Sat, 28 Sept. 2024, 01:00 UTC — Mon, 30 Sept. 2024, 01:00 UTC 


SCTF-XCTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Rating weight: 37.00 

Event organizers 

SCTF is a Jeopardy-style Online Capture The Flag Competition presented by Syclover. The contest is opened to all participants around the world. Teams can compete from any location. No restriction on the number of participants of any team.
The Champion Team of SCTF will be invited to The Finals of the 9th Edition of XCTF(the location/date subject to change, qualified teams will be informed when the Finals location/date is confirmed).
Other teams can also get the cumulative points to compete for other slots to The Finals of the 9th Edition of XCTF.


· 1st place 8,000 CNY (20% tax included), Qualified to The Finals of the 9th Edition of XCTF.
· 2nd place 5,000 CNY (20% tax included)
· 3rd place 3,000 CNY (20% tax included)

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