Sun, 01 Sept. 2024, 10:00 UTC — Mon, 02 Sept. 2024, 09:59 UTC 


Blackhat MEA CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 25.83 

Rating weight: 25.00 

Event organizers 

Black Hat MEA in collaboration with Saudi Federation for Cybersecurity, Programming & Drones (SAFCSP) will host a CTF Tournament and powered by FlagYard Platform, with over 1,000 participants (250 teams) entering the final stages at different levels of competency: amateur, intermediate and expert.

CTF competition run as a jeopardy-style competition and team based both in the qualification and final stages.
Participants will be challenged across a range of categories during the competition including Web, Reverse Engineering, PWN, Crypto and Forensics.

Qualification Round:
- Date: 24 hours from 01 Sep 2024, 10:00 GMT (01:00 PM KSA Time)
- Location: Online.

Final Competition:
- Date: 26-28 Nov 2024 during Black Hat MEA conference
- Location: On-Site - Riyadh

*** The top 10 teams (if based outside of Riyadh) that qualify for the final round will have travel and accommodation sponsored by the organizers.***


Top 10 teams qualifying for the final round will have their flight tickets and accommodation sponsored by the organizers
Total Prizes for the BlackHat MEA CTF On-Site CTF will be 700,000 SAR (Approx. $187,000)

- 1st Place: 300,000 SAR (Approx. $80,000)
- 2nd Place: 200,000 SAR (Approx. $53,500)
- 3rd Place: 100,000 SAR (Approx. $26,500)
- 4th Place: 60,000 SAR (Approx. $16,000)
- 5th Place: 40,000 SAR (Approx. $10,500)


627 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 bingus 2670.00050.000
2 CyKOR 2670.00037.500
3 Guper Suesser 2670.00033.333
4 Schrödinger's kittens 2670.00031.250
5 DiceGang 2670.00030.000
6 organizers 2490.00027.481
7 DeadSec 2380.00025.856
8 The Flat Network Society 2380.00025.410
9 Nu1L 2380.00025.062
10 Project Sekai 2380.00024.785
11 thehackerscrew 2380.00024.557
12 SРRUSH 2380.00024.368
13 Five Boys Cry 2380.00024.208
14 FirstSolveIn1557 2380.00024.070
15 More Smoked Leet Chicken 2380.00023.951
16 *0xA 2380.00023.847
17 AirOverFlow 2380.00023.755
18 Odin 2260.00022.550
19 GoN 2260.00022.477
20 r3kapig 2200.00021.849
21 WreckTheLine 2200.00021.790
22 ierae 2200.00021.736
23 r3billions 2110.00020.844
24 TBD 2110.00020.798
25 GoBack 2110.00020.757
26 wanttogosauna 2080.00020.437
27 Platinum 2020.00019.840
28 Fidethus 1930.00018.964
29 The Council of Sheep 1930.00018.933
30 L3ak 1930.00018.904
31 CY3RBULL1ES 1930.00018.878
32 MysticRoot 1930.00018.852
33 L3mon 1930.00018.829
34 0xFUN 1930.00018.806
35 justCatTheFish 1930.00018.785
36 Zero Day Warriors 1930.00018.766
37 Hack@Sec 1930.00018.747
38 Federal_Bonk_Investigations 1930.00018.729
39 Gg bro *_^ 1930.00018.712
