Rating: 5.0
# Skywriting v2
## Description
Fortnite Battle Royale contains a variety of weapons and this page lists every weapon in Fortnite along with their weapon stats like damage, DPS, fire rate, magazine size, and reload speed.
Note: This was a throwback to the original skywriting which included many big leaps of intuition.
This problem has now been modified to make it more doable.
Hint 1: I like xoring together the names of "Rifle"s together.
Hint 2: Try googling the first sentence of this problem.
Flag: LjUlMiA9LxI1GTUTNiodECAtUSx5YxY4
## Solution
I solved this challenge in a quite strange [way](wtf.py).
I thought that because the encrypted flag was xored by the keys, it's not likely that all of the characters were printable.
So first I decoded it with base64.
>>> base64.b64decode('LjUlMiA9LxI1GTUTNiodECAtUSx5YxY4')
b'.5%2 =/\x125\x195\x136*\x1d\x10 -Q,yc\x168'
Because the flag's first word is 'h', I calculated which number should '.' xor to become 'h' and xored the whole string with it.
>>> b = b''
>>> xor = a[0] ^ ord('h')
>>> for i in range(24):
>>> b += chr(a[i] ^ xor)
>>> print(b)
Surprisingly, the flag's format popped out.
Next, I guessed the second word would be 'sUper' and cauculted which number should 'l' xor to become 'e'.
This time, only the characters after 'l' were xored by this number.
>>> c = ''
>>> xor = ord(b[13]) ^ ord('e')
>>> for i in range(24):
>>> if i < 13:
>>> c += b[i]
>>> else:
>>> c += chr(ord(b[i]) ^ xor)
>>> print(c)
It seemed promising, doing the same guessing thing several times, I recovered the flag to
It's super obvious that the answer is 'iTs_sUpeR_obviouS'. (ˊωˋ)
But I didn't know the cases of 'v' and 'i'. Guessing the flag on the server gave me the answer.
Also, I figured out the intended [solution](solve.py) after the ctf ended.