Sun, 27 Oct. 2024, 02:00 UTC — Mon, 28 Oct. 2024, 02:00 UTC 


The Cyber Jawara International event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 23.62 

Rating weight: 23.62 

Event organizers 

After being previously postponed, the competition is now open to international participants, with the SKSD CTF team appointed as the problem setter!

Cyber Jawara, which translates to "Cyber Champion" in Indonesian, is originally an annual cybersecurity hacking competition that began in 2012, organized by ID-SIRTII/CC (Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure/Coordination Center). Since 2020, the competition has been organized by CSIRT.ID (Cyber Security Independent Resilient Team of Indonesia). The event aims to foster interest, talent, and the development of human resources in cybersecurity across Indonesia.

In 2024, a new competition segment is introduced, allowing international participants to join and compete together

This Jeopardy-style CTF will challenge your skills in Web, Crypto, Reverse Engineering, Binary Exploitation, and more! We offer something for players of all levels, from beginners to advanced.


Total Prize Pool: IDR 18,000,000 (USD 1,000 ++)


211 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 TCP1P x SNI x MAGER 9597.00047.240
2 dimas fans club 5597.00025.585
3 lydxn 2119.00013.089
4 cunguk 1603.0009.850
5 אלוף 1599.0008.659
6 Pengen Solved Soal PWN 1120.0006.693
7 PETIR - Hihihiha 1119.0006.128
8 kentanggoreng 1104.0005.670
9 Ekstrak Daun Mengkudu sebagai Solusi Naiknya Tingkat Depresi pada Mahasiswa Komputer 1104.0005.342
10 Panitia 1104.0005.079
11 ICC UH 1104.0004.864
12 N2L 1104.0004.685
13 f4n_n3r0 876.0003.973
14 Bumble Enthusiast 699.0003.408
15 Raflesiait 684.0003.258
16 Hacker Ameer 620.0003.002
17 d3pth f1rst s3arch 620.0002.915
18 得而不喜,失而不忧,内心宁静,则幸福常在 620.0002.838
19 K33pf0rc3 620.0002.769
20 Xfinite_ 620.0002.707
21 DarkBrokers0x2 620.0002.651
22 Ctrl+Alt+Sleep 620.0002.600
23 Study Hard, Work Hard, Istira Hard 620.0002.553
24 byte me 620.0002.510
25 sam 620.0002.471
26 hayolo 620.0002.434
27 WorkHardForBetterFuture 620.0002.401
28 Charmander 620.0002.370
29 tchen 595.0002.279
30 D4msUI 595.0002.252
31 FCCPC 595.0002.226
32 sebastianpc 520.0002.018
33 Neko 495.0001.934
34 TryHarder 484.0001.886
35 Pentester Negeri Sipil 444.0001.768
36 DDDD 444.0001.749
37 team name 444.0001.731
38 fufufafa 444.0001.714
39 .ifctft 444.0001.698
40 An4k_D1d1k_4zman4bu 444.0001.683
41 McHard 444.0001.669
42 try 444.0001.655
43 JusticeSociety 444.0001.642
44 Hack It Braw! 376.0001.462
45 telekinesis 376.0001.450
46 LIENKA 376.0001.439
47 Jaran no Jutsu 376.0001.428
48 xx1-owls 376.0001.417
49 HALO DEK 376.0001.407
50 ensipat 376.0001.398
51 Red0 376.0001.389
52 JSoyke 376.0001.380
53 Minji 344.0001.292
54 Engineers Spark ISET'COM 344.0001.284
55 nguntalkoral 344.0001.276
56 afa ingyah 344.0001.268
57 MTCyberSquad 344.0001.261
58 H4CK_077 276.0001.087
59 BITSkrieg 276.0001.080
60 Ahimsa. 276.0001.073
61 StandByMe 276.0001.067
63 ppjj 276.0001.054
64 W7W7 276.0001.048
65 INJU 244.0000.964
66 Necromancer 200.0000.850
67 Tim0x1 200.0000.845
68 Yatta 200.0000.840
69 hddamat 200.0000.835
70 1337_P74Y3R5 200.0000.830
71 arnav 200.0000.825
72 KC NERDFORCE 200.0000.820
73 ff11 200.0000.816
74 Wuthering 200.0000.811
75 Err0r404 200.0000.807
76 Tres idiotas 200.0000.803
77 No module name 200.0000.799
78 Trisakti 200.0000.795
79 y3ll0w Gh0sT 200.0000.791
80 4y4Mg3pUk5 200.0000.787
81 hekerep 200.0000.784
