Sun, 27 Oct. 2024, 02:00 UTC — Mon, 28 Oct. 2024, 02:00 UTC
A The Cyber Jawara International event.
Format: Jeopardy
Official URL:
This event's future weight is subject of public voting!
Event organizersAfter being previously postponed, the competition is now open to international participants, with the SKSD CTF team appointed as the problem setter!
Cyber Jawara, which translates to "Cyber Champion" in Indonesian, is originally an annual cybersecurity hacking competition that began in 2012, organized by ID-SIRTII/CC (Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure/Coordination Center). Since 2020, the competition has been organized by CSIRT.ID (Cyber Security Independent Resilient Team of Indonesia). The event aims to foster interest, talent, and the development of human resources in cybersecurity across Indonesia.
In 2024, a new competition segment is introduced, allowing international participants to join and compete together
This Jeopardy-style CTF will challenge your skills in Web, Crypto, Reverse Engineering, Binary Exploitation, and more! We offer something for players of all levels, from beginners to advanced.
Total Prize Pool: IDR 18,000,000 (USD 1,000 ++)
211 teams total
Place | Team | CTF points | Rating points | |
1 | TCP1P x SNI x MAGER | 9597.000 | 47.240 | |
2 | dimas fans club | 5597.000 | 25.585 | |
3 | lydxn | 2119.000 | 13.089 | |
4 | cunguk | 1603.000 | 9.850 | |
5 | אלוף | 1599.000 | 8.659 | |
6 | Pengen Solved Soal PWN | 1120.000 | 6.693 | |
7 | PETIR - Hihihiha | 1119.000 | 6.128 | |
8 | kentanggoreng | 1104.000 | 5.670 | |
9 | Ekstrak Daun Mengkudu sebagai Solusi Naiknya Tingkat Depresi pada Mahasiswa Komputer | 1104.000 | 5.342 | |
10 | Panitia | 1104.000 | 5.079 | |
11 | ICC UH | 1104.000 | 4.864 | |
12 | N2L | 1104.000 | 4.685 | |
13 | f4n_n3r0 | 876.000 | 3.973 | |
14 | Bumble Enthusiast | 699.000 | 3.408 | |
15 | Raflesiait | 684.000 | 3.258 | |
16 | Hacker Ameer | 620.000 | 3.002 | |
17 | d3pth f1rst s3arch | 620.000 | 2.915 | |
18 | 得而不喜,失而不忧,内心宁静,则幸福常在 | 620.000 | 2.838 | |
19 | K33pf0rc3 | 620.000 | 2.769 | |
20 | Xfinite_ | 620.000 | 2.707 | |
21 | DarkBrokers0x2 | 620.000 | 2.651 | |
22 | Ctrl+Alt+Sleep | 620.000 | 2.600 | |
23 | Study Hard, Work Hard, Istira Hard | 620.000 | 2.553 | |
24 | byte me | 620.000 | 2.510 | |
25 | sam | 620.000 | 2.471 | |
26 | hayolo | 620.000 | 2.434 | |
27 | WorkHardForBetterFuture | 620.000 | 2.401 | |
28 | Charmander | 620.000 | 2.370 | |
29 | tchen | 595.000 | 2.279 | |
30 | D4msUI | 595.000 | 2.252 | |
31 | FCCPC | 595.000 | 2.226 | |
32 | sebastianpc | 520.000 | 2.018 | |
33 | Neko | 495.000 | 1.934 | |
34 | TryHarder | 484.000 | 1.886 | |
35 | Pentester Negeri Sipil | 444.000 | 1.768 | |
36 | DDDD | 444.000 | 1.749 | |
37 | team name | 444.000 | 1.731 | |
38 | fufufafa | 444.000 | 1.714 | |
39 | .ifctft | 444.000 | 1.698 | |
40 | An4k_D1d1k_4zman4bu | 444.000 | 1.683 | |
41 | McHard | 444.000 | 1.669 | |
42 | try | 444.000 | 1.655 | |
43 | JusticeSociety | 444.000 | 1.642 | |
44 | Hack It Braw! | 376.000 | 1.462 | |
45 | telekinesis | 376.000 | 1.450 | |
