Fri, 13 Oct. 2023, 18:00 UTC — Sun, 15 Oct. 2023, 18:00 UTC 

On-line CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 100.00 

Rating weight: 94.73 

Event organizers CTF is organized by FluxFingers, the CTF team of Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany). This will be the 13th edition.


227 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 justCatTheFish 5209.000189.460
2 kalmarunionen 4949.000137.367
3 KITCTF 3515.00095.500
4 💦​ 3381.00085.169
5 organizers 3031.00074.067
6 /mnt/ain 2889.00068.327
7 Super Guesser 2693.00062.507
8 r3kapig 2591.00058.961
9 Balsn 2380.00053.808
10 Phish Paprikaš 2143.00048.445
11 STT 1828.00041.856
12 Call of Duty 1791.00040.465
13 Project Sekai 1719.00038.548
14 WE_0WN_Y0U 1706.00037.791
15 bi0s 1624.00035.849
16 TokyoWesterns 1575.00034.563
17 Cyber Dark Inferno 1537.00033.524
18 Maple Bacon 1442.00031.487
19 LosFuzzys 1432.00031.028
20 The Flat Network Society 1402.00030.233
21 54e2952a4f049a4d8f11740c0ca852d6 1371.00029.444
22 spookies 1349.00028.839
23 ENOFLAG 1311.00027.960
24 Black Bauhinia 1236.00026.425
25 PwnProphecy 1174.00025.139
26 Epic Leet Team 1081.00023.302
27 mizz onreal fg jilf 1068.00022.931
28 FortuneComes 1033.00022.169
29 Wani Hackase 964.00020.798
30 RedRocket 905.00019.616
31 Bushwhackers 899.00019.405
32 qsec 894.00019.218
33 L.A.R.P. 861.00018.529
34 born2scan 753.00016.480
35 ECSC FI 751.00016.364
36 upbhack 738.00016.053
37 mode13h 735.00015.927
38 🚿🚿 706.00015.332
39 thehackerscrew 682.00014.832
40 796f75 667.00014.498
41 21v 663.00014.368
42 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 659.00014.240
43 olifog 658.00014.169
44 Les Pires Hat 643.00013.846
45 ARESx 642.00013.780
46 One Man Army (CZ) 641.00013.716
47 TheRomanXpl0it 630.00013.473
48 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 603.00012.940
49 LATIZA 595.00012.754
50 team enu 594.00012.697
51 YellowFrogs 549.00011.841
52 Marcio Herobrine 536.00011.569
53 xSTF 531.00011.444
54 facanferff7 531.00011.411
55 CSUF 531.00011.379
56 backspace 531.00011.348
57 Stellar Vector 531.00011.319
59 m1t0 527.00011.190
60 0ops 500.00010.672
61 UKFC 500.00010.646
62 WackAttack 496.00010.548
63 bawolff 490.00010.415
64 Research_is_Research 466.0009.955
65 WhatHappensNext 443.0009.514
66 team_prpl 439.0009.419
67 BitWornHats 439.0009.397
68 Cybernatural 439.0009.377
69 xXxpassword123xXx 423.0009.066
70 Speedgoat 423.0009.046
71 night_is_dark_and_full_of_errors 423.0009.027
72 LCD 418.0008.917
73 nerdlabs 381.0008.226
74 CyberSpace 381.0008.209
75 Mad Monday 361.0007.828
76 cowsay 361.0007.812
77 ZeroFlagsInc 355.0007.686
78 ph 347.0007.525
79 noreply 345.0007.473
80 Lorem Ipsec 345.0007.458
81 igor 345.0007.444
82 [email protected] 341.0007.357
83 afcoc 341.0007.343
84 329.0007.111
85 Batman's Kitchen 329.0007.098
86 SU 326.0007.030
87 Scr1w 298.0006.508
88 bootplug 274.0006.059
89 sillysec 271.0005.993
90 TheRoundTable 269.0005.945
91 OSUSEC 268.0005.915
92 clubbingbabysealz 267.0005.885
93 262.0005.783
94 nobi 259.0005.718
95 Bender 257.0005.671
96 JSoyke 253.0005.588
97 Fr0stBytes 253.0005.578
98 KAUotic Hacking Club 253.0005.568
99 RC 253.0005.558
100 Cryptonite 249.0005.476
101 Nol3ptr 243.0005.357
102 HgbSec 243.0005.348
103 adverrsity 241.0005.302
104 Squid Proxy Lovers 241.0005.294
105 Emergency Bucket 237.0005.212