82 hengker baik 200.0000.780
83 JustCrack 200.0000.777
84 RSA 200.0000.773
85 Teamporary 200.0000.770
86 CyberStarters 200.0000.767
87 H3X4 404 200.0000.764
88 ELmasryYksb 200.0000.761
89 CTFp 1.23 200.0000.758
90 hexapod5 200.0000.755
91 TupaiLoncat 200.0000.752
92 T_Ants 200.0000.749
93 Sentinel 200.0000.746
94 YMD_HK 200.0000.744
95 dark army 200.0000.741
96 Poki 200.0000.738
97 Mau Coba Dulu 200.0000.736
98 CyberUNIT 200.0000.733
99 WAGNAX 200.0000.731
100 Check1n 200.0000.728
101 smackma 200.0000.726
102 Sky 200.0000.724
103 F4K3 FL46 200.0000.722
104 Cichlidae 200.0000.719
105 Outsiders 200.0000.717
106 catalan 200.0000.715
107 RAWR FM 200.0000.713
108 TEAM HERU 200.0000.711
109 solo_saqi 200.0000.709
110 Solarizz 200.0000.707
111 Bhinneka tech 200.0000.705
112 b4d33r 200.0000.703
113 ancd 176.0000.642
114 abcd 176.0000.640
115 3g0 176.0000.639
116 .noidea 100.0000.450
117 Apa Kau 100.0000.448
118 Pienais 100.0000.446
119 Ramzy dimohon untuk ikut ctf 100.0000.445
120 elif 100.0000.443
121 Ayam Balado 3 100.0000.441
122 1StepCloser 100.0000.440
123 ahahaha 100.0000.438
124 Jojo Wu I Will Get You 100.0000.437
125 Kabau Sirah Security 100.0000.435
126 100.0000.434
127 Ingfo Nama Tim 100.0000.432
128 spaces 100.0000.431
129 SlumoDog 100.0000.429
130 Windonesia_CTF 100.0000.428
131 huhhahhuh 100.0000.426
132 PENGEN JAGO 100.0000.425
133 CIGN 100.0000.424
134 Tk Nol Besar 100.0000.422
135 Est-ce que tu m'aimes ? 100.0000.421
136 terserah_yang_buat 100.0000.420
137 EntryDo 100.0000.419
138 nonem 100.0000.417
139 nobrainer 100.0000.416
140 BWN 100.0000.415
141 3rr0rR00t 100.0000.414
142 fomo 100.0000.412
143 k0ch3n9 T1p35 100.0000.411
144 cyb3rv1g1l4nt3 100.0000.410
145 Cytos'2 100.0000.409
146 UwU 100.0000.408
147 TehOPeng 100.0000.407
148 Life is Not Fair 100.0000.406
149 M1tM 100.0000.405
150 CundamaniX 100.0000.404
151 B00T2R00T 100.0000.403
152 SSQ ID 100.0000.402
153 Lintas Selatan 100.0000.400
154 LiveNetwork 100.0000.399
155 Cryponite 100.0000.399
156 loser 100.0000.398
157 AntiMasukAngin 100.0000.397
158 Nc{Cat} 100.0000.396
159 c0d--s4P1 100.0000.395
160 Awikwok 100.0000.394
161 JV 100.0000.393
162 pantau 100.0000.392
163 MT1 100.0000.391
164 Z4X 100.0000.390
165 alien_ngehack 100.0000.389
166 Blazing Fire 100.0000.388
167 N00b 100.0000.388
168 Cibeles 100.0000.387
169 kBxAc 100.0000.386
170 R0t1_8OM 100.0000.385
171 Untitled CTF Game 100.0000.384
172 ByteBandits 100.0000.383
173 Cyber Root 100.0000.383
174 InskyrD 100.0000.382
175 JatayuDream 100.0000.381
176 Defenders 100.0000.380
177 Guardian 100.0000.380
178 ctfrrteam 100.0000.379
179 IDN-Sec 100.0000.378
180 BuGErr0rJubJub 100.0000.377
181 K4CTF 100.0000.377
182 0x01 100.0000.376
183 Malaikat Baik 100.0000.375
184 test 100.0000.374
185 c1ph3rghost 100.0000.374
186 Khataman CTF 100.0000.373
187 Zero Days to Glory Pass 100.0000.372
188 Chymec 100.0000.372
189 REFLAG 100.0000.371
190 tuvigo 100.0000.370
191 |3r0th3r CC 100.0000.370
192 jebars0n.ix 100.0000.369
193 CI4_Squ4d 100.0000.369
194 Whalien52Hz 100.0000.368
195 rick and morty 100.0000.367
196 Jederrrrr 100.0000.367
197 lel 100.0000.366
198 ayo 100.0000.365
199 B1acky 100.0000.365
200 Botfrag 100.0000.364
201 @n@$$ 100.0000.364
202 mendadak 100.0000.363
203 soloteam 100.0000.362
204 sasa 100.0000.362
205 suspect 100.0000.361
206 Ionut11 100.0000.361
207 sriadityavedantam 100.0000.360
208 1c3Gh3tt0 100.0000.360
209 Jeditrix 100.0000.359
210 Kheshig 100.0000.359
211 Temp 100.0000.179
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