46 | LIENKA | 376.000 | 1.439 | |
47 | Jaran no Jutsu | 376.000 | 1.428 | |
48 | xx1-owls | 376.000 | 1.417 | |
49 | HALO DEK | 376.000 | 1.407 | |
50 | ensipat | 376.000 | 1.398 | |
51 | Red0 | 376.000 | 1.389 | |
52 | JSoyke | 376.000 | 1.380 | |
53 | Minji | 344.000 | 1.292 | |
54 | Engineers Spark ISET'COM | 344.000 | 1.284 | |
55 | nguntalkoral | 344.000 | 1.276 | |
56 | afa ingyah | 344.000 | 1.268 | |
57 | MTCyberSquad | 344.000 | 1.261 | |
58 | H4CK_077 | 276.000 | 1.087 | |
59 | BITSkrieg | 276.000 | 1.080 | |
60 | Ahimsa. | 276.000 | 1.073 | |
61 | StandByMe | 276.000 | 1.067 | |
62 | GRUMPY CARACAL'S CTFING | 276.000 | 1.060 | |
63 | ppjj | 276.000 | 1.054 | |
64 | W7W7 | 276.000 | 1.048 | |
65 | INJU | 244.000 | 0.964 | |
66 | Necromancer | 200.000 | 0.850 | |
67 | Tim0x1 | 200.000 | 0.845 | |
68 | Yatta | 200.000 | 0.840 | |
69 | hddamat | 200.000 | 0.835 | |
70 | 1337_P74Y3R5 | 200.000 | 0.830 | |
71 | arnav | 200.000 | 0.825 | |
72 | KC NERDFORCE | 200.000 | 0.820 | |
73 | ff11 | 200.000 | 0.816 | |
74 | Wuthering | 200.000 | 0.811 | |
75 | Err0r404 | 200.000 | 0.807 | |
76 | Tres idiotas | 200.000 | 0.803 | |
77 | No module name | 200.000 | 0.799 | |
78 | Trisakti | 200.000 | 0.795 | |
79 | y3ll0w Gh0sT | 200.000 | 0.791 | |
80 | 4y4Mg3pUk5 | 200.000 | 0.787 | |
81 | hekerep | 200.000 | 0.784 | |
82 | hengker baik | 200.000 | 0.780 | |
83 | JustCrack | 200.000 | 0.777 | |
84 | RSA | 200.000 | 0.773 | |
85 | Teamporary | 200.000 | 0.770 | |
86 | CyberStarters | 200.000 | 0.767 | |
87 | H3X4 404 | 200.000 | 0.764 | |
88 | ELmasryYksb | 200.000 | 0.761 | |
89 | CTFp 1.23 | 200.000 | 0.758 | |
90 | hexapod5 | 200.000 | 0.755 | |
91 | TupaiLoncat | 200.000 | 0.752 | |
92 | T_Ants | 200.000 | 0.749 | |
93 | Sentinel | 200.000 | 0.746 | |
94 | YMD_HK | 200.000 | 0.744 | |
95 | dark army | 200.000 | 0.741 | |
96 | Poki | 200.000 | 0.738 | |
97 | Mau Coba Dulu | 200.000 | 0.736 | |
98 | CyberUNIT | 200.000 | 0.733 | |
99 | WAGNAX | 200.000 | 0.731 | |
100 | Check1n | 200.000 | 0.728 | |
101 | smackma | 200.000 | 0.726 | |
102 | Sky | 200.000 | 0.724 | |
103 | F4K3 FL46 | 200.000 | 0.722 | |
104 | Cichlidae | 200.000 | 0.719 | |
105 | Outsiders | 200.000 | 0.717 | |
106 | catalan | 200.000 | 0.715 | |
107 | RAWR FM | 200.000 | 0.713 | |
108 | TEAM HERU | 200.000 | 0.711 | |
109 | solo_saqi | 200.000 | 0.709 | |
110 | Solarizz | 200.000 | 0.707 | |
111 | Bhinneka tech | 200.000 | 0.705 | |
112 | b4d33r | 200.000 | 0.703 | |
113 | ancd | 176.000 | 0.642 | |
114 | abcd | 176.000 | 0.640 | |
115 | 3g0 | 176.000 | 0.639 | |
116 | .noidea | 100.000 | 0.450 | |
117 | Apa Kau | 100.000 | 0.448 | |
118 | Pienais | 100.000 | 0.446 | |
119 | Ramzy dimohon untuk ikut ctf | 100.000 | 0.445 | |
120 | elif | 100.000 | 0.443 | |
121 | Ayam Balado 3 | 100.000 | 0.441 | |
122 | 1StepCloser | 100.000 | 0.440 | |
123 | ahahaha | 100.000 | 0.438 | |
124 | Jojo Wu I Will Get You | 100.000 | 0.437 | |
125 | Kabau Sirah Security | 100.000 | 0.435 | |
126 | | 100.000 | 0.434 | |
127 | Ingfo Nama Tim | 100.000 | 0.432 | |
128 | spaces | 100.000 | 0.431 | |
129 | SlumoDog | 100.000 | 0.429 | |
