Rating: 5.0
Hi, I've been told you like cracking Linux binaries. Can you find a password for this one?
12 solves overall, 2nd solve
The challenge consists out of change_my_mind, a 64bit Linux binary which requires a password which it confirms or denies after running calculations within a custom VM.
## Solution
At first I analysed the binary and tried to run angr on it with more specific constraints, as it turns out a very generic angr approach works as well:
import angr
import claripy
p = angr.Project("change_my_mind")
symsize = claripy.BVS('inputLength', 64) # Make length of input symbolic as it has to be 41 characters
simfile = angr.SimFile('/tmp/stdin',size=symsize)
state = p.factory.entry_state(stdin=simfile)
simgr = p.factory.simulation_manager(state)
simgr.explore(find=lambda s: b"Good" in s.posix.dumps(1)) # Search the path that leads to "Good password"
f = simgr.found[0]
print((b"STDOUT: "+f.posix.dumps(1)).decode())
print((b"FLAG: "+f.posix.dumps(0)).decode()) # print input for the correct path, which is the flag
Running the script returns the correct input:
STDOUT: Hello!
Please provide your credentials!
Good password. Congratulations!
FLAG: justCTF{1_ch4ng3d_my_m1nd_by_cl34r1n6_7h3_r00m}
# GoSynthesizeTheFlagYourself
Your mission is to crack attached synth plugin.
All I know is that it runs in Reaper, JUCE's AudioPluginHost and free FLStudio Demo on Windows.
3 solves overall, 3rd solve
The challenge consists out of a VST 3 Audio Plugin binary, which when loaded into a software compatible with it shows a menu to filter the audio for Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release.
After playing the correct sound track it presents the flag.
## Solution
Upon statically analysing the plugin the following md5 hashes were interesting among the string in the binary:
The function containing them (at RVA :$23A270) is quite interesting as it processes the sound played within the audio editing software in some sort, hashes it in sets of 3 bytes and compares them against the previously mentioned strings.
Some of the md5 hashes are referenced more than once and looking them up online shows that they also originate from 3 byte combinations.
Correctly sorted they look this:
QQQ -> 714d32d45f6cb3bc336a765119cb3c4c
MTQ -> 51a96b38445ff534e3cf14c23e9c977f
MTQ -> 51a96b38445ff534e3cf14c23e9c977f
XXX -> bc9189406be84ec297464a514221406d
YTP -> 4ec6aa45006dae153d94abd86b764e17
MTQ -> 51a96b38445ff534e3cf14c23e9c977f
MTQ -> 51a96b38445ff534e3cf14c23e9c977f
Consequentially the sound bytes processed by this function have to match "QQQMTQMTQXXXYTPMTQ" (or at least I assume so, either way this string works).
To change the music data to match I didn't actually create a correct audio file, but did it forcefully with a debugger.
After getting the plugin to load in Reaper I
- created a new line
- inserted a new midi item
- filled all notes to be something
I then
- added and opened the GoSynthesizeTheFlagYourself plugin
- attached a debugger to Reaper
- inserted a breakpoint at relative address :$23A4E0 to the base of the plugin
- played the midi soundtrack from the beginning
At the breakpoint address the `rax` register contains the start address of the data that has to match, in this case with the soundtrack I made only '?' characters.
Replacing it in-memory with the "QQQMTQMTQXXXYTPMTQ" string, removing the breakpoint and continuing execution reveals the flag within the plugin:
# FSMir
We managed to intercept description of some kind of a security module, but our intern does not know this language. Hopefully you know how to approach this problem.
77 solves overall, 13th solve
The challenge consists out of a SystemVerilog file which depending on the current state and the input `di` advance to the next state and outputs a signal if it reached the solution state.
## Solution
By iterating over the file and filtering out the conditions for state transfer I created a map from the old states to the new states and required `di`'s (which construct the flag).
f = open("fsmir.sv")
lines = f.read().split("\n")
entries = {}
for line in lines:
if not "(di ^ c)" in line: continue # ignore lines not related to state transfer
line = line.strip()
cond = int(line.split(":")[0].split("'b")[1],2) # extract the previous state
check = int(line.split("==")[1].split(")")[0].split("'b")[1],2) # extract the xor comparison value
result = int(line.split("<=")[1].split(";")[0].split("'b")[1],2) # extract the new state
entries[cond] = (result, chr(check^cond)) # as "(di ^ c) == check", check^c = di
Starting from state 0 I traversed the map until I reached the solution state `assign solved = c == 8'd59;` and saved the `di` / flag parts while doing so:
state = 0
flag = []
while state != 59:
state, flag_part = entries[state]
This reveals the flag:
>>> print(''.join(flag))
# FSMir 2
We intercepted yet another security module, this time our intern fainted from just looking at the source code, but it's a piece of cake for a hacker like yourself, right?
52 solves overall, 6th solve
The challenge consists out of a SystemVerilog file which depending on the current state and the input `di` advance to the next state and outputs a signal if it reached the solution state.
## Solution
By iterating over the file and filtering out the conditions for state transfers I created a map from the new states to the previous states and required `di`'s (which construct the flag).
f = open("fsmir2.sv")
lines = f.read().split("\n")
entries = {}
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if "case(di)" in line: # filter for the require previous state
last_cond = int(line.split(" : ")[0].split("'b")[1], 2) # extract the previous state as a number
elif "default: c <= 9'b0;" in line: pass # ignore the default case as it's just a fallback
elif ": c <= " in line: # filter for the conditional state changes
check_di = int(line.split(": c <=")[0].split("'b")[1], 2) # extract the di value required for the state transfer
new_value = int(line.split("9'b")[1].split(";")[0], 2) # extract the new state value as a number
if not new_value in entries:
entries[new_value] = []
entries[new_value].append((last_cond, check_di)) # add the state change to the "new state" -> (previous state, di) map
Starting from the solved state `assign solved = c == 9'b101001101;` I traversed the map backwards and reconstructed the `di` values:
last_value = int("101001101", 2) # the solution state
before = last_value
flag = []
while before != 0: # if we reached the 0 state we are at a dead end
l = entries[before] # extract the list for a given new state
before, flag_part = l[0] # extract the previous state and di/flag part value, set the previous state to the new next state
flag.append(chr(flag_part)) # append the character to the flag
flag.reverse() # reverse the flag as we traversed the map backwards
This reveals the flag:
>>> print(''.join(flag))