Tags: drm network suricata widevine shovel
## Challenge description
> My friend wanted to rewatch this cool miniseries on Catflix but it looks like they removed it. Can you help him recover all episodes from the network capture?
We are given a single file `catflix_84211ce530de315018956d36098c1566.pcapng`.
## Network forensics using Suricata
We start be opening the PCAPng in Wireshark, there's a lot of traffic.
Because there seems to be many HTTP requests, Wireshark is maybe not the best tool for that.
We should rather use a tool that works at the TCP flow level rather than at the packet level.
Let's use a Suricata GUI to reassemble the HTTP traffic for us:
$ git clone https://github.com/ANSSI-FR/shovel.git && cd shovel
Cloning into 'shovel'...
[...] (commit 4625bf5ec48f1afcd7fe7615375b38e998ca7f3c)
$ mkdir input_pcaps
$ cp path/to/catflix_84211ce530de315018956d36098c1566.pcapng input_pcaps/
$ cp example.env .env
$ echo PCAP_FILE_CONTINUOUS=false >> .env
$ docker compose up
We then go to http://localhost:8000/ and we are greeted with a lot of "RAW" flows.
We add a protocol filter on "HTTP", and tadam! We now see some HTTP interesting flows.
So there are many HTTP files that we should download to investigate more.
**We notice some HTTP range requests, we need to reassemble these. Suricata already did most of the work by providing a `start` value in `fileinfo` events, which are triggered when a HTTP traffic exchange files.**
Using Shovel API, we can quickly write a small Python script:
import requests
import pathlib
data = {}
# For each HTTP flow, get all corresponding `fileinfo` events
for flow in requests.get("http://localhost:8000/api/flow?app_proto=http").json().get("flows"):
flow_id = flow["id"]
flow_event = requests.get(f"http://localhost:8000/api/flow/{flow_id}").json()
for file in flow_event["fileinfo"]:
# Get fileinfo properties
filename = file["filename"]
sha256 = file["sha256"]
start = file.get("start", 0)
# Reconstruct the file
if filename not in data:
data[filename] = bytearray(1000000)
d = open(f"/path/to/shovel/suricata/output/filestore/{sha256[:2]}/{sha256}", "rb").read()
data[filename][start:start+len(d)] = d
# Save all files in webserver/ folder
for filename, d in data.items():
dest = f"webserver{filename}"
pathlib.Path(dest).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
open(dest, "wb").write(d)
Tadam! We successfully extracted the whole HTTP server.
## Hosting the server
The files look like MPEG-DASH.
We notice some references to `https://github.com/shaka-project/shaka-packager` project in the MPD files.
Seeing `ContentProtection` and `"license_server":"https://proxy.uat.widevine.com/proxy"`, we understand that we need a player compatible with the Widevine DRM.
Let's host a static file server hosting Shaka-Player:
caddy file-server --root webserver/ --listen :8001
We create `webserver/index.html` with:
<script src="shaka-player.compiled.js"></script>
<script src="myapp.js"></script>
<video id="video" width="640" poster="//shaka-player-demo.appspot.com/assets/poster.jpg" controls autoplay></video>
and `webserver/myapp.js` with:
const manifestUri = '/media/episode_5.mpd'; // CHANGE EP NUMBER HERE
function initApp() {
if (shaka.Player.isBrowserSupported()) {
} else {
console.error('Browser not supported!');
async function initPlayer() {
const video = document.getElementById('video');
const player = new shaka.Player();
await player.attach(video);
window.player = player;
player.addEventListener('error', onErrorEvent);
drm: {
servers: {
'com.widevine.alpha': 'https://proxy.uat.widevine.com/proxy',
manifest: {
dash: {
keySystem: 'com.widevine.alpha',
try {
await player.load(manifestUri, startTime=17);
console.log('The video has now been loaded!');
} catch (e) {
function onErrorEvent(event) {
function onError(error) {
console.error('Error code', error.code, 'object', error);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', initApp);
![Flag char "t"](https://i.imgur.com/lZPjFil.png)
Then we see a flag character in the video! After updating `manifestUri` 35 times, we get the flag: