Sun, 02 March 2025, 06:00 UTC — Sun, 02 March 2025, 11:00 UTC 


India, Goa

Winja CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 1.00 

Rating weight: 13.00 

Event organizers 

Winja CTF is a hybrid Capture The Flag event (Jeopardy Style) happening online as well as physically at Nullcon Goa 2025.

It will begin at 11:30 AM IST on 2 March 2025. CTF will end at 16:30 PM IST on 2 March 2025.

We have special prizes for on site players. Venue details can be viewed at

NH 17B, Bypass, Road, Zuarinagar, Sancoale, Goa 403726


1st Winner (On-Site)
Apple iPad
Flipper Zero
Lock Picking Kit
Exclusive Winja and Nullcon Hamper

2nd Winner (On-Site)
SANS Training
Flipper Zero
No Starch Press Book
Exclusive Winja and Nullcon Hamper

Winner (Online)
Flipper Zero
No Starch Press Book
Exclusive Winja and Nullcon Hamper


224 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 cantbeonsite 2400.00026.000
2 peepo 1990.00017.279
3 NEX 1760.00013.867
4 WeAre 1670.00012.296
5 HCS 1440.00010.400
6 TeamShakti 1370.0009.588
7 bi0s 1370.0009.278
8 MaybeWe'llWin 1340.0008.883
9 BlitzHack 1270.0008.324
10 BITSkrieg 1220.0007.908
11 |3r0th3r CC 1040.0006.815
12 MindCrafters 1040.0006.717
13 0CT 1020.0006.525
14 deaDLock 830.0005.424
15 ChiLL Chain 820.0005.308
16 1nf1n1ty 760.0004.929
17 cyberx 740.0004.773
18 XoX 740.0004.731
19 C0UGH1NGB4BY 740.0004.693
20 AirXeros 740.0004.658
21 f4n_n3r0 740.0004.627
22 每亩皇城 720.0004.491
23 f34rl3ss 710.0004.411
24 h4ck3r 650.0004.063
25 NULLPR05 640.0003.987
26 PIE & ASLR 620.0003.858
27 0xE0F 590.0003.677
28 Hack & Cheese 580.0003.606
29 Heartbleed 580.0003.590
30 d3pth f1rst s3arch 530.0003.304
31 Mr. Guys 520.0003.236
32 Blue Lock Eleven 520.0003.223
33 v∅id 520.0003.211
34 Zugzwang 500.0003.091
35 Null2∞ 500.0003.080
36 الفلاحة 500.0003.069
37 ByteForc3 460.0002.843
38 NevLeak 440.0002.725
39 PwN5Tars 440.0002.717
40 D3j4 Vu 420.0002.600
41 Shad0wByt3s 420.0002.592
42 Xyrax 420.0002.585
43 Unemployed Nerds 420.0002.577
44 acdwas 400.0002.462
45 AuroraDawn 400.0002.456
46 r4c00ns 340.0002.124
47 STELK_CSC 340.0002.118
48 Shenron 340.0002.113
49 OldD@ys 340.0002.107
50 €yber€lan 340.0002.102
51 Cyber_Chillies 340.0002.097
52 NOVA 320.0001.983
53 TCP1P 320.0001.979
54 gryffindor 320.0001.974
55 kr3pt0 320.0001.970
56 project_tsukuyomi 320.0001.965
57 Meraki 320.0001.961
58 Dm420 320.0001.957
59 Exfiltr8 320.0001.954
60 Kung_fu_hustle 320.0001.950
61 V1t 320.0001.946
62 FORENSEEK 320.0001.943
63 no_name 320.0001.940
64 200 OK 320.0001.936
65 codeconqurors 300.0001.825
66 ICEDTEA 300.0001.822
67 PawsharKilo 300.0001.819
68 Winjactf 300.0001.816
69 n00bc0der 300.0001.813
70 r4c00ns_offsite 300.0001.811
71 BitBusters 300.0001.808
72 PurpleMonkey 300.0001.806
73 N0T1C3 300.0001.803
74 SecDre1 300.0001.801
75 Shadow root 300.0001.798
76 ExploitMonks 300.0001.796
77 NULL NINJAS 300.0001.794
78 syntaxqt 280.0001.683
79 TeamE 280.0001.681
80 meth_4nal_pro_labsZ 280.0001.679
81 SoraMantis 280.0001.677
82 Exploit.exe 240.0001.459
83 f0und_p0rt_404 240.0001.457
84 N2L 240.0001.455
85 Pootilangadi 240.0001.453
86 we2 240.0001.451
87 *(0) 240.0001.449
88 Hackvengers_999(1) 240.0001.448
89 The Last of Us 220.0001.338
90 LigmaSugmaSigma 220.0001.336
91 hackergod 220.0001.335
92 Shellskapsresan 220.0001.333
93 attt2025 220.0001.331
94 Terror23 220.0001.330
95 Sh4d0w_M0n4rcH 220.0001.329
96 Nodt 220.0001.327
97 Voidx 220.0001.326
98 R3minDM3L@t3r 220.0001.324
99 Crucial 220.0001.323
100 Sea~ 220.0001.322
101 EepyZombies 220.0001.320
102 HACK_ME_DADDY 220.0001.319
103 lazyyy 220.0001.318
104 404EXPLOITERS 220.0001.317
105 N3XUS_3E1NG 220.0001.315
106 Bermuda 220.0001.314
107 PEKKA STARS 220.0001.313
108 k0kos 220.0001.312
109 None 220.0001.311
110 Cyber Catalyst 200.0001.202
111 t1 200.0001.200
112 MLUC tr0jans 200.0001.199
113 Loophole 200.0001.198
114 Accorian 200.0001.197
115 Tropical-Hunters 200.0001.196
116 Order an Oily Pancake! 200.0001.195
117 Team Jamong 200.0001.194
118 Snitch Seekers 200.0001.194
119 Sotong 200.0001.193
120 @rror4!4 200.0001.192
121 Concerned Capybaras 200.0001.191
122 netphreaks 200.0001.190
123 v0idw4lkers 200.0001.189
124 Bits Bandits 200.0001.188
125 Team-915 200.0001.187
126 Yöreis3c 200.0001.187
127 SnifferSquad 200.0001.186
128 frey 200.0001.185
129 MelR00t 200.0001.184
130 Ch4kr4vyuh 200.0001.183
131 TCP1P Cabang Pemula 200.0001.183
132 NetSec 200.0001.182
133 wolfgang 200.0001.181
134 lol 200.0001.180
135 TrumpetRAT 200.0001.180
136 DesertTechie 200.0001.179
137 Knights of the Dark 180.0001.070
138 void0 180.0001.069
139 BruteForceBrigade 180.0001.069
140 Pr3made 180.0001.068
141 J 140.0000.851
142 0x3cut4ble 140.0000.850
143 MrRobox 140.0000.849
144 Bytecham 140.0000.849
145 BerKhoas 140.0000.848
146 scuwn 120.0000.739
147 Noble_warriors 120.0000.738
148 Team_Kanyarashi 120.0000.738
149 FXCK3D UP T34M W17H 7H3S3 PR0F33SS10N4L 120.0000.737
150 TeamName 120.0000.737
151 WHITE_SOULE 120.0000.736
152 Bit Hifz Bangladesh 120.0000.736
153 Payload Pursuit 120.0000.735
154 w1w1w1m30w 120.0000.734
155 k3lpshake 120.0000.734
156 JUST_NOTHING 120.0000.733
157 New_CTF 120.0000.733
158 Bit_R3bels 120.0000.732
159 R1yhtp 100.0000.623
160 Cybertroll 100.0000.623
161 ILGPENS 100.0000.622
162 Flag Hunters 100.0000.622
163 Techpirates 100.0000.621
164 byte sized brains 100.0000.621
165 StrixGoldhorn 100.0000.620
166 First Prize 100.0000.620
167 scriptminor 100.0000.620
168 Fortress 100.0000.619
169 0xZenitsu 100.0000.619
170 Ciphersqd 100.0000.618
171 hell 100.0000.618
172 bs0d 100.0000.617
173 Blackstar 100.0000.617
174 ganpig 100.0000.616
175 siva_zor 100.0000.616
176 tes 100.0000.616
177 Legion 100.0000.615
178 CyberTronian 100.0000.615
179 pdw0412 100.0000.614
180 Aftab Sama 100.0000.614
181 aespaFanClub 100.0000.613
182 r4tw1z 100.0000.613
183 Atomic_Pwnz 100.0000.613
184 BugBusters 100.0000.612
185 Apayh 100.0000.612
186 SUD0SEC 100.0000.612
187 Unk0wn 80.0000.503
188 cabela1308 80.0000.502
189 CyberSquad 80.0000.502
190 haha 80.0000.502
191 yesctf 80.0000.501
192 theCl0wn 80.0000.501
193 faewsg 80.0000.501
194 oniiii 80.0000.500
195 TTTT 80.0000.500
196 team rocket 40.0000.283
197 ctfrrteam 40.0000.283
198 0ne_p13C3 20.0000.174
199 Rickmorty 20.0000.174
200 12345 20.0000.173
201 nothing 20.0000.173
202 xing 20.0000.173
203 tr0janArmy 20.0000.172
204 Amber Breeze 20.0000.172
205 H4xor_Hunters 20.0000.172
206 Triadx0 20.0000.171
207 H4CK_077 20.0000.171
208 得闲饮茶 20.0000.171
209 House os Sigmas 20.0000.171
210 Sherlock 20.0000.170
211 so3ap_GIKI 20.0000.170
212 Hacker 20.0000.170
213 Cyart 20.0000.169
214 team SAD 20.0000.169
215 naim 20.0000.169
216 Blue Cheese 20.0000.169
217 sparc 20.0000.168
218 explorer 20.0000.168
219 pikachu 20.0000.168
220 GhostRiderzk 20.0000.167
221 AotTeam 20.0000.167
222 C1ph3r-Sh4d0w5 20.0000.167
223 hackhuit_0488 20.0000.167
224 Wired Ghost 20.0000.083
zhopnayaRanaMarch 2, 2025, 10:37 a.m.

Forensics is basically Steganography, but with a plot twist - there's no valid flag encrypted in the photo. After 3 hints, one of which explicitly said the format of the flag, no one solved the task, then the organizers finally decided to change the task to a solvable one

kerszi2March 6, 2025, 6:48 p.m.

Please, upload scoreboard to CTFtime. Soon is almost one week?

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