Sun, 01 Oct. 2017, 17:00 UTC — Sun, 01 Oct. 2017, 21:00 UTC
A Shellter Hacking Express event.
Format: Jeopardy
Official URL:
Event organizersSHX is an online event that happens once a month.
It's a quick event with only 3 challenges with different levels (mostly easy challenges for begginers).
no comment
@admin the challenges are not accessible
Seems as if SHX cannot handle the traffic. cannot access challenges!!
First and third challenge can't be accessed, there are always problems in setting up the evironment. Seems like the server can't handle the load of a challenge :/
This Brazilians are competing with the Indians in how to make the worst CTF
reqs timeout :p
1st and the 2nd events cant be accessed. :/
1st and the 3rd *
Cant access the 1st and the 3rd :/
Bad CTF :|
Improve your platform before organizing CTFs.