Fri, 03 March 2017, 17:00 UTC — Sat, 04 March 2017, 17:00 UTC 


UCSB iCTF event.

Format: Attack-Defense Attack-Defense

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 60.83 

Rating weight: 35.00 

Event organizers 

no logo

This year's iCTF is open to public!

More details will come in upcoming days.


314 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 Bushwhackers 2849008.42570.000
2 dcua 1471472.35535.577
3 WE_0WN_Y0U 1425758.08429.182
4 CodiSec 1249362.37224.098
5 Tower of Hanoi 790503.19616.711
6 saarsec 734065.37014.851
7 SiBears 686274.81713.431
8 217 679963.23912.728
9 LosFuzzys 617519.03311.475
10 HackingForSoju 583303.44910.666
11 NASA Rejects 560925.81210.073
12 random 559351.0069.788
13 SIGFLAG 459794.4288.341
14 Thomas 430058.0827.783
15 STT 405502.8097.315
16 NYUSEC 391193.8416.993
17 adw1n 350498.6556.365
18 Lab RATs 298288.7535.609
19 TokyoWesterns 233854.4954.715
20 BAH-Humbug 229259.3574.566
21 Shady Hats 193292.1064.041
22 Test Icicles 190094.0263.926
23 Destructive Voice 185333.2903.799
24 9SOC 174639.4183.604
25 M.I.S.T. 173654.2243.533
26 squareroots 165032.1713.374
27 Boyd306 151525.4443.158
28 OpenToAll 142780.0563.004
29 ENOFLAG 135471.6902.871
30 p4 131148.1292.778
31 NULL 118976.7952.591
32 WizardsOfDos 118101.8192.545
33 Never Stop Exploiting 115845.9482.484
34 qxxtg bmfls hzbqb 114469.9852.436
35 FAUST 103150.0152.267
36 0xBU 101881.9622.224
37 NOPS 95789.9772.123
38 The Wizard's Sanctum 94986.1652.088
39 VoidHack 89228.6391.994
40 anesec 87637.3321.952
41 The Northern Coalition 81161.9751.851
42 Weird@First 80279.3311.820
43 Espacio 70949.5401.686
44 Capture the Swag 66671.7911.615
45 UCL-THOR 66091.9851.590
46 R0h1iCk 64761.5841.556
47 iVBORw0KGgo= 63260.6491.522
48 pwndevils 59822.4601.464
49 clouded leopard 58062.2221.428
50 R3d Cr3sc3nt 56998.7341.400
51 Hacknam Style 53237.0871.340
52 CInsects 53142.9611.326
53 InSecurity 51590.1081.294
54 FinishGreat 51147.8981.276
55 KaisHack 50452.0701.256
56 AllTheFlags 49567.1721.234
57 ExtremeKickers 47271.4551.195
58 K17 42188.4371.122
59 pwnies 35904.3711.034
60 b01lers 35696.5041.022
61 Just Hit the Core 34589.4540.999
62 Magic Squirrel 34171.0380.984
63 RunCMD 33615.7960.969
64 Lights Out 33246.9710.955
65 Hackademics 32602.4720.939
66 Batman's Kitchen 31717.9030.920
67 im in ur cloud stealing ur nudez 29053.7140.879
68 noraneco 28746.9220.868
69 _FoXXeS_ 28655.1290.859
70 p1x3l4t0r 28640.5760.852
71 RU+=free(pizza); 27640.4930.833
72 Переподвысмотрит 26766.6740.815
73 Honeypot 26525.0920.805
74 3v01v3 25531.6300.787
75 Delusions of Grandeur 25081.3630.775
76 c00kies@venice 24217.5920.758
77 SYPER 21590.7970.720
78 YETI 21198.5830.709
79 in23canation 20993.7020.701
80 WCSC 19852.9710.681
81 irerynedala 19354.5210.670
82 justatestteam 18388.4450.653
83 Fourchette Bombe 17724.6350.639
84 Magic Squirrels 17630.4230.633
85 BytesForEveryone 17521.1900.627
86 TechSec 17287.2970.619
87 The Pacman's Army 16234.4820.602
88 OldLamers 16166.2610.596
89 Cyber@UCI 16131.6770.591
90 SecDaemons 15998.2310.585
91 DFM 15781.4510.578
92 tomaHAWkss 15631.6130.572
93 KLTM 14817.4770.558
94 Naveen 14703.8330.553
95 Dragon Sector 14622.9930.548
96 Craft n' Capture 14562.0840.543
97 XORcists 14311.1450.537
98 Wes and the Cyber Bois 14152.1080.531
99 CyberHawks 13942.3250.525
100 theskullcrusher 13933.3970.521
101 Trump's Cyber Warriors 13917.8770.518
102 ChocolateMakers 13795.3180.513
103 Skynet 13626.0590.507
104 SajanKiBaraat 13492.0990.502
105 CalicemPulmenti 13442.7530.498
106 El Turco 13373.6310.494
