# Microscope - Misc
### Points : #
### Solved : #
###### Files :
###### Hints
# Walkthrough
We were provided with a link that simply outputs different dots with different colors. Went ahead and downloaded its source code
Once downloaded, searched specifically for all hex code of the colors using silver-searcher
ag -o \#[A-Z0-9]*< view-source_149.56.110.180_1234.html | tee colors.txt
After printifying the output, decoded to to ascii
sed 's/#//g' colors.txt | tr -d [:space:] | xxd -r -p > flag.gif
Got a gif file containing multiple QR code images.

Proceeded by splitting it into frames.
mkdir target
convert flag.gif target/target.png
Then used the zbar to decode the QR codes and retrieve the flag!
for i in $(seq 0 49); do echo $f ; zbarimg target/target-${i}.png ; done | grep Code | cut -d':' -f2 | tr -d [:space:]
## Flag