40 Imp3rator 1930.00018.696
41 JACTeam 1930.00018.681
42 SafeCottage 1930.00018.666
43 Lexicans 1930.00018.653
44 Mazala 1930.00018.639
45 GETtooR 1930.00018.627
46 LUC1F3RC0D3 1930.00018.615
47 STLCTF 1900.00018.322
48 InfoSecIITR 1820.00017.562
49 Griffyns 1810.00017.458
50 APT-X 1810.00017.448
51 tteam 1810.00017.438
52 FrostByte 1750.00016.867
53 PETIR - Placeholder 1750.00016.857
54 Cyber-eto 1750.00016.849
55 NexGen Guard 1750.00016.840
56 Babylon Cyber Team 1750.00016.832
57 h4ck57r337 b0y5 1750.00016.824
58 Toasters 1750.00016.817
59 Phi 1750.00016.809
60 3ushaq_al_7asoob 1750.00016.802
61 CBL 1750.00016.796
62 M0tH3r5h1P 1750.00016.789
63 NerdNinjas 1700.00016.314
64 0flags==0day 1700.00016.308
65 🐧‎ 1660.00015.928
66 JakeandoSaranana 1650.00015.828
67 way2easy 1650.00015.823
68 Kheshig 1650.00015.817
69 SNI 1640.00015.718
70 1640.00015.713
71 0xCha0s 1640.00015.708
72 JordanShell 1640.00015.703
73 ARESx 1630.00015.605
74 SecurEyes 1630.00015.600
75 Weak But Leet 1630.00015.596
76 1n1t 1630.00015.591
77 LuD0 G4nG 1580.00015.119
78 WeHopeWeGetTheirFastThisYear 1570.00015.021
79 ZeroDayZ 1570.00015.017
80 |~*ACE_Shooters*~| 1540.00014.732
81 0xSpecter 1540.00014.728
82 Team Empasoft 1540.00014.724
83 Team VendattaRG 1530.00014.627
84 Rapid Recon Raiders 1530.00014.623
85 cyber_blitz 1530.00014.620
86 Flag_Hunters 1520.00014.523
87 Sick Your IT (Sickurity) 1520.00014.520
88 SecurityAQR 1480.00014.142
89 Hash blur 1480.00014.139
90 {Motameez} 1480.00014.135
91 Tarao 1480.00014.132
92 Silent Intruders 1480.00014.129
93 EternalBlue 1480.00014.126
94 bm9vYnM= 1480.00014.124
95 Dracarys 1480.00014.121
96 maybe 1480.00014.118
97 su$hi 1480.00014.115
98 B A N D I T S - V I I 1480.00014.113
99 noreply 1470.00014.017
100 976 1470.00014.014
101 bi0s 1470.00014.012
102 Shunkhlai 1470.00014.009
103 Keep Eyes On Sudan 🇸🇩 1470.00014.007
104 Vanaheim 1470.00014.004
105 RedHazzarTeam 1450.00013.815
106 ITSEC ASIA 1450.00013.813
107 farmers 1450.00013.810
108 Lanterns 1450.00013.808
109 G0tF1@G 1450.00013.806
110 sh3ll 1450.00013.804
111 The First Stones 1430.00013.615
112 SHAHEEN 1420.00013.519
113 PK_Squ@d 1410.00013.423
114 Little Green Men 1380.00013.141
115 najd 1370.00013.045
116 Tamamhack 1360.00012.950
117 The Hidden Castle 1360.00012.948
118 MNM 1360.00012.946
119 H@vOK 1360.00012.944
120 Ro0o0oTs 1360.00012.942
121 x0_0x 1360.00012.941
122 BESAR_PANI 1360.00012.939
123 Nazgul 1360.00012.937
124 alpha 1360.00012.936
125 Boozifyr 1360.00012.934
126 shadow 1360.00012.932
127 pwnagaukar 1350.00012.837
128 0xKoshary 1350.00012.836
129 Axipro 1350.00012.834
130 Malware Minions 1350.00012.833
131 PWN STARS 1350.00012.831
132 s1n1st3rs 1350.00012.830
133 Hunters_OX1 1350.00012.828