107 Hubert Hackin' 13355.8910.491
108 lemonh2o 13322.3490.488
109 FoXXes 13201.6760.483
110 RedTeam5 12912.4760.477
111 FrozenBeer 12730.0580.472
112 hama 12614.6440.467
113 bi0s 12516.7250.464
114 LeaveCat 12432.7210.460
115 MSU-CTF 12063.5950.453
116 Veneno 11940.0360.448
117 farmingsimulator2015 11887.2190.445
118 autobots 11854.1570.442
119 devcraft 11851.0580.440
120 Anomali 11823.7700.437
121 MV9rwGOf08 11807.0610.434
122 Securimag 11643.0440.430
123 roguecookies 11545.0570.426
124 teetime 11426.8450.423
125 Shellphish 11315.3260.419
126 item_not_found 11313.1030.417
127 Hyperion 11290.1690.414
128 CyberTeam6 11256.3430.412
129 cyber@ucr 11217.3580.409
130 NothingMajor 11179.3610.407
132 Josh Nelbach 10859.5080.399
133 morganFr33man 10843.1780.396
134 alt-secure 10841.5670.394
135 GHOST 10820.4960.392
136 FluxFingers 10700.9130.389
137 r00timentary 10700.2550.387
138 deptraivcl 10659.2010.385
139 SaferSexWeek2017 10643.4240.383
140 keva 10620.1830.380
141 TXST-EE 10567.1440.378
142 LSE 10542.6760.376
143 Olin College 10540.1110.374
144 florin 10497.3690.372
145 ClearCode 10483.8820.370
146 Siber Defense Club 10394.8090.367
147 salary lupin 10382.7820.366
148 Team-Nill 10351.6240.364
149 Mudd Gulch 10328.6930.362
150 xSTF 10270.6380.360
151 cokomelayran 10222.9610.357
152 shakalCTF 10145.0290.355
153 Samurai 10119.4510.353
154 SDSU 10109.8250.351
155 WTF 10108.2930.350
156 D3siprox 10091.2430.348
157 noneasdtest 9971.1260.345
158 !SpamAndHex 9959.8470.344
159 sqrt0 9956.2660.342
160 Cheddar Horsemen 9947.1480.341
161 h4rdF0rc3 9881.0490.339
162 GNU-E-Ducks 9866.8150.337
163 mhack 9829.0790.335
164 XSS(Cross Site Security) 9799.6740.334
165 Groupthink 9785.6580.332
166 KSU Cyber Defense Team 9778.6100.331
167 anesthesia 9751.0920.329
168 sure 9714.9660.328
169 Burlingpwn 9638.2020.326
170 theHardER 9595.2090.324
171 H3X0R 9577.9690.322
172 notthelooser 9571.6030.321
173 idontknow 9562.4600.320
174 CTF101 9488.8350.318
175 ISITDTU 9487.0840.317
176 onlyme 9474.4020.315
177 Nordlicht 9469.1540.314
179 RIP ROP Anonymous 9226.1750.309
180 W1ld0n3 9225.1140.308
181 PackdeSys 9205.5090.306
182 cokomel 9042.5210.303
183 lgeffect 9010.4410.302
184 AAA! 9003.9550.301
185 k3y 8965.7220.299
186 whitewalkers 8957.5450.298
187 Burlingpwn open 8909.9010.297
188 Cheddar_Horsemen 8890.7830.295
189 Augusta University 8853.8820.294
190 Israelites 8846.7540.293
191 Thund3r 8818.2260.292
192 n4rv4l0 8810.5450.291
193 Bits For Everyone 8803.8750.290
194 bohboh 8803.8610.289
195 FilipeOliveira 8800.3580.288
196 Inn0vHackti0n 8799.2290.287
197 as3richa 8775.9300.285
198 HackThisSite 8754.4680.284
199 unlimit 8697.7850.283
200 2O2L2H 8687.3040.282
201 Halt.and.Catch.Meggings 8671.2520.281
202 iwanttoseechallenges 8663.5380.280
203 ITCMUDTU 8652.8190.279
204 lazykoala2014 8637.5010.278
205 L 8523.6620.275
206 ayyy 8496.6700.274
207 Mystery Team 8442.3900.273
208 Hacktecs 8441.3550.272
209 Luck1F15h 8408.2710.271
210 ebp-92 8379.7040.270
211 FCCcyber 8354.6320.269
212 La team roquette! 8307.3050.267
213 s1u3 8296.8580.266
214 Tasteless 8289.0180.265
215 CCQK 8256.4050.264
216 HackingFromSpace 8241.2180.263
217 pandamania 8200.3900.262
218 llllllll 8186.7860.261
219 Mason Competitive Cyber 8128.5190.260
220 IDKIDC 8121.2040.259
221 Qexfixka 8074.3770.258
222 Class 461 8042.2560.256
223 sinners_from_hell 8037.1760.256
224 Llo unlimited 7982.2420.254
225 ganymede 7978.1770.254
226 NeverCTF 7955.8980.253
227 ok 7950.0020.252
228 JDI 7919.7360.251
229 daruma 7900.3280.250
