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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
22MHSCTF 20221030.00000.000
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
187Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF 20211454.00004.307
127redpwnCTF 20211702.00006.188
41HSCTF 812151.000017.153
249Zh3r0 CTF V2101.00000.215
150WPICTF 2021150.00000.000
367UMDCTF 2021251.00000.000

Team members

Team writeups

Simulations Arcade Hack CTFStolen Creds [100]read writeup
Simulations Arcade Hack CTFListen Up! [100]read writeup
HSCTF 8audio-frequency-stego read writeup
HSCTF 8c-brother-2 [483]read writeup
HSCTF 8scrambler [461]read writeup
HSCTF 8sneks [403]read writeup
HSCTF 8message-board read writeup
HSCTF 8NRC read writeup
HSCTF 8not really math [319]read writeup
HSCTF 8Multidimensional read writeup
HSCTF 8hopscotch read writeup
HSCTF 8extended-fibonacci-sequence read writeup
HSCTF 8extended-fibonacci-sequence2 read writeup
HSCTF 8class-meets read writeup
HSCTF 8opisthocomus-hoazin [300]read writeup
HSCTF 8aptenodytes-forsteri [183]read writeup
HSCTF 8Return of the Intro to Netcat [160]read writeup
HSCTF 8LSBlue read writeup
HSCTF 8pallets-of-gold read writeup
HSCTF 8stonks [391]read writeup
HSCTF 8glass-windows [359]read writeup
HSCTF 8cyanocitta-cristata-cyanostephra-but-fixed [461]read writeup
HSCTF 8queen-of-the-hill [221]read writeup
HSCTF 8geomapping2 read writeup
HSCTF 8geomapping1 read writeup
HSCTF 8regulus-regulus [464]read writeup