Sat, 26 June 2021, 10:00 UTC — Sat, 26 June 2021, 23:27 UTC 


CTFZone event.

Format: Attack-Defense Attack-Defense

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 77.38 

Rating weight: 77.38 

Event organizers 

We are happy to announce Final Online Stage of CTFZone 2021. Competitions will take place on June 26.

Aggressive battle will be held in Attack/Defence with Jeopardy elements.

3 lucky winners will receive $10 000, $5 000 and $3 000 respectively!

Scoreboard and visualization will be available here:

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The prizes are $10000, $5000 and $3000 for first, second and third places respectively.


131 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 Bushwhackers 99848.000154.760
2 More Smoked Leet Chicken 99848.000116.070
3 httpizza 29954.00049.007
4 organizers 29159.00041.943
5 bi0s 12481.00025.149
6 kalmarunionen 11810.00022.049
7 пошлые одуванчики 11057.00019.623
8 C4T BuT S4D 10803.00018.045
9 Epic Leet Team 10732.00016.915
10 MadrHacks 9178.00014.851
11 /mnt/ain 8857.00013.899
12 AntiBuddies 8514.00013.046
13 AlPray 8448.00012.499
14 Super Guesser 7882.00011.636
15 xtal 7540.00011.002
16 Austin Zachery Hadley 6616.0009.964
17 pwnthenope 5801.0009.047
18 Djavaa 5671.0008.694
19 UzUzugs 4824.0007.811
20 Busi 4335.0007.229
21 FAUST 4295.0007.013
22 Young-For-You 4149.0006.733
23 Srdnlen 3581.0006.140
24 ByteForc3 3539.0005.967
25 saarsec 3486.0005.797
26 n0n$la$ 3400.0005.611
27 CYberMouflons 3314.0005.434
28 fibonhack 3214.0005.254
29 thi3nl1d0ch4nh 3202.0005.150
30 Bulba Hackers 3096.0004.979
31 eliaperantoni 3056.0004.864
32 h_noson 2952.0004.706
33 !Ceasy 2833.0004.540
34 TigerEyes 2623.0004.309
35 EvilBunnyWrote 2600.0004.226
36 the3000 2503.0004.089
37 ccit21zena 2278.0003.857
38 Ret2Cringe 2267.0003.793
39 tuturu 2256.0003.732
40 8t9g0tsy3sbs14yr 2214.0003.650
41 0iq 2193.0003.587
42 1oximin 2163.0003.519
43 Hackappatoi 2143.0003.460
44 Nirmal 2068.0003.361
45 Testausserveri 2050.0003.308
46 Wani Hackase 2032.0003.257
47 UniVPN 2015.0003.208
48 level_Zero 2006.0003.167
49 ACAD 1989.0003.121
50 UnibaCC21 1964.0003.070
51 hack^3 1932.0003.015
52 4bit0fMagic@cctn 1924.0002.979
53 V:sCrew Team 1878.0002.915
54 Arkaft 1871.0002.883
55 SharLike 1863.0002.851
56 T0k 1856.0002.820
57 d3ltaforce 1849.0002.790
58 Wardagen 1841.0002.761
59 SPhackUsi 1820.0002.722
60 jekrid 1813.0002.695
61 onotch 1792.0002.657
62 Priyansh jain 1779.0002.627
63 Ph0t1n1a 1587.0002.458
64 ParS3c 1546.0002.407
65 BinaryBears 1518.0002.367
66 JustLove 1480.0002.319
67 www_sarah 1457.0002.284
68 SUSlo.PAS 1419.0002.238
69 FermatTheorem 1419.0002.221
70 punshLineLama 1419.0002.205
71 CSAlsb_Sec 1419.0002.190
72 poinapole 1176.0001.986
73 suhumc3 1176.0001.971
74 fackall 1176.0001.957
75 PTZCTF 1176.0001.943
76 j4ck5p4rr0w 1176.0001.930
77 bhaitabahi 1176.0001.916
78 Fix_sMurficGOO 1176.0001.903
79 kbagent003 1176.0001.891
80 KmaSecurity 1176.0001.879
81 Blue Hens 1176.0001.867
82 Maple Bacon 1176.0001.855
83 CyberSpace 1176.0001.844
84 scimus_verum 1176.0001.833
85 qui3tw0lf 1176.0001.822
86 ReversedEyes 1176.0001.811
87 abenben 1176.0001.801
88 q1q1gg 1176.0001.791
89 sukakuki 1176.0001.781
90 Team6God 1176.0001.771
91 NVTFT 1176.0001.762
92 austin404 1176.0001.752
93 tdn1610 1176.0001.743
94 Akhil 1176.0001.735
95 byonl 1176.0001.726
96 n_t_r 1176.0001.717
97 access revoked 1176.0001.709
98 Dark Sword 1176.0001.701
99 Darkside 1176.0001.693
100 stankc 1176.0001.685
101 chicken 1176.0001.678
102 k4at3034 1176.0001.670
103 zack08110 1176.0001.663
103 Weronika 1176.0001.663
105 lajili 1176.0001.648
106 无名草 1176.0001.641
107 Azka 1176.0001.635
108 很有希望的少年 1176.0001.628
109 Adnan04 1176.0001.621
110 Zeta334 1176.0001.615
111 DrZ 1176.0001.608
112 Demon 1176.0001.602
113 TNCyberSecNew123 1176.0001.596
114 Firebasky后援团 1176.0001.590
115 Esonhugh? 1176.0001.584
116 Yami-Kawaii 1176.0001.578
117 SANYAM 1176.0001.573
118 Ilnur 1176.0001.567
119 tkchk 1176.0001.562
120 Sinn3rB0y5 1176.0001.556
121 Bhavesh Dutta 1176.0001.551
122 scrash 1176.0001.546
123 jff 1176.0001.540
124 onepwnman 1176.0001.535
125 Hydrostatic 1176.0001.530
126 SuperBeetleGamer 1176.0001.526
127 Sachin Mudaliyar 1176.0001.521
128 wackers 1176.0001.516
129 Dragon Sector 1176.0001.511
130 centauri 1046.0001.406
131 russtone 1000.0000.683
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