Tags: osint shodan
Rating: 4.0
First, do a Google search for "Very-small-aperture terminal" (from the hint) which leads to a Wikipedia article and the acronym "VSAT".
Next, search "VSAT" on Shodan and find lots of results for `Hughes Network Systems Multimedia VSAT`.
*Optional: Narrow search by "port:161" (SNMP). You may need a Shodan account to do this.*
Finally, click on the IP address for each result and find one that has "Vulnerabilities" listed on the left.
In details for many of the `Hughes Network Systems Multimedia VSAT`, find under 'Vulnerabilities':
Flag: jctf{CVE-2018-19052}
I was not able to find the Vulnerability, could you give me more details?
@qingsiduzou see here for an example:
Scroll down a bit and look on the left.
There's a section called "Vulnerabilities."