
# extended-fibonacci-sequence (251 solves/ 379 points)
## Description
hmm, fibonacci is fun, right?

``nc extended-fibonacci-sequence.hsc.tf 1337``

P.S: This chall was made by an anonymous CS Club member :)

[Extended Fibonacci Sequence New.pdf](https://hsctf.storage.googleapis.com/uploads/fd42dceca6a9c52aff6414a7521c5033abfc8be076d2e978f38ac7049e6ce7ac/Extended%20Fibonacci%20Sequence%20New.pdf)
## Solution
Despite few solves, I had an easier time with this than [not-really-math](https://github.com/BASHing-thru-challenges/HSCTF-2021-Writeups/tree/main/algo/not-really-math).
I wrote a basic python function ``fib(n)`` that gives me the Fibonacci number in the sequence F<sub>n</sub> using recursion:

def fib(n):
if n <= 1:
return n
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

I did the same thing for the Extended Fibonacci sequence S<sub>n</sub> again with recursion:

def exFib(n):
if n <= 0:
return "0" + str(fib(n))
return exFib(n - 1) + str(fib(n))

At this point I could find the summation of the series using a for loop and a list. I used a string slice to grab the last 11 digits of the number and sent it to the nc server
with pwntools.

After attempting I realised my fib calculations were way to slow. I used a library called functools to easily cache previously calculated fibs to speed up the program and it
did the trick.

Final script:

from pwn import *
import functools
import re

def fib(n):
if n <= 1:
return n
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

def exFib(n):
if n <= 0:
return "0" + str(fib(n))
return exFib(n - 1) + str(fib(n))

def addList(list):
total = 0
for num in list:
total += num
return total

io = process(['nc', 'extended-fibonacci-sequence.hsc.tf', '1337'])
while True:
data = io.recvuntil(":").decode()
except EOFError:
n = int(re.search("(\d{1,})\n", data).group(0))
print("[RECIEVE]: " + str(n))
summ = []
for i in range(1, n + 1):
final = str(addList(summ))
final = final[len(final) - 11:]
print("[SEND]: " + final)

Run the script and out pops the flag!
## Flag

Original writeup (https://github.com/BASHing-thru-challenges/HSCTF-2021-Writeups/tree/main/algo/extended-fibonacci-sequence).