134 TheMatrix 1350.00012.827
135 Insight Warriors 1340.00012.732
136 D0R1M3 1340.00012.731
137 BataTeam 1300.00012.355
138 CyberWalkers 1300.00012.353
139 Qu4nt1x 1300.00012.352
140 SeoulEasterns 1290.00012.257
141 BunkyoWesterns 1290.00012.256
142 Akasec 1290.00012.255
143 The Jesters 1290.00012.253
144 Solo [Nepal] 1290.00012.252
145 blackpinker 1290.00012.251
146 H4ckMinistry 1290.00012.250
147 pluto 1290.00012.249
148 0xFarmers 1260.00011.967
149 WonKru 1260.00011.966
150 Scarlet Squad 1250.00011.871
151 Hunk 1250.00011.870
152 elteam 1240.00011.775
153 ExploitEagles 1240.00011.774
154 (CIF)S 1240.00011.773
155 1.e4,e5 1240.00011.772
156 AnonymousV4 1240.00011.771
157 RedTeamRogues 1240.00011.770
158 0rBits 1240.00011.769
159 lost minds 1240.00011.768
160 root@cyber 1240.00011.767
161 Error 404 1230.00011.672
162 0xNobody👾 1200.00011.390
163 HACKuna Matata 1200.00011.389
164 us3c 1200.00011.388
165 Beetlejuice 1200.00011.387
166 Sup3r_Napst3r 1200.00011.387
167 C0d3-B4ndits 1200.00011.386
168 PsychoTherapist 1200.00011.385
169 Black Rage 1200.00011.384
170 دكة 1200.00011.383
171 141 1200.00011.382
172 0xL4ugh 1190.00011.288
173 brootforce 1190.00011.287
174 captured 1180.00011.192
175 Olives 1180.00011.192
176 brute f0rce 1180.00011.191
177 HydraOnTop 1180.00011.190
178 ShadowOps 1180.00011.189
179 NS_SP4RTAN 1180.00011.188
180 Z01dyck 1180.00011.188
181 TuxPwners 1180.00011.187
182 Yazam 1180.00011.186
183 toor to root 1180.00011.185
184 Eagles 1180.00011.185
185 Elite Security 1180.00011.184
186 555 1170.00011.089
187 dz_noobs 1170.00011.089
188 CyberBug$ 1170.00011.088
189 first_place_is_mandatory 1170.00011.087
190 welovepython<3 1170.00011.087
191 싸우디는 잘 싸우디? 1170.00011.086
192 AnAn 1170.00011.085
193 meowmeow 1170.00011.085
194 BEASTHOOD 1170.00011.084
195 Plan-z 1170.00011.083
196 Spamurai 1170.00011.083
197 NinjaHacks 1170.00011.082
198 0xdeadbeef 1170.00011.081
199 B3rs3rk3rs 1160.00010.987
200 Byte Busters 1140.00010.799
201 WAAD IT 1140.00010.799
202 BugsBunny 1120.00010.611
203 Infinite 1120.00010.610
204 Madl33ts-rebirth 1120.00010.609
205 DEFKECH 1110.00010.515
206 SecurityGuys 1090.00010.327
207 CyberZone 1090.00010.327
209 Bing_Shilling 1090.00010.326
210 Deep Pockets 1090.00010.325
211 Triox 1090.00010.324
212 oppa husnil stan 1080.00010.230
213 Elite 1080.00010.230
214 X_CH40$ 1080.00010.229
215 FL4R3 1080.00010.229
216 lEg3nDz_n3V3r_d!3 1080.00010.228
217 الثلاثي المرح 1080.00010.228
218 CatCommandos 1080.00010.227
219 KP Cyber Warriors 1080.00010.227
220 SaudiHat 1080.00010.226
221 CyberUNIT 1080.00010.225
222 BL@CK W@TER 1080.00010.225
223 Volcanos 1080.00010.224
224 Cyber Apex 1080.00010.224
225 OutLaws 1080.00010.223
226 Not 404 1080.00010.223
