
# Trick or Treat

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We found a script being used by DEADFACE. It should be relatively straightforward, but no one here knows Python very well. Can you help us find the flag in this Python file?

file: https://tinyurl.com/yykr7sys
SHA1: 915996d1b858b1be6989f6793f5f9a4282f466d5
Password: hacktober


As the challenge description already suggests, this is pretty straight-forward to solve.

After you have downloaded and extracted the python file from the URL included in the task statement, simply take a look at the source code:

from hashlib import md5 as m5

def show_flag():
b = 'gginmevesogithoooedtatefadwecvhgghu' \
'idiueewrtsadgxcnvvcxzgkjasywpojjsgq' \
c = f"{b[10:12]}{b[6:8]}{b[4:6]}{b[8:10]}" \
f"{b[4:6]}{b[12:14]}{b[2:4]}{b[0:2]}" \
m = m5()
d = m.hexdigest()
return f"flag{{{d}}}"

def show_msg():
print(f'Smell my feet.')


... looks like some fairly regular python code. Where `show_msg` simply prints the text `Smell my feet.` and `show_flag` (which is actually never called by default) would generate and return the flag.

So... let's just add a print statement that will give us the flag, and run the script again:

from hashlib import md5 as m5

def show_flag():
b = 'gginmevesogithoooedtatefadwecvhgghu' \
'idiueewrtsadgxcnvvcxzgkjasywpojjsgq' \
c = f"{b[10:12]}{b[6:8]}{b[4:6]}{b[8:10]}" \
f"{b[4:6]}{b[12:14]}{b[2:4]}{b[0:2]}" \
m = m5()
d = m.hexdigest()
return f"flag{{{d}}}"

def show_msg():
print(f'Smell my feet.')


python3 ./trickortreat.py

... and, _tadaa_, this will give you the flag: `flag{2f3ba6b5fb8bb84c33b584f981c2d13d}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/B34nB01z/writeups/blob/master/2020/Hacktober/Trick%20or%20Treat/README.md).