Tags: injection command 


A website url was given. There was a login page which was vulnerable to SQLI. Just logged in with common SQLI payload: `' OR 1=1 --`

After Logging in, There was a ping service. Suspected Command Injection and tried few payloads. Got flag using this payload: ` | cat /flag.txt`

After submitting the flag, I tried to see if solvers can modify the flag: ` | echo 'lol' > /flag.txt`
It did worked but I forgot what the flag was initially, so couldn't undo it. So changed it to this and contacted organizers:


aumajorisApril 12, 2021, 6:12 a.m.

Hahaha, excellent. We had a good laugh when this happened :)

PrabeshApril 12, 2021, 6:31 a.m.

hey anumajoris, where can i get the challenges files?
was supposed to be here: https://gitlab.com/cybears/fall-of-cybeartron/-/tree/master/challenges/bsides

but there's just a text file in 2021. Is it on progress or what?

aumajorisApril 12, 2021, 8:09 a.m.

Hey again Prabesh.

Because BSides Canberra 2020 got cancelled, we rolled everything we worked on for that into 2021. So there's a lot of legacy stuff where we called things 2020 vs 2021 based on when we started working on it. The challenges for 2021 (including this one) are all under 2020 because of that. Check out: https://gitlab.com/cybears-private/fall-of-cybeartron/-/tree/master/challenges/bsides/2020 :)

Thanks for the writeup as well!

PrabeshApril 13, 2021, 2:56 a.m.

Thanks aumajoris.

And yeah, it seems like there aren't any write-ups for any of the other challenges. If no player adds them, could you please add them. Just a basic idea of the intended solution. Challenges were awesome, wanted to learn from them.