227 The Hackers 1070.00010.129
228 m4lware 1070.00010.128
229 4fun 1070.00010.128
230 £@3y w1n 1070.00010.127
231 C3ns0r3d 1070.00010.127
232 0xh3r0005 1070.00010.126
233 R4v3ncl4w 1070.00010.126
234 Fl4M3 1070.00010.126
235 Hunters 1070.00010.125
236 odk 1070.00010.125
237 Ultra 1070.00010.124
238 Lunary 1060.00010.030
239 FaKappa 1060.00010.030
240 Br00tf0rs3rs 1060.00010.029
241 FR13NDS TEAM 1060.00010.029
242 Flag Bandits 1060.00010.028
243 delhab 1060.00010.028
244 0xGG 1060.00010.028
245 f16ht3r5 1060.00010.027
246 Khaliha3alaAllah 1060.00010.027
247 Subnet 1060.00010.026
248 Ashes 1060.00010.026
249 $tr1k3-0n3 1020.0009.651
250 <script>alert()</script> 1020.0009.651
251 D3y\\0/ 1020.0009.650
252 DEADBEEF 1020.0009.650
253 Jobedu 1020.0009.649
254 swap 1020.0009.649
255 Leg3nds 1020.0009.649
256 C4T BuT S4D 990.0009.367
257 The P3nguins 990.0009.367
258 CyberSpace 970.0009.179
259 Creepers_249 970.0009.179
260 /bin/bash 970.0009.179
261 f.society 970.0009.178
262 NullVoid 960.0009.084
263 Cwk Who Eats 950.0008.990
264 KurdSec Warriors 950.0008.990
265 TheWizard4k 950.0008.989
266 canYouSeeMe 940.0008.895
267 Neodyme 910.0008.614
268 hojeans 910.0008.614
269 idek 910.0008.614
270 Balloonh 900.0008.520
271 The Faters 900.0008.519
272 0xNoobs 900.0008.519
273 Ctrl + Alt + Defeat 900.0008.519
274 Buj4ng 900.0008.518
275 Girls 900.0008.518
276 강호석과차은우는취향차이 900.0008.518
277 Nightmare 900.0008.517
278 Sloppy Joe Pirates 880.0008.330
279 Green Falcons 860.0008.142
280 840.0007.954
281 TheRomanXpl0it 800.0007.580
282 View Source 790.0007.486
283 krd-shakroka 790.0007.485
284 APTxL33T 790.0007.485
285 Berserk 790.0007.485
286 H1dd3nC0d3 790.0007.484
287 Sour_Potato 790.0007.484
288 0WN 790.0007.484
289 k!ll your enemy 790.0007.484
290 Schrödinger Bears 790.0007.483
291 Pakis-Team 790.0007.483
292 HexHackers 790.0007.483
293 MCS-H4CK3RZ 790.0007.482
294 Th3 !nt3RcpT 790.0007.482
295 WEBSERV 790.0007.482
296 Saudi 790.0007.481
297 cr4ck/y0ur/s3cr3t 790.0007.481
298 7TM4W! 790.0007.481
299 FirstTime 750.0007.106
300 0xNox 730.0006.919
301 N0Th!nG 730.0006.918
302 Hakr1o.v2 730.0006.918
303 CY8ERS 720.0006.824
304 PH4NT0MS 720.0006.824
305 M3V7R 720.0006.824
306 HCS 710.0006.730
307 libft 680.0006.448
308 MUTEX LOCK'D 680.0006.448
309 TheReal0nes 680.0006.448
310 BinaryNinja 680.0006.448
311 Beluga? 680.0006.447
312 0xwolv3s 680.0006.447
313 ProSt 680.0006.447
314 Z04ge 670.0006.353
315 DisqualifyingMaster 660.0006.259
316 TeamSejong 660.0006.259
317 .-. 610.0005.790
318 RE:UN10N 610.0005.790
319 TheBoys 610.0005.790
320 F0R3V3RBYT3S 610.0005.790
321 h-x 610.0005.789
322 Purp1e 610.0005.789
323 funfunfun 610.0005.789
324 *(0) 610.0005.789
325 UiTM Cyberheroes Club 610.0005.789