130 | Windonesia_CTF | 100.000 | 0.428 | |
131 | huhhahhuh | 100.000 | 0.426 | |
132 | PENGEN JAGO | 100.000 | 0.425 | |
133 | CIGN | 100.000 | 0.424 | |
134 | Tk Nol Besar | 100.000 | 0.422 | |
135 | Est-ce que tu m'aimes ? | 100.000 | 0.421 | |
136 | terserah_yang_buat | 100.000 | 0.420 | |
137 | EntryDo | 100.000 | 0.419 | |
138 | nonem | 100.000 | 0.417 | |
139 | nobrainer | 100.000 | 0.416 | |
140 | BWN | 100.000 | 0.415 | |
141 | 3rr0rR00t | 100.000 | 0.414 | |
142 | fomo | 100.000 | 0.412 | |
143 | k0ch3n9 T1p35 | 100.000 | 0.411 | |
144 | cyb3rv1g1l4nt3 | 100.000 | 0.410 | |
145 | Cytos'2 | 100.000 | 0.409 | |
146 | UwU | 100.000 | 0.408 | |
147 | TehOPeng | 100.000 | 0.407 | |
148 | Life is Not Fair | 100.000 | 0.406 | |
149 | M1tM | 100.000 | 0.405 | |
150 | CundamaniX | 100.000 | 0.404 | |
151 | B00T2R00T | 100.000 | 0.403 | |
152 | SSQ ID | 100.000 | 0.402 | |
153 | Lintas Selatan | 100.000 | 0.400 | |
154 | LiveNetwork | 100.000 | 0.399 | |
155 | Cryponite | 100.000 | 0.399 | |
156 | loser | 100.000 | 0.398 | |
157 | AntiMasukAngin | 100.000 | 0.397 | |
158 | Nc{Cat} | 100.000 | 0.396 | |
159 | c0d--s4P1 | 100.000 | 0.395 | |
160 | Awikwok | 100.000 | 0.394 | |
161 | JV | 100.000 | 0.393 | |
162 | pantau | 100.000 | 0.392 | |
163 | MT1 | 100.000 | 0.391 | |
164 | Z4X | 100.000 | 0.390 | |
165 | alien_ngehack | 100.000 | 0.389 | |
166 | Blazing Fire | 100.000 | 0.388 | |
167 | N00b | 100.000 | 0.388 | |
168 | Cibeles | 100.000 | 0.387 | |
169 | kBxAc | 100.000 | 0.386 | |
170 | R0t1_8OM | 100.000 | 0.385 | |
171 | Untitled CTF Game | 100.000 | 0.384 | |
172 | ByteBandits | 100.000 | 0.383 | |
173 | Cyber Root | 100.000 | 0.383 | |
174 | InskyrD | 100.000 | 0.382 | |
175 | JatayuDream | 100.000 | 0.381 | |
176 | Defenders | 100.000 | 0.380 | |
177 | Guardian | 100.000 | 0.380 | |
178 | ctfrrteam | 100.000 | 0.379 | |
179 | IDN-Sec | 100.000 | 0.378 | |
180 | BuGErr0rJubJub | 100.000 | 0.377 | |
181 | K4CTF | 100.000 | 0.377 | |
182 | 0x01 | 100.000 | 0.376 | |
183 | Malaikat Baik | 100.000 | 0.375 | |
184 | test | 100.000 | 0.374 | |
185 | c1ph3rghost | 100.000 | 0.374 | |
186 | Khataman CTF | 100.000 | 0.373 | |
187 | Zero Days to Glory Pass | 100.000 | 0.372 | |
188 | Chymec | 100.000 | 0.372 | |
189 | REFLAG | 100.000 | 0.371 | |
190 | tuvigo | 100.000 | 0.370 | |
191 | |3r0th3r CC | 100.000 | 0.370 | |
192 | jebars0n.ix | 100.000 | 0.369 | |
193 | CI4_Squ4d | 100.000 | 0.369 | |
194 | Whalien52Hz | 100.000 | 0.368 | |
195 | rick and morty | 100.000 | 0.367 | |
196 | Jederrrrr | 100.000 | 0.367 | |
197 | lel | 100.000 | 0.366 | |
198 | ayo | 100.000 | 0.365 | |
199 | B1acky | 100.000 | 0.365 | |
200 | Botfrag | 100.000 | 0.364 | |
201 | @n@$$ | 100.000 | 0.364 | |
202 | mendadak | 100.000 | 0.363 | |
203 | soloteam | 100.000 | 0.362 | |
204 | sasa | 100.000 | 0.362 | |
205 | suspect | 100.000 | 0.361 | |
206 | Ionut11 | 100.000 | 0.361 | |
207 | sriadityavedantam | 100.000 | 0.360 | |
208 | 1c3Gh3tt0 | 100.000 | 0.360 | |
209 | Jeditrix | 100.000 | 0.359 | |
210 | Kheshig | 100.000 | 0.359 | |
211 | Temp | 100.000 | 0.179 |