Tags: aes-cbc keyiv crypto
Rating: 3.0
SwampCTF - "We Three Keys"
##### CTF Name: SwampCTF 2019
##### Challenge Name: We Three Keys
##### Challenge Category: Crypto
##### Difficulty: Easy
##### Points: 144
##### Challenge Description:
>In this modern world of cyber, keys are the new kings of the world. In fact, we will let you use the 3 best keys that I could find, make sure to see what they offer to you!
>nc chal1.swampctf.com 1441
>-=Created by noopnoop =-
### Solution
#### _Intro and Given Code_
This was an interesting crypto challenge which gave the source code to a faulty AES-CBC block cipher encryption service. It was basd on [this](https://cryptopals.com/sets/4/challenges/27) cryptopals challenge. The full script is shown [here](https://github.com/joshuahaddad/CTF_WriteUps/blob/master/SwampCtf/serv.py).
#### _AES-CBC Theory_

In the encryption, the plaintext is divided into multiple blocks. The encryption is then as follows:
*Let E<sub>K</sub>(X) = AES encryption of X using key K,
B<sub>i</sub> = the ith block,
C<sub>i</sub> = the ith resultant ciphertext*
E<sub>K</sub>(IV ⊕ B</sub>0</sub>) = C<sub>0</sub>
E<sub>K</sub>(C<sub>i-1</sub> ⊕ B</sub>i</sub>) = C<sub>i</sub>
Decryption follows a similar pattern:
*Let D<sub>K</sub>(X) = AES decryption of X using key K,
B<sub>i</sub> = the ith plaintext block,
C<sub>i</sub> = the ith ciphertext*
P<sub>i</sub> = D<sub>K</sub>(C<sub>i</sub>) ⊕ C<sub>i-1</sub>
P<sub>0</sub> = C<sub>0</sub> ⊕ IV
#### _Key=IV Attack_
Inspection of the main script for encryption and decryption reveals the vulnerability in the code:
`encrypt_message(key, key)`
Examination of the encryption code also reveals the block length to be 16 bytes:
`val = 16 - (len(msg) % 16)`
This code uses the key as the IV for encryption. Along with the ability to generate ciphertext and decrypt cipher text an attack can be mounted as follows:
1) Create a three block (48 byte) plaintext, note C<sub>0</sub> , C<sub>1</sub> , and C<sub>2</sub>
2) Modify the ciphertext such that C<sub>0</sub> = C<sub>2</sub> to force D<sub>K</sub>(C<sub>2</sub>) = D<sub>K</sub>(C<sub>0</sub>)
3) Decrypt modified plaintext to obtain P<sub>0</sub>, P<sub>2</sub>, P<sub>2</sub> for the modified block
4) Compute D<sub>K</sub>(C<sub>0</sub>) using P</sub>2</sub> = D<sub>K</sub>(C<sub>2</sub>) ⊕ C<sub>1</sub> ⇒ P<sub>2</sub> ⊕ C<sub>1</sub> = D<sub>K</sub>(C<sub>2</sub>)
5) Compute IV = P</sub>1</sub> ⊕ D<sub>K</sub>(C<sub>0</sub>)
6) IV = Key, which contains the flag
**Using plaintext**:
**Encrypt with key 1**:
**Separate blocks**:
Load into python string and substring blocks of 32 `block1 = cipher[0:32]`
C<sub>0</sub> = 6b1a585f0788db5721bf270cf46f4453
C<sub>1</sub> = 08970de331a0a2f06fa9ba7a792d04df
C<sub>2</sub> = 564337ed2f604008dc6acb88b23787fa
C<sub>3</sub> = c23cd794b80b7979e1a32700274ff328 (This is a result of the newline character)
**Create Ciphertext C<sub>0</sub> + C<sub>1</sub> + C<sub>0</sub> + C<sub>3</sub> , noting C<sub>1</sub>**:
C<sub>1</sub> = 08970de331a0a2f06fa9ba7a792d04df
**Decrypt Ciphertext**:
P</sub>0</sub> = 61616161616161616161616161616161
P</sub>2</sub> = 0f9a0de52bb6f3e651bfb32f6c13098a
**Compute P</sub>2</sub> ⊕ C<sub>1</sub> = D</sub>K</sub>(C<sub>0</sub>)**:
D<sub>K</sub>(C<sub>0</sub>) = 70d00061a1651163e160955153e0d55.
**Compute D<sub>K</sub>(C<sub>0</sub>) ⊕ P</sub>0</sub> = IV = Key**:
IV = 666c61677b7730775f776834745f6c34.
Converting back to ASCII: *flag{w0w_wh4t_l4*.
**Decrypting on other keys and following same procedure**:
Since the above ciphertext is a valid encrypted string, we can use the same C<sub>0</sub> + C<sub>1</sub> + C<sub>0</sub> + C<sub>3</sub> for each key
Key 2:
P<sub>2</sub> = 90cceb203589b904830c91b4793ce0e2 P<sub>0</sub> = e222b9a8375061ab81d048a65f66d709
*Key = zy_k3yz_much_w34*
Key 3:
P<sub>2</sub> = 6a14b23d37551a4a3eecb3440267a4a8 P<sub>0</sub> = 09dcdcac7f85cc8a0e233d0f1739810a
*Key = k_crypt0_f41ls!}*
Flag: flag{w0w_wh4t_l4zy_k3yz_much_w34k_crypt0_f41ls!}