106 Social Engineering Experts 237.0005.204
107 saarsec 237.0005.195
108 ROIS 237.0005.187
109 Team Groot 237.0005.179
110 UofTCTF 218.0004.826
111 G.0.4.7 216.0004.782
112 Rotten Sun 213.0004.719
113 Soudure au beurre 207.0004.603
114 Fluid Attacks 192.0004.323
115 DiceGang 186.0004.206
116 Armblessed 186.0004.199
117 bee 186.0004.192
118 Dragon Sector 177.0004.022
119 nam7v3 176.0003.997
120 EvilBunnyWrote 176.0003.990
121 Kernel Sanders 175.0003.965
122 AssuredNinjas 175.0003.959
123 albantor30 175.0003.953
124 downgrade 170.0003.856
125 0--74f3 170.0003.849
126 alone nugget 170.0003.843
127 TCP1P 170.0003.837
128 Zer0Tolerance 170.0003.832
129 noOne 170.0003.826
130 LetzPwn 170.0003.820
131 tinybaby0 170.0003.815
132 CarpeDien 170.0003.809
133 Unknown 170.0003.804
134 0rr0rs 170.0003.799
135 TFS 161.0003.630
136 GoBigOrGoHome 161.0003.624
137 JumpingCats4000 161.0003.619
138 awh4ck3r 161.0003.614
139 .hidden 159.0003.573
140 magpies 159.0003.568
141 Delusions of Grandeur 159.0003.563
142 cantalOpegrand 159.0003.559
143 ghi0m 149.0003.372
144 tmptmptmptmptmp 149.0003.368
145 CPU 149.0003.363
146 EDFunit61000 149.0003.359
147 PFS 110.0002.645
148 wibiz 110.0002.641
149 G04T 110.0002.636
150 aaanomy 110.0002.632
151 dex 110.0002.628
152 RoLL 110.0002.624
153 16j 110.0002.620
154 Hacker Ameer 94.0002.325
155 lvogel 92.0002.284
156 llama man 92.0002.280
157 Delograndest 92.0002.276
158 Hackday 88.0002.200
159 ChilledSodium@Bochum 88.0002.196
160 Lamp 88.0002.192
161 Sirampy 88.0002.189
162 wubbel 82.0002.076
163 wolvsec 82.0002.072
164 basedBaba 67.0001.796
165 BKISC 67.0001.793
166 CRUSADERS 67.0001.789
167 Mitibus 67.0001.786
168 (your mom) 67.0001.782
169 Big Floppa Nation 67.0001.779
170 MAGMAG 67.0001.776
171 rejewski 67.0001.772
172 knownname 67.0001.769
173 AdamIvers0n 67.0001.766
174 manKey 67.0001.763
175 Cyber Pig Security 67.0001.760
176 428 67.0001.757
177 systemctf 67.0001.754
178 Бархатные тяги 67.0001.751
179 Neu Cyber 67.0001.748
180 TraiTimBangGia 67.0001.745
181 goldilocks 67.0001.742
182 ffelo 67.0001.739
183 MatavieHash 67.0001.736
184 Ra23 67.0001.733
185 Yaur 67.0001.731
186 Zealabs 67.0001.728
187 Fl45kYYY!! 67.0001.725
188 void* vikings 67.0001.722
189 kava bar strobe party 67.0001.720
190 KerKerYuan 67.0001.717
191 CanDo 67.0001.714
192 L4rt3ns 67.0001.712
193 wiredin_iitk 67.0001.709
194 Delogrand Group 8 67.0001.707
195 traP 67.0001.704
196 Farming Simulator Nextgen 67.0001.702
197 G1tc_Gu4rdians 67.0001.699
198 sbstm 67.0001.697
199 m0ns1ur_r0b0t 67.0001.694
200 親愛的那不是愛情 67.0001.692
201 Dante 67.0001.690
202 HackBulla 67.0001.687
203 hwdgboua 67.0001.685
204 Demy-nymous 67.0001.683
205 l0st_4ll_h0p3 67.0001.681
206 Hack@Bit 67.0001.678
207 hash0xC 67.0001.676
208 netrunners_ 67.0001.674
209 mongols 67.0001.672
210 Pixel Perfect 67.0001.670
211 Tropical 67.0001.667
212 step² 67.0001.665
213 redsti 67.0001.663
214 Shellphish 67.0001.661
215 Pl4cky 67.0001.659
216 Pwn17 67.0001.657
217 john 67.0001.655
218 Delograndestest 67.0001.653
219 Nightxade 67.0001.651
220 Silly porcupines 67.0001.649
221 desert 67.0001.647
222 md5look4 67.0001.645
223 D@3m0nN_k1lleR5 67.0001.643
224 CryptoMoon 67.0001.641
225 Team Spiryt 67.0001.639
226 541L0r3 67.0001.638
227 cheese 67.0000.818
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