230 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 7881.5150.249
231 Destructive Voice 7870.0450.248
232 CDCC Capstone 7824.3550.247
233 badfirmware 7805.5080.246
234 0daysober 7788.6590.245
235 keypwn 7775.7330.244
236 PiggyBird 7768.3450.244
237 Great_Octopus 7722.4110.243
238 banana 7722.3970.242
239 innerFoo 7710.1620.241
240 undefined 7704.3630.240
241 Synergy 7699.6940.240
242 Deepsea 7670.3120.239
243 ThienLyDocHanh 7609.8900.238
244 Renegades 7607.0750.237
245 PeakChaos 7598.5050.236
246 BabyPhD 7551.3360.235
247 r00t-m0b 7548.5030.234
248 X-Men 7523.3230.234
249 KCSS 7479.3660.232
250 Savage Submarine 7475.3220.232
251 Harekaze 7468.9480.231
252 SUSlo.PAS 7467.0240.231
253 JohnDoe 7447.8720.230
254 yukiarashi 7421.0540.229
255 Much sudo About Nothing 7413.9510.228
256 KS.IS 7406.4690.228
257 L 7399.6220.227
258 test 7384.4110.226
259 SecurityInfo 7380.8520.226
260 MrMugiwara 7319.2360.225
261 TempCode 7302.7930.224
262 hackpack 7293.0450.223
263 Peredpodvysmotrit 7269.9820.222
264 欸欸欸 7250.7890.222
265 larryboy825 7243.7010.221
266 AnonSai 7179.4440.220
267 Tuskegee 7139.6140.219
268 acdwas 7115.2860.218
269 0xCiph3r 7056.9460.217
270 SSU 7045.5270.216
271 hack.carleton 7022.5110.215
272 Scrypter 7013.9720.215
273 hxp 7011.8330.214
274 Ulm Security Sparrows 7010.2230.214
275 SaiberSekuriti 6983.9770.213
276 0xIL 6928.2500.212
277 UofTHackers 6899.7900.211
278 test999 6890.6620.211
279 fuwev 6886.5970.210
280 Acme Pharmaceutical 6885.5850.210
281 Antichat 6845.0120.209
282 nekminnit 6834.0830.208
283 test_team 6806.9660.207
284 sh4dowrooters 6746.0270.206
285 flagish 6730.1120.205
286 sheep 6727.5430.205
287 ZergR00sh 6712.8000.204
288 Life 6688.6230.204
289 P01TERGEIST 6654.2160.203
290 EpicTeam 6545.3410.201
291 ssccsscc 6542.3140.201
292 ufologists 6474.1190.199
293 B33r 6442.0350.199
294 Diozen 6392.4630.198
295 2600 Club 6355.0920.197
296 ghifkers 6350.0220.196
297 2Dend 6344.5690.196
298 PLUS 6338.2230.195
299 SBHSPRC 6269.6880.194
300 3cst4sy 6205.9390.193
301 GopherInTheaShell 6201.6530.192
302 sorrrrry 6180.0040.192
303 Itemize 6106.4440.191
304 H3x Pr0ph3ts 6040.7980.189
305 asdfasdf 5932.5570.188
306 Kernel Sanders 5824.8310.186
307 Sw1ssFr13nds 5762.2390.185
308 OneManMenace 5739.6310.184
309 toblerone 5523.7630.181
310 MBAFNT-ROUEN 5491.0030.180
311 badstreff 5413.0540.179
312 xine 5355.3020.178
313 pr0wl 5221.3610.176
314 HoT 5142.8770.087
315 grnmteam 5004.9600.086
316 BalalaikaCr3w 4620.0090.084
xmun0xFeb. 20, 2017, 3:17 p.m.

Does anyone know when they will email the passwords?

ShinsetsuMarch 3, 2017, 3:57 p.m.

Does anyone have room for me to join?

SomeGuyMarch 3, 2017, 5:25 p.m.

has this started yet?

xsamMarch 4, 2017, 9:39 p.m.

any one give his login to join the game please !

brainboxbrownMarch 5, 2017, 4:52 a.m.

did anyone get the final scoreboard?

menadMarch 5, 2017, 7:58 a.m.

david942jMarch 5, 2017, 8:46 a.m.

Challenges are good but the competition environment can be better.
Late starting and all services down for 2 hours before game end.
Also, they changed the whole services/api ip during competition.

Again, the challenges are good and fun, but the environment problems make us really unhappy during the contest.

Thanks Shellphish! Wish next year these problems will not occur again.

andrew_March 8, 2017, 3:25 p.m.

The name of this event is wrong- this was iCTF 2017, wasn't it?

emyeiMarch 27, 2017, 1:18 p.m.

Will the scoreboard be published?

ethcelonApril 4, 2017, 12:09 a.m.

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