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# Forgot Your Password
## Description
Help! I got this new lock for Christmas, but I've forgotten the first two values. I know the last value is hsctfissocoolwow.
I also managed to grab a copy of their secret key generator. Can you help me out?
Note: submit the first two combo values separated by a space in hex format.
## Solution
This generator takes two secret numbers and do several complicated operation, next().
def o(x,k):
return x<<k
def m(a):
return a&0xffffffffffffffff
def next():
b = m(s[0]+s[1])
return m(b)
def p(k, x):
return x>>(64-k)
def x(b, a):
return a^b
def oro(a, b):
return a|b
def h():
s1 = m(x(s[0],s[1]))
s[0] = m(x(oro(o(s[0],55),p(55,s[0])),x(s1,(o(s1,14)))))
s[1] = m(oro(o(s1,36),p(36,s1)))
In the last step, its output should be the hex encode of 'wowlooco' and the second last step's should be 'ssiftcsh', so the isp(bin2chr(next()))+isp(bin2chr(next())) would output 'hsctfissocoolwow'.
def bin2chr(data):
result = ''
while data:
char = data & 0xff
result += chr(char)
data >>= 8
return result
def isp(d):
if all(c in ch for c in d):
return d
return d.encode('hex')
It is a SAT problem and is a perfect job for z3.
Lets claim two variable s[0] and s[1] as 65 bits vector.
s = [BitVec('s0',65),BitVec('s1',65)]
Like the [generator](generator.py), we do next() four times (the first two are not necessary).
And the next two next's outputs should be
>>> 'ssiftcsh'.encode('hex')
>>> 'wowlooco'.encode('hex')
Putting them together, the [script](reverse.py) gave me the secret number:
[s1 = 15319349121703965325, s0 = 1975711866010926419]
Throwing them back to [generator](generator.py), the output is:
Thanks! Your numbers are:
Nice job! So the flag is
e06f76cd556604f0f21c34f1519d2fd2 73c8535ab0f954b5ad1cbab7abc18309