Sat, 26 Oct. 2019, 15:30 UTC — Sun, 27 Oct. 2019, 15:30 UTC 


BackdoorCTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 56.00 

Rating weight: 56.00 

Event organizers 

BackdoorCTF is an online jeopardy style event.

IRC Channel #backdoorctf19 shall be used for communication during the ctf, Communication at other times can be made through

For more details, mail: [email protected]


128 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 dcua 5513.000112.000
2 0x90r00t 3391.00062.445
3 Balsn 3080.00049.953
4 10sec 2331.00037.678
5 Zeus WPI 1576.00027.209
6 STT 1408.00023.636
7 noraneco 1336.00021.571
8 0x1 1081.00017.981
9 nytr0gen 1074.00017.132
10 Invaders 978.00015.534
11 Sentry Whale 930.00014.538
12 splitline 874.00013.545
13 TeamShakti 754.00011.967
14 Zemows Industries 735.00011.466
15 BKsec 683.00010.671
16 RPISEC 606.0009.656
17 Azure Assassin Alliance 530.0008.678
18 PwnaSonic 508.0008.271
19 TeamRocketIst 508.0008.108
20 Blue-Whale 507.0007.950
21 BambooH 502.0007.766
22 Lancet 488.0007.502
23 House of Suicide 487.0007.382
24 technic 481.0007.219
25 arpox 481.0007.126
26 quriosity 481.0007.040
27 Ne0Lux-C1Ph3r 474.0006.889
28 0k4 396.0006.022
29 Vox Dei 396.0005.954
30 errant_cattus 376.0005.686
31 PwsecTeam 329.0005.148
32 limi7break 328.0005.082
33 creative-team-name 275.0004.490
34 Hela Hela Hoe 228.0003.963
35 Daubigny-s Garden 228.0003.916
36 KUDoS 221.0003.800
37 ripp3rs 208.0003.626
38 kasia-tutej 207.0003.576
39 y0d31 202.0003.488
40 badfirmware 202.0003.452
41 bootplug 202.0003.418
42 Kernel Sanders 201.0003.375
43 qw3709 201.0003.344
44 5Minutes 201.0003.314
45 rinjins 189.0003.164
46 .elite 189.0003.137
47 Ternary Bits 188.0003.101
48 TMHCCTF 169.0002.883
49 PDU Corporation 169.0002.860
50 IamIn 169.0002.837
51 J-hack a dit 169.0002.815
52 spookies 169.0002.794
53 bcl 168.0002.763
54 vitctf 168.0002.744
55 consumethemfood 168.0002.725
56 makelarides 168.0002.707
57 Nomads 168.0002.689
58 lehmacun 168.0002.672
59 Uhm We Are Noob 168.0002.656
60 ssssh 168.0002.640
61 fenwick3 168.0002.625
62 nyquiloverdose 21.0001.117
63 AssassinQ 21.0001.102
64 Gachi_Team 21.0001.088
65 BITSkrieg 21.0001.075
66 The Water Tractors 21.0001.062
67 stankc 21.0001.049
68 __T3TR4H3DR0N__ 21.0001.037
69 Root-kids 21.0001.025
70 APA Razi 21.0001.013
71 Dc1ph3R 21.0001.002
72 onotch 21.0000.991
73 MATE 21.0000.980
74 PoE 20.0000.960
75 anonsurf 1.0000.757
76 MorningCodeLove 1.0000.747
77 MUCSNet 1.0000.737
78 AC01010 1.0000.728
79 anishray042 1.0000.719
80 ByteForc3 1.0000.710
81 h4ck7u5 1.0000.702
82 0rd3r66 1.0000.693
83 d4rk_n00b 1.0000.685
84 b4dwolf 1.0000.677
85 thecleanupcrew 1.0000.669
86 saladetomate-onion 1.0000.661
87 Hot Thai girl 1.0000.654
88 Cyber Security Trunojoyo 1.0000.647
89 r3b00+ 1.0000.639
90 v3sirion 1.0000.632
91 TrueRadar 1.0000.626
92 sp1n0za 1.0000.619
93 Hacking Corsairs 1.0000.612
94 Malw-re 1.0000.606
95 TuX 1.0000.600
96 4k3l4rr3 1.0000.593
97 outOfCheese 1.0000.587
98 Orange Titans 1.0000.582
99 AAA-Bravo 1.0000.576
100 t a b 1.0000.570
101 0x325 1.0000.565
102 Fword 1.0000.559
103 Flagiarism 1.0000.554
104 cha0s 1.0000.549
105 kurisutina 1.0000.543
106 Killer Queen 1.0000.538
107 Alphas 1.0000.534
108 flag-1_Am_A_to01mAn 1.0000.529
109 Qui3t0wL 1.0000.524
110 We_can_hack_anyTHing 1.0000.519
111 TeamPowerPrinter 1.0000.515
112 Pwnium 1.0000.510
113 Dino 1.0000.506
114 P-Ge2mE 1.0000.501
115 iziz1 1.0000.497
116 CyberDucks 1.0000.493
117 wUMrm 1.0000.489
118 flexerilla 1.0000.485
119 Ad1ct0sAlCr4ck 1.0000.481
120 cyb3rTUN 1.0000.477
121 TWICE 1.0000.473
122 Objectif 1 point 1.0000.469
123 keyboard krackers 1.0000.465
124 Alaeathuea 1.0000.462
125 n3wb0rns 1.0000.458
126 MinersCyberSec 1.0000.455
127 Cyber Grizzlies 1.0000.451
128 TeamCC 1.0000.224
Ne0Lux-C1Ph3rOct. 28, 2019, 3:47 p.m.


Good CTF but problem with credentials on site and on CTFtime:

On your site normal : 27 Ne0Lux-C1Ph3r 474
On CTFtime not: 27 Ne0LuxC1Ph3r 474

therefore no points!!!!!

share that good CTF.


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