Tags: reverse ida radare2
Rating: 5.0
This Write-Up is about solving the `m0rph` challenge from [34C3CTF](https://34c3ctf.ccc.ac/) using [IDA Pro](https://www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/) and [radare2](https://github.com/radare/radare2).
I chose this to start on, because it looked easy to me and was marked *easy*.
So I planned on doing a detailed step-by-step guide.
## Getting to know the target
Get and unpack [m0rph](https://34c3ctf.ccc.ac/uploads/m0rph-9d6440cf8e1e4c6825b2efa16b3f993d.tar.gz).
$ wget https://34c3ctf.ccc.ac/uploads/m0rph-9d6440cf8e1e4c6825b2efa16b3f993d.tar.gz
$ tar -xzvf m0rph-9d6440cf8e1e4c6825b2efa16b3f993d.tar.gz
$ cp m0rph/morph .
$ sha256sum morph
426070d85dd517363f328690d39c5399b833b5f2d7057980915f9012967774bc morph
First thing we notice is that the target is quite small.
$ ls -lhS morph
-rwxr-xr-x 1 koyaan koyaan 10K Dez 27 17:52 morph
$ file morph
morph: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked,
interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32,
BuildID[sha1]=1c81eb4bc8b981ed39ef79801d6fef03d4d81056, stripped
So, `file` output suggest we got a stripped 64-bit ELF executable.
Starting it with various inputs gives us nothing but a non-zero exit-code.
$ ./morph
koyaan@meld: ~/ccc/rev3/m0rph 1
$ ./morph `python -c 'print("A"*1024)'`
koyaan@meld: ~/ccc/rev3/m0rph 1
`strings` reveals one interesting string:
$ strings morph
What are you waiting for, go submit that flag!
It looks like `morph` might just check a flag we submit for validity! Next, we are going to load it up in `radare2`.
## Getting layout
First we disable ASLR to make our life easier:
$ echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space
Then we start `morph` in `radare2` and print the entrypoint with `ie`.
$ radare2 -d ./morph
Process with PID 21623 started...
= attach 21623 21623
bin.baddr 0x555555554000
Using 0x5455555554000
asm.bits 64
[0x7ffff7dd7c30]> ie
vaddr=0x5555555547a0 paddr=0x000007a0 baddr=0x555555554000 laddr=0x00000000
haddr=0x00000018 type=program
1 entrypoints
We see, that the base address of our executable is at `0x555555554000` and the entrypoint is at `0x5555555547a0`.
Next step is to disassemble `morph` with IDA Pro.
## Disassemble `morph`
First thing we do after letting the auto-analysis finish, is rebasing the program, such that all addresses correspond with the ones observed in the debugger.
To do this we use _Edit | Segments | Rebase program..._ and entered the base address we observed in `radare2`, `0x555555554000`.
After rebasing, we start examining the `main` function and can immediately see two checks that look a
lot like checking `argc` and the length of `argv[1]` - and which get assigned at the very beginning (see Figure 1).
So we can rename `var_24` to `argc` and `var_30` to `argv`. Now we can assume that `morph` takes one argument and it has to be 23
characters long.
![Use of `argv` coming from `rsi` getting stored into `var_30`](https://www.sigflag.at/assets/posts/m0rph/main-2.png "Figure 1: Use of `argv` coming from `rsi` getting stored into `var_30`")
**Figure 1 -** Use of `argv` coming from `rsi` getting stored into `var_30
The function `sub_5555555541B0` allocates and sets up some structure with 23 elements at the location `qword_555555755900`. We rename this location to `struct`, call this function `setupstruct` and also change its type to `__fastcall` (see Figure 2).
![Function `setupstruct`](https://www.sigflag.at/assets/posts/m0rph/ida-struct.png "Figure 2: Function `setupstruct`")
**Figure 2 -** Function `setupstruct`
We could now immediately start creating a proper structure in IDA Pro, but let's try to get an overview of the program first.
Examining `sub_555555554267`, we see that it just shuffles the elements of `struct` randomly.
void shufflestruct()
unsigned int v0; // eax@1
int rand1; // ST10_4@2
int rand2_pre; // eax@2
__int64 temp; // ST18_8@2
signed __int64 rand2; // rcx@2
signed int i; // [sp+Ch] [bp-14h]@1
v0 = time(0LL);
for ( i = 0; i <= 255; ++i )
rand1 = rand() % 22 + 1;
rand2_pre = rand();
temp = *(_QWORD *)(8LL * rand1 + struct);
rand2 = 8LL * (rand2_pre % 22 + 1);
*(_QWORD *)(struct + 8LL * rand1) = *(_QWORD *)(rand2 + struct);
*(_QWORD *)(struct + rand2) = temp;
In the the lower part of `main`, we can see a loop and rename the loop variable `loop_i`.
