Tags: admin
Rating: 4.3
The file/disk provided is named image.bin. Using the file command, it is clear that this is a unix ext2 filesystem which we can easily mount.
Then, I created a folder named admin and mounted the image file. It contains different data files that is indicated in the matrix and a passwd file which contains the system users.
What we have to do here is set the permissions based on the provided matrix and we will get the flag. To check our progress, we will have to run the check_xx(32/64)
To add or modify the user permissions we can use setfacl -m "u:user:permissions<span>" <file/dir> command. This link will provide almost everything you need to know
</span>about setting permissions and access control lists on any image filesystems.
Since user dipper (uid:1004) can read the file lazy_black_cat, all we have to do is set the file permission to read and it will update the flag.
After setting all the user permissions based on the matrix, we will get the flag:
-Zero, HydraSec