Tags: pwn 

Rating: 1.0

This is the same as Storytime.

I use printf to leak gets()'s libc address by doing printf(gets_got). Then using the leak, I find the libc version, find the gets offset, use that to calculate the libc base.

I then also use system and '/bin/sh's offset to calculate their addresses, then just make sure to jump back to main after the leak and re-exploit the program by calling system('/bin/sh')

exploit is shown on [my website](https://syedfarazabrar.com/pwn/2019/06/22/hsctf-binary-exploitation-challenges.html#combo-chain).

Original writeup (https://syedfarazabrar.com/pwn/2019/06/22/hsctf-binary-exploitation-challenges.html#combo-chain).