Rating: 4.5

The first thought was to find the correspondence of runes to letters. But quick googling turned out that there was no one-to-one match. After more perusal at the runes string I noticed that part to the right from underscore looked about 20+ charcters. How many exactly?


Yes, it seemed to be an alphabet. Next assumption - in alphabetic order. Quick JS to decode the whole message:

str = 'ᚣᚦᚧᚦᚭᚠ{ᚠᚯᚲᚴᚪᚲᚫᚦᚹᚧᚫᚧᚵᚹᚨᚩᚨᚩᚨᚮᚲᚯᚹᚥᚯᚲᚧᚭᚷᚶᚲᚫᚨᚸᚵᚮᚩᚫᚥᚧᚫᚫᚸᚹᚩᚫᚥᚢᚸᚫᚸᚧᚵᚤᚶᚧᚣᚲᚭᚩᚦᚨᚪᚣᚨᚭᚩᚭᚪᚭᚩᚸᚫᚦᚩᚤᚶᚲᚯᚨ_ᚧᚣᚦᚬᚲᚠᚥᚶᚩᚱᚳᚵᚢᚫᚸᚤᚴᚯᚨᚭᚪᚮᚷᚡᚹᚰ}';
encodedAlphabet = 'ᚧᚣᚦᚬᚲᚠᚥᚶᚩᚱᚳᚵᚢᚫᚸᚤᚴᚯᚨᚭᚪᚮᚷᚡᚹᚰ';
englishAlphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
out = '';

function decodeLetter(letter) {
decoded = letter;
for(j=0; j

CyberY0giJune 20, 2019, 9:18 a.m.

Sometimes you just need desire to solve the problem. This is really great.