Tags: networks neural
Rating: 5.0
# Task
The robot has a small dog in sight of its 32x32-pix camera and we are given five RGB-laser-pointers to manipulate a pixel each, so that the robot misinterprets the animal as a vehicle.
Fortunately, we were also given a copy of the tensorFlow script and the neural network which for a given image returns a list of probabilities for seeing a *airplane*, *automobile*, *bird*, *cat*, *deer*, *dog*, *frog*, *horse*, *ship* or a *truck*.
# First attempts
Have you ever seen a dog full of red dots? We haven't either. So it was our first attempt to randomly put five red pixels into the image.
And after a few hundred tries: Our dog turned into a horse! But horses are still animals...
Also, changing the colors or focusing on certain areas of the image only turnd it to other animals (mainly horses and frogs).
And that makes perfect sense, since it's a much smaller step between a dog and a horse than to a truck.
So we need a more decent solution: We have to cover a huge search space (need of randomness) and we need to go step by step from good solutions to even better ones (optimization).
What was the solution to our problem? Right! Letting tensorFlow optimize it for us.
# Final Solution
However, we wrote a genetic algorithm because we had fun with it.
We began with a family of ten random modifications (a tuple of x,y,r,g,b each) and in every generation, we generated 10 descendants from each by calling *evolve()* and got 100 in total. Then we put the pixels into the image and asked SigmaNet for a prediction. At last we ranked them by the sum of properties of being vehicles and let the top five and five others survive.
After a few thousend generations we got the solution. When we spot our lasers at `[(23, 20, 27, 38, 208), (13, 4, 96, 122, 145), (9, 8, 125, 229, 0), (18, 15, 170, 57, 87), (11, 24, 17, 22, 73)]` with *(y,x,r,g,b)* -- Yes, somewhere we mixed up *x* and *y* ... -- our **dog turns into a plane**!
And we get the flag:
-> HTB{0ne_tw0_thr33_p1xel_attack}
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
from random import randint
#class_names = ['airplane', 'automobile', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck']
class_names = [True, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, True]
img_path = "dog.png"
class SigmaNet: #class was given
def __init__(self):
self.name = 'sigmanet'
self.model_filename = 'sigmanet.h5'
self._model = load_model(self.model_filename)
print('Successfully loaded', self.name)
except (ImportError, ValueError, OSError):
print('Failed to load', self.name)
def color_process(self, imgs):
if imgs.ndim<4:
imgs = np.array([imgs])
imgs = imgs.astype('float32')
mean = [125.307, 122.95, 113.865]
std = [62.9932, 62.0887, 66.7048]
for img in imgs:
for i in range(3):
img[:, :, i] = (img[:, :, i] - mean[i])/std[i]
return imgs
def predict(self, img):
processed = self.color_process(img)
return self._model.predict(processed)[0]
def predict_one(self, img):
confidence = self.predict(img)[0]
predicted_class = np.argmax(confidence)
return class_names[predicted_class]
def predict_one_calced(self,weights): # method added
predicted_class = np.argmax(weights)
return class_names[predicted_class]
def ran_pixel():
x = randint(0, 31)
y = randint(0, 31)
r = randint(0,255)
g = randint(0,255)
b = randint(0,255)
return x, y, r, g, b
def evolve(x,y,r,g,b):
n = randint(0,99)
if n<56:
if n<32:
if n<16:
if n<8:
x = max(0, x-randint(1,4))
x = min(31, x+randint(1,4))
if n<24:
y = max(0, y-randint(1,4))
y = min(31, y+randint(1,4))
if n<48:
if n<40:
r = max(0, r-randint(1,6))
r = min(255, r+randint(1,6))
g = max(0, g-randint(1,6))
if n<84:
if n<72:
if n<64:
g = min(255, g+randint(1,6))
b = max(0, b-randint(1,6))
if n<80:
b = min(255, b+randint(1,6))
x = randint(0,31)
if n<92:
if n<88:
y = randint(0,31)
r = randint(0,255)
if n<96:
g = randint(0,255)
b = randint(0,255)
return x,y,r,g,b
img = Image.open(img_path).convert("RGB")
sigma = SigmaNet()
gen = 0
fmly = [[ran_pixel() for __ in range(5)] for _ in range(10)]
clean_data = np.array(img)
rank = [(3.1,4) for i in range(100)]
while True:
desc = [[evolve(*laser) for laser in cld] for cld in fmly for _ in range(10)]
for i, d in enumerate(desc):
data = clean_data.copy()
for x,y,r,g,b in d:
data[y, x] = [r,g,b]
ret = sigma.predict(data)
cls = sigma.predict_one_calced(ret)
if cls:
print("Our dog turned into a vehicle!")
img = Image.fromarray(data)
rank[i] = (ret[0]+ret[1]+ret[8]+ret[9],i)
if gen%128 == 0:
gen += 1
fmly[0] = desc[rank[0][1]]
fmly[1] = desc[rank[1][1]]
fmly[2] = desc[rank[2][1]]
fmly[3] = desc[rank[3][1]]
fmly[4] = desc[rank[4][1]]
fmly[5] = desc[rank[randint(5,25)][1]]
fmly[6] = desc[rank[randint(5,25)][1]]
fmly[7] = desc[rank[randint(5,25)][1]]
fmly[8] = desc[rank[randint(26,50)][1]]
fmly[9] = desc[rank[randint(26,50)][1]]
Great WP, thanks!