![Checking loop in `main`](https://www.sigflag.at/assets/posts/m0rph/main-lower-edit.png "Figure 3: Checking loop in `main`")
**Figure 3 -** Checking loop in `main`
What we cannot follow here are the two `call eax` we see in Figure 3. Let's figure out what happens there with `radare2`.
From the normal view in IDA Pro we can see they happen at `0x0000555555554B95` and `0x0000555555554BC6`.
## Debugging with `radare2`
We start `morph` with an initial guess based on the known flag format, set breakpoints on the `call eax` instructions with `db` and continue the program with `dc`.
$ radare2 -d ./morph 34C3_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Process with PID 2544 started...
= attach 2544 2544
bin.baddr 0x555555554000
Using 0x555555554000
asm.bits 64
[0x7ffff7dd7c30]> db 0x0000555555554B95
[0x7ffff7dd7c30]> db 0x0000555555554BC6
[0x7ffff7dd7c30]> dc
hit breakpoint at: 555555554b95
We then use `V` to go to visual mode and `p` two times to cycle to debugger view (`P` cycles backwards).
This leaves us at the view of Figure 4.
![At the call](https://www.sigflag.at/assets/posts/m0rph/radare.png "Figure 4: At the call")
**Figure 4 -** At the call
We now step into the call with `F7` and step more times until we reach the `cmp` instruction (see Figure 5).
![Passing check](https://www.sigflag.at/assets/posts/m0rph/radare-2.png "Figure 5: Passing check")
**Figure 5 -** Passing check
We hit `:` to get into command mode and enter `px 23 @ rdi` to dump 23 bytes in hex-format starting from the
address stored in `rdi`. We can confirm this is our flag under scrutiny!
:> px 23 @ rdi
- offset - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D 0123456789ABCD
0x7fffffffe09b 3334 4333 5f41 4141 4141 4141 4141 34C3_AAAAAAAAA
0x7fffffffe0a9 4141 4141 4141 4141 41 AAAAAAAAA
Since this check is fine, let's continue with `dc`, step 4 times (`4ds`), seek to `rip` (`s rip`) and hit enter then to go back to visual mode (see Figure 6).
We see one of the 'A's is getting compared to 'h' (`cmp al, 0x68`). We see which one by printing `px 23 @ rdi` again.
Subtracting this from the known start address gives us the numerical offset into the flag with the evaluate command `?`.
:> dc
child stopped with signal 28
[+] SIGNAL 28 errno=0 addr=0x00000000 code=128 ret=0
hit breakpoint at: 555555554b95
:> 4ds
:> s rip
:> dr al
:> px 23 @ rdi
- offset - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D 0123456789ABCD
0x7fffffffe0ab 4141 4141 4141 4100 5844 475f 5654 AAAAAAA.XDG_VT
0x7fffffffe0b9 4e52 3d37 004c 435f 50 NR=7.LC_P
:> ? rdi-0x7fffffffe09b
16 0x10 020 16 0000:0010 16 "\x10" 0b00010000 16.0 16.000000f 16.000000 0t121
This shows that the 17th character of the flag should be an `h`
![Failing check](https://www.sigflag.at/assets/posts/m0rph/radare-3.png "Figure 6: Failing check")
**Figure 6 -** Failing check
## Iterate
No we can just restart the process with our new guess `ood 34C3_AAAAAAAAAAAhAAAAAA`, skip over the first break and repeat these steps:
- Step 4 times `4ds`
- Print the `cmp` instruction that is next `pd 1 @ rip`
- Print the character being compared `dr al`
- Print the offset into the flag (`? rdi-0x7fffffffe09b~[:2]` using the "mini grep" `~` with python-like indexing for the result to just get the integer value)
[0x7ffff7dd7c30]> dc
hit breakpoint at: 555555554b95
[0x555555554b95]> dc
hit breakpoint at: 555555554b95
[0x555555554b95]> 4ds
[0x7ffff7ff5176]> pd 1 @ rip
;-- rip:
0x7ffff7ff517a 00:0000 3c30 cmp al, 0x30 ; '0' ; 48
[0x7ffff7ff5176]> dr al
[0x7ffff7ff5176]> ? rdi-0x7fffffffe09b~[:2]
We see that the 23rd character should be a `0`, so we restart with `ood 34C3_AAAAAAAAAAAhAAAAA0` and so on, reconstructing the flag character by character.
$ ./morph 34C3_M1GHTY_M0RPh1nG_g0
What are you waiting for, go submit that flag!
aww yeah. 34c3 flashback :D