 50.0001.049
347 taln 50.0001.048
348 n0w 50.0001.047
349 toastedsteaksandwich 50.0001.046
350 tabby_cat 50.0001.046
351 13bd37 50.0001.045
352 0r0 50.0001.044
353 dickjustice228 50.0001.043
354 Syntaxförster 50.0001.042
355 SoloExploit 50.0001.042
356 CLPEEE 50.0001.041
357 EthicalCookieLovers 50.0001.040
358 DeltaHeap 50.0001.039
359 Last Placers 50.0001.039
360 Hacklab 50.0001.038
361 Beta_securiteam 50.0001.037
362 Polaris One 50.0001.036
363 greywolf 50.0001.036
364 rdj 50.0001.035
365 HuntsvilleTechSupport 50.0001.034
366 nolax 50.0001.033
367 hedgehog 50.0001.033
368 Eternal Deathslayer 3 50.0001.032
369 Dababyboys 50.0001.031
370 1337hackers 50.0001.030
371 AnomalyZA 50.0001.030
372 empty-jack 50.0001.029
373 Cheese Wheel 50.0001.028
374 MadrHacks 50.0001.027
375 TheScientists 50.0001.027
376 kks 50.0001.026
377 Hacktimel 50.0001.025
378 m0ck1ngbird 50.0001.025
379 cellular 50.0000.512
AsentinnJune 27, 2021, 8:42 p.m.

OkabeRintaro is in!
El. Psy. Kongroo.

xtal_rootJuly 4, 2021, 7:31 p.m.

Hi, I'm looking for new members into xtal team, PM in Discord 0x3c3e#3013.

NxT1meJuly 14, 2021, 2:28 p.m.

Looking for a team, im new to ctf's, but interested in pushing myself to learn and help the team.

SCH227July 14, 2021, 10:13 p.m.

You can send invitation to team T0k

RedfordJuly 19, 2021, 10:37 p.m.

Overall a great CTF with a lot of great challenges!

Good things:
- "ICan'tBelieveIt'sNotCrypto" was the most beautiful math riddle I saw in a few years!
- "Parking" challenge was great (a digital circuit made of a car parking puzzle).
- "Weather" RE was also really nice (VM implemented on glibc's printf custom format specifiers).
- Other challs were also quite good.
- I really liked the scoreboard :)

Bad things:
- "David and the Tree": This was a challenge which IMO should have never appeared on a top tier CTF. It was basically stego+guessing, where your only hope was that you guessed all the vague hints from the chall name and description the same way as the author expected, otherwise you wasted a few hours doing stego analyses on a wrong thing...
- "ABC ARM AND AMD": "We have made an update to the server of ABC ARM AND AMD to make it behave more closely to local execution. If your exploit previously failed on the server, consider trying again." - would be better if you just included the full setup for the challenge (e.g. the exact qemu commandline wasn't known).

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