# License
## Description
Description: Keith made a cool license-checking program but he forgot the flag he used to create the key! To make matters worse, he lost the source code and stripped the binary for his license-generator program. Can you help Keith recover his flag? All he knows is:
* The license key is 4-EZF2M-7O5F4-V9P7O-EVFDP-E4VDO-O
* He put his name (in the form of 'k3ith') as the first part of the flag
* There are 3 underscores
* The flag is in the format hsctf{}
* The flag doesn't have random character sequences (you should be able to read the entire flag easily).
* The flag only contains lowercase English letters and numbers.
* The generator might produce the same keys for different inputs because Keith was too lazy to write the algorithm properly.
## Solution
Input ```a..z0..9``` and find the characters one by one.

The flag is