Also known as
  • PeakChoasX
  • UCLion


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PeakChaos is a club at UCCS dedicated to competing in online cyber security competitions such as iCTF, PlaidCTF, Codegate and CSAW. These competitions are focused on challenges based on networking, programming, reverse engineering, hacking, encryption, math, electronics and multimedia. We also participate in Internet Capture the Flag style events, where several teams fight to take control of each other’s systems. Between competitions, we plan to focus on helping people learn various techniques and technologies through workshops and training sessions. This club is open to everyone regardless of ability level.

Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
400DCTF 2022100.00000.383
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
306CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2017526.00002.095
245UCSB iCTF 20177598.50500.236
228Boston Key Party CTF 201751.00000.914

Overall rating place: 461 with 24.749 pts in 2016

Country place: 53

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
556Hack The Vote 20161.00000.046
306TUM CTF 201651.00000.320
674CSAW CTF Qualification Round 201651.00000.276
465Tokyo Westerns/MMA CTF 2nd 201660.00000.608
60CTF(x) 2016401.00000.000
98Blaze CTF 2016420.00003.018
325PlaidCTF 201676.00001.775
155Nuit du Hack CTF Quals 2016450.00005.454
157BCTF 2016160.00001.223
1190CTF 2016 Quals3.00001.870
127Boston Key Party CTF 201612.00007.972
358Internetwache CTF 2016340.00000.823
192HackIM 20162300.00001.363

Overall rating place: 596 with 13.847 pts in 2015

Country place: 67

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
102SECCON 2015 Online CTF1700.00008.360
636PlaidCTF 20151.00000.134
42UCSB iCTF 20144.05362.836
254Boston Key Party CTF 2015245.00002.517

Overall rating place: 537 with 17.094 pts in 2014

Country place: 65

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points CTF 2014130.00001.241
272CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20141460.00009.946
217PlaidCTF 2014142.00001.747
146Ghost in the Shellcode 2014201.00004.161

Overall rating place: 217 with 52.585 pts in 2013

Country place: 35

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
49rwthCTF 20134426.00003.565 CTF 201399.00001.818
243CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20132000.00009.921
125BaltCTF Quals 201373.00000.411
114PlaidCTF 2013370.00008.783
35UCSB iCTF 20120.55008.016
146ForbiddenBITS CTF 2013100.00001.162
63Nuit du Hack CTF Quals 2013301.00005.449
154RuCTF Quals 20130.00000.000
138Codegate CTF Preliminary 2013400.00005.083
64Ghost in the Shellcode 2013450.00008.379

Overall rating place: 218 with 33.018 pts in 2012

Country place: 31

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
88PoliCTF 2012100.00001.235 CTF 2012649.00007.333
89CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20125100.000024.449

Team members