Tags: bufferoverflow binaryexploitation 

Rating: 3.0

### **Solution:**
> Upon checking the source code of the file, you can see that there is a string variable (or character array) that's capable of holding 48 characters. Run the original file and input a string longer than 48 characters. This should cause a "segmentation fault" that would break the binary and cause it to trip the "if" statement, which has the system return the contents of a locally stored file on the remote server. Connect to the remote server with "netcat" and perform the same operation.This should return the flag.
> Edit: A string 61 bytes and over will break it. I am not exactly sure why, but if someone could comment it and explain, that'd be great.

#### **Flag:** MetaCTF{just_a_little_auth_bypass}

PingTripNov. 3, 2020, 12:37 a.m.

> Edit: A string 61 bytes and over will break it. I am not exactly sure why, but if someone could comment it and explain, that'd be great.

Stack alignment. See [my write-up](https://pingtrip.com/ctf/MetaCTF2020/Baffling_Buffer_0) for details.