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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
372VishwaCTF 2025700.00002.579
648ApoorvCTF 202550.00000.145
285ACECTF 1.01200.00003.165
712LA CTF 2025386.00000.871
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
713niteCTF 202410.00000.073
365PatriotCTF 20241274.00002.302
24jailCTF 20245195.00006.304
25COMPFEST CTF 20241440.00007.463
317BlackHat MEA CTF Qualification 2024610.00005.790
70CrewCTF 2024382.00001.478
347corCTF 2024109.00001.223
1134BYUCTF 2024100.00000.231
109b01lers CTF 20241219.00002.545
261AmateursCTF 2024978.00001.796
83Pearl CTF975.00002.109
4400xL4ugh CTF 202450.00000.200
721KnightCTF 202450.00000.042
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
158pingCTF 2023289.00001.499
188Balsn CTF 202350.00001.231
182Urmia CTF 20231000.00002.786
60h4ckc0n 2023210.00001.811
104Tenable CTF 20231955.00006.919

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