Tue, 15 Oct. 2024, 15:00 UTC — Wed, 16 Oct. 2024, 03:00 UTC 


CTF Internacional MetaRed event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL: https://ctfd.anuies.mx/

Future weight: 0.00 

Rating weight: 0.00 

Event organizers 

The Cybersecurity Working Group of MetaRed TIC Mexico, through ANUIES-TIC organizes this CTF MetaRed Mexico Anuies-TIC 2024, with the objective of:

- Encourage training and talent in cybersecurity in Ibero-American Higher Education Institutions: offer participants carefully designed exercises to present challenges of moderate difficulty, promoting an active and challenging learning environment.
- Cybersecurity training within MetaRed TIC: To promote training among the university community of Ibero-American Higher Education Institutions, including students, administrative and service staff.

Participation is open to anyone. However, only participants belonging to MetaRed TIC Higher Education Institutions will be eligible to receive economic prizes. Participants must prove that they belong to an Ibero-American Higher Education Institution during registration by sending an institutional e-mail.




202 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 Sagi 4700.0000.000
2 UAC 4700.0000.000
3 nub3cit4s-arg 4216.0000.000
4 FR13NDS TEAM 3705.0000.000
5 Full screen run 3370.0000.000
6 HawksUV 3215.0000.000
7 COBOL 3096.0000.000
8 cocay ❤️ amary 3069.0000.000
9 Hackers Fight Club 2772.0000.000
10 XTyLeZ - SoloLeveling 2755.0000.000
11 krauq 2288.0000.000
12 stefan 2274.0000.000
13 Bring Back Pizzas 2250.0000.000
14 1c3Gh3tt0 2016.0000.000
15 Byt3b4nd1ts 1941.0000.000
16 ꧁༻Fυҽɾȥα-G ༺꧂ 1867.0000.000
17 Hack-Rochos UV 1867.0000.000
18 Secsar's Ciphers 1828.0000.000
19 TheExploitNewbies 1828.0000.000
20 CiberSecConf-30/11! 1828.0000.000
21 FuzzyForce 1720.0000.000
22 Red0 1703.0000.000
23 Hexdump Graveyard 1547.0000.000
24 Labyrinthine Codebreakers 1547.0000.000
25 CiberSecConf-30/11 - TheBestEvent! 1547.0000.000
26 0xL4ugh 1532.0000.000
27 Huntik 1471.0000.000
28 pip inspect prize 1469.0000.000
29 {{ team.name }} 1439.0000.000
30 Kiki y Bouba 1436.0000.000
31 「 Rising Edge 」 1249.0000.000
32 Fl4gF1nd3rs 1249.0000.000
33 CyberMoles 1204.0000.000
34 0x1337 1204.0000.000
35 12 + 1 1155.0000.000
36 SYPER 1128.0000.000
37 f4n_n3r0 1124.0000.000
38 Thread in the Needle 1124.0000.000
39 MoaiMan 1073.0000.000
40 Brunei 1060.0000.000
41 fzhshzh 1041.0000.000
42 ponyopoppo 1024.0000.000
43 KA4KAHAPCKuE CyXAPuKu 979.0000.000
44 dis4bled co. 975.0000.000
45 SWUer 913.0000.000
46 fairycai00 873.0000.000
47 Takuachitos 868.0000.000
48 The cyber piojos of konoha 857.0000.000
49 CentralCity 857.0000.000
50 Calpis 843.0000.000
51 Ifinabele 824.0000.