Rating: 3.0

Comparing it to the original demo.docx (google), shows spam in one of the pictures.
Lots of lines like:

`"TPCTF stands for Toilet Paper Cat The Flag.txt, where participants around the world attempt to 'cat flag.txt' and get something like TPCTF{mfrioavgfxhvmmlwnr}. Of course, that isn't the flag. Did you know that Clarence Lam's favorite command is TPCTF{xeffatnqlhbuhgvlkd}'; DROP TABLE flags; -- ? Of course you didn't. It's not true! The flag isn't TPCTF{mbsrhkfnegwxqskxrb}. Fun fact: All the letters in TPCTF{hmzzppzfkbklknhufz} are lowercase except for the TPCTF at the start. The flag isn't TPCTF{oeosujdftxdhzdaiun}. Fun fact: TPCTF{nkdajvxfogtrftadji} has 18 letters in between the braces. TPCTF stands for Title Page Capture The Flag, and it was made by current and former Title Page students. TPCTF{ftjolaekvvdrcfldpb} is not the flag. TPCTF stands for Test Pattern Cat The Flag.txt, where participants around the world attempt to 'cat flag.txt' and get something like TPCTF{nuropvypzylgxhggse}. Of course, that isn't the flag. TPCTF stands for Test Pattern Capture The Flag, and it was made by current and former Test Pattern students. TPCTF stands for The Potato Cat The Flag.txt, where participants around the world attempt to 'cat flag.txt' and get something like TPCTF{jrijldbnpzzisfbvbx}. Of course, that isn't the flag. Clarence Lam is a TPCTF organizer and favorite string is TPCTF{sbqwcozddztrcczebo}. Just kidding! Did you know that Clarence Lam's favorite command is TPCTF{ilckrxwjebknyqbdhf}'; DROP TABLE flags; -- ? Of course you didn't. It's not true! The flag TPCTF{oghijcmfmmiexrrawm} isn't actually real. Clarence Lam writes TPCTF problems, some of which contain flags, such as TPCTF{mmtutqfpyjsahijwgw}. This isn't a real flag. The flag isn't TPCTF{qgoguyateqjzjdnhps}. TPCTF stands for Tissue Paper Capture The Flag, and it was made by current and former Tissue Paper students. Fun fact: TPCTF{yfwdlpbsdgwnziwrva} starts with TPCTF. The flag isn't TPCTF{sarzzkurftrwpexnwd}. Fun fact: TPCTF{pxcgkwyavyqdsfmgrz} starts with TPCTF. TPCTF stands for Toilet Paper Cat The Flag.txt, where participants around the world attempt to 'cat flag.txt' and get something like TPCTF{qbtfpmbnwcklagxvot}. Of course, that isn't the flag. Clarence Lam wrote a few problems for TPCTF and his least favorite string of text isn't not TPCTF{mdzlbuehybxavsaixy}. Clarence Lam is a TPCTF organizer and the flag isn't TPCTF{rwkwbsutzgasxotcth}. TPCTF{mtmnnqvgvnfzgwfhok} is not the flag. Fun fact: TPCTF{bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb} is a fake flag. Clarence Lam is part of a group that organized TPCTF and the flag is not quite TPCTF{dommiivyosxkfuylkt}. Clarence Lam wrote a few problems for TPCTF and his least favorite string of text isn't not TPCTF{eemzfgjhvmbnmbjakg}. TPCTF stands for Tissue Paper Cat The Flag.txt, where participants around the world attempt to 'cat flag.txt' and get something like TPCTF{zhlaeqmlwmnmxzhpjk}. Of course, that isn't the flag."`

Solved by stripping the flags, finding the least common sentence containing a flag, which seemed the most plausible. Lovely challenge from guessCTF?

# solve.py
import re

flags = open("flags").read()
sentences = flags.split(". ")
stripped = [re.sub("TPCTF{[^}]+?}", "", sentence) for sentence in sentences if "TPCTF" in sentence]
freq = {}
for s in stripped:
if s not in freq:
freq[s] = 0
freq[s] += 1

# least frequent
least_frequent = sorted(freq.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[0][0] # "Clarence Lam is a TPCTF organizer and his favorite string is "



norajDec. 4, 2017, 11:40 a.m.

As you said guessCTF, or GTF = Guess The Flag. Don't forget to weight the CTF https://ctftime.org/event/535/weight/