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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
385ångstromCTF 2024230.00003.997
197Real World CTF 6th32.00001.847
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
75vsCTF 20231589.00003.935
287Google Capture The Flag 2023125.00001.936

Overall rating place: 246 with 126.038 pts in 2022

Country place: 4

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
37DownUnderCTF 2022 (Online) 5255.000011.035
920CTF/TCTF 2022162.00002.989
53MapleCTF 2022892.00002.735
55Hacker's Playground 20221031.00005.145
411UACTF 20225.00000.062
4TFC CTF 20229289.000029.110
100Google Capture The Flag 2022441.00006.671
19BSidesTLV 2022 CTF1700.00007.456
269SEETF 2022600.00000.642
396DEF CON CTF Qualifier 202211.00000.520
18Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2022: Intergalactic Chase 13800.000018.804
13San Diego CTF 20224995.000014.494
90ångstromCTF 20221921.000023.248
175b01lers CTF299.00002.621
35TAMUctf 20222252.00007.086
406LINE CTF 20221.00000.063
89FooBar CTF 2022477.00001.859
62TSJ CTF 2022243.00002.077

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