326 VulSight 610.0005.788
327 f4n_n3r0 610.0005.788
328 Smarties 610.0005.788
329 Side squad 610.0005.788
330 X|R3M353C 610.0005.787
331 Rebooted Ninjas 610.0005.787
332 0x0wl 610.0005.787
333 zer0pts 610.0005.787
334 0xSA 610.0005.786
335 Bl1nd_3Y3 610.0005.786
336 Crypto crunch 610.0005.786
337 0bug 610.0005.786
338 1337 600.0005.692
339 KOKAB 590.0005.598
340 pikachu 570.0005.411
341 x0x 560.0005.317
342 Just For The Questions 550.0005.223
343 KuA$aR-TM 540.0005.129
344 G3rg43 540.0005.129
345 Scouse 500.0004.754
346 Hacking Technology Q8 500.0004.754
347 RedTeam 500.0004.754
348 idk 500.0004.753
349 T34M 500.0004.753
350 tomato 500.0004.753
351 CyberNorth 500.0004.753
352 havce 500.0004.753
353 The GOAT 500.0004.752
354 VorTeXHex 500.0004.752
355 Eliot@root 500.0004.752
356 s1r3ns 500.0004.752
357 PINK P4n7h3r 500.0004.752
358 Team_IU 500.0004.751
359 c00kies@venice 500.0004.751
360 mission possible 500.0004.751
361 HEADSPLIT 500.0004.751
362 D34D_FR13ND5 500.0004.751
363 pokemon 500.0004.751
364 0day 500.0004.750
365 Tryyy 490.0004.657
366 Sarab 490.0004.656
367 Flet0 490.0004.656
368 lmouss 490.0004.656
369 ryodan 490.0004.656
370 Mongolia 490.0004.656
371 Shad0ws 480.0004.562
372 d4rk EnTity 470.0004.468
373 IR Cypher 450.0004.281
374 Z3R0 0N3 430.0004.093
375 RedCheep 430.0004.093
376 Safecloud 430.0004.093
377 HQC 430.0004.093
378 ortazorluktaydi 430.0004.092
379 WondLab 430.0004.092
380 EM1X 430.0004.092
381 Hunt3rs 430.0004.092
382 YCF 430.0004.092
383 peaches 420.0003.998
384 rev mains fr 410.0003.904
385 notsoteamig 410.0003.904
386 SIGAN 410.0003.904
387 justforfun 410.0003.904
388 IHK-ONE 410.0003.903
389 shellsd 410.0003.903
390 Black Bauhinia 400.0003.809
391 KTUSEC 390.0003.716
392 c4ndy_crush 390.0003.715
393 beginners 390.0003.715
394 ASAP 390.0003.715
395 Bl4ckMyth 390.0003.715
396 dark army 390.0003.715
397 ShateTaat 380.0003.621
398 NmKnG1 380.0003.621
399 Just Try 380.0003.621
400 Th3 N1ght Ag3nts 380.0003.621
401 RBT 380.0003.620
402 CyberCh1ck 380.0003.620
403 D_Mind 380.0003.620
404 R. I. C. H Injectors 380.0003.620
405 CypherGuard 380.0003.620
406 JDK_APT 380.0003.620
407 GreenRootKit 380.0003.619
408 CyberSprint 380.0003.619
409 Beelanciagaa 380.0003.619
410 فريق خليها على الله 380.0003.619
411 NANO_CTF 340.0003.244
412 Born2Hack 340.0003.244
413 Golden Banana 320.0003.057
414 ShellxRoot 320.0003.057
415 control 320.0003.056
416 Sh4d0ws 320.0003.056
417 AQ& 320.0003.056
418 Disqualified 320.0003.056
419 vk2050 320.0003.056
420 Heaven's_Birds 320.0003.056
421 H7Tex 320.0003.056
422 Free_Gaze🇵🇸🇵🇸 320.0003.055
423 Talatum Cyber Club 320.0003.055
424 APT249 320.0003.055
425 *x0A 320.0003.055
426 mytebyte 320.0003.055
427 teamx 320.0003.055
428 redandblue 320.0003.055
429 bottom 320.0003.055
430 0xPir4t3s 320.0003.054
431 RedCloud 320.0003.054
432 AMIGOS 320.0003.054
433 Team Kirby 320.0003.054
434 redalert 320.0003.054
435 UVT-CTF 320.0003.054
436 Archiv3 320.0003.054
437 Alpha Centauri 320.0003.053
438 xfr 320.0003.053
439 DC21321 300.0002.866
440 CyberBunker 300.0002.866
441 DumbassTeam 290.0002.772
442 CipherX 290.0002.772
443 InfraStrikers 290.0002.772
444 ipv6 290.0002.772
445 s4muii 280.0002.678
446 b3R4bb1ts 270.0002.584
447 CodeBr3eakerz 270.0002.584
448 Team Secret 270.0002.584
449 Black Shemagh 270.0002.584
450 G-host 270.0002.584
451 $hutd0wn 270.0002.584
452 Ctrl+V 270.0002.583
453 G2 270.0002.583
454 Malwarezaers 270.0002.583
455 Unidentified 270.0002.583
456 chi smiya 270.0002.583
457 Alt-F4 270.0002.583
458 331 270.0002.583
459 Paktectives 270.0002.583
460 Wh4r_is_m2y_m1nd 270.0002.582
461 skibidi Team 230.0002.208
462 SOter14 230.0002.208
463 DiasDushit 230.0002.208
464 agentsmith 230.0002.207
465 Ng00m4lDhuhr 230.0002.207
466 Syst3m of a pwn 230.0002.207
467 Pri 230.0002.207
468 DCircle 230.0002.207
469 Crackers 230.0002.207
470 MISSION 230.0002.207
471 CyberPewPew 230.0002.207
472 Nullables 230.0002.207
473 I_lOv3_mY_H4ir 230.0002.206
474 CodeCommandos 230.0002.206
475 dubdubgo 210.0002.019
476 Hun@rs 210.0002.019
477 FR33_T34M_Z 210.0002.019
478 Oinkognito 210.0002.019
479 Overflow 210.0002.018
480 RootTheBox 210.0002.018
481 owo 210.0002.018
482 WildCard 210.0002.018
483 c1cada 210.0002.018
484 0xKSU 210.0002.018
485 LostInTheDesert 210.0002.018
486 kbtu_ctf_enjoyers 210.0002.018
487 c001 734m n4m3 210.0002.018
488 Deset Voyagers 210.0002.018
489 0xploit 210.0002.017
490 0xteam 210.0002.017
491 GUDBYELUV 210.0002.017
492 The1nc3ption 210.0002.017
493 StillDontKnow 210.0002.017
494 Ashura 210.0002.017
495 badr 210.0002.017
496 Gl1tchHunt3r$ 210.0002.017
497 R3d $trik3 210.0002.017
498 CodeCrashers 210.0002.016
499 Hardly Engineers 210.0002.016
500 Cache Chase 210.0002.016
501 WeJaya 210.0002.016
502 sudoSquad 210.0002.016
503 CrémeTartinéFabuleuse 200.0001.922
504 rpwn 200.0001.922
505 B{uild|r∃∀k}ing 200.0001.922
506 LT. 200.0001.922
507 0xC3 200.0001.922
508 Blackhat Hackers 200.0001.922
509 D4rk4real 200.0001.922
510 Void Vanguards 200.0001.922
511 bonkers 200.0001.922
512 The White Hats 200.0001.921
513 0x7FFF 200.0001.921
514 Air Hex 200.0001.921
515 okay 200.0001.921
516 Zwitter 200.0001.921
517 H34D HUNT3R5 200.0001.921
518 Flagving 180.0001.734
519 Attackers 180.0001.734
520 AirXeros 180.0001.733
521 meow 120.0001.172
522 __fini__ 120.0001.171
523 9bb3 120.0001.171
524 Strike 120.0001.171
525 0xdeadc0de 120.0001.171
526 Cyb3rzYE 120.0001.171
527 CHIPIGU 120.0001.171
528 Bl4ckOps 120.0001.171
529 suds4131 120.0001.171
530 r4nd0m734m 120.0001.171
531 PETIR - SIGMA 120.0001.171
532 M0NST3RDECK 120.0001.171
533 SiBears 120.0001.170
534 R|_|sty 120.0001.170
535 DR_HEXA 120.0001.170
536 SIGWIN FOR THE WIN 120.0001.170
537 OneHalf 120.0001.170
538 ITSEC ASIA juga namanya 120.0001.170
539 kek 120.0001.170
540 Häbsbürgßec 120.0001.170
541 flag hunter 120.0001.170
542 Zafk1el 120.0001.170
543 Dark Water Artists 120.0001.170
544 1337-med 120.0001.170
545 Psd 120.0001.169
546 bruhopen 120.0001.169
547 binaryLab 120.0001.169
548 Pscientist 120.0001.169
549 one click 120.0001.169
550 Cybertroll 120.0001.169
551 Eat, Sleep, Pwn, Repeat 120.0001.169
552 Cosmic Horror 120.0001.169
553 CryptoKnights 120.0001.169
554 SU 120.0001.169
555 EncryptShell 120.0001.169
556 ajasja 110.0001.075
557 openopen 110.0001.075
558 Lionic 110.0001.075
559 Cipher Pol Zero 110.0001.075
560 valhalla 110.0001.075
561 bsbs 110.0001.075
562 Been there done that 90.0000.887
563 BigChungus 90.0000.887
564 Thr3Musketeers 90.0000.887
565 FANATICS 90.0000.887
566 h4wky sentinels 90.0000.887
567 whatwhat 90.0000.887
568 Loading... 90.0000.887
569 Bracken 90.0000.887
570 Cybervaders 90.0000.887
571 Sys owners 90.0000.886
572 R4BB!T$ 90.0000.886
573 cybercreeps 90.0000.886
574 PrivateUser 90.0000.886
575 1337ers 90.0000.886
576 NeoClub 90.0000.886
577 BinaryBandits 90.0000.886
578 viper 90.0000.886
579 Xyz 90.0000.886
580 TheMisfits 90.0000.886
581 Go Green 90.0000.886
582 Inon@x 90.0000.886
583 Mint_Tea 90.0000.886
584 k0shka 90.0000.886
585 C7b3r_K9!ghts 90.0000.885
586 1he_La5t_Br@in_5he11 90.0000.885
587 Code Ninjas 90.0000.885
588 Netrunners 90.0000.885
589 گُمنام 90.0000.885
590 stuxnet 90.0000.885
591 zerohex 90.0000.885
592 Flag Hunters 90.0000.885
593 ROOTKIT 90.0000.885
594 JM7 90.0000.885
595 Emp0wR3D 90.0000.885
596 mimicats 90.0000.885
597 Emotet 90.0000.885
598 X18 90.0000.885
599 GGG 90.0000.884
600 JoJoChud 90.0000.884
601 BITSkrieg 90.0000.884
602 Guardians of the Galaxy 90.0000.884
603 RanSomewhere 90.0000.884
604 Phr34k$ 90.0000.884
605 The Five 90.0000.884
606 JustTry 90.0000.884
607 HackHounds 90.0000.884
608 Low_level 90.0000.884
609 Ninja Turtles 90.0000.884
610 ITCORE 90.0000.884
611 Geno Root Runners 90.0000.884
612 Hunters0x90 90.0000.884
613 RedTeam-TG 90.0000.883
614 Ret2Cringe 90.0000.883
615 C4tch m3 1f y0u c4n 90.0000.883
616 HunterX 90.0000.883
617 Black_Iris 90.0000.883
618 Rooties 90.0000.883
619 Byte-Fu Monks 90.0000.883
620 ZeroSec 90.0000.883
621 shellz 90.0000.883
622 Triada 90.0000.883
623 Kernel0 90.0000.883
624 No0ne 90.0000.883
625 OM-Hacker 90.0000.883
626 D415Y 90.0000.883
627 alert() 90.0000.441
628 ViXin 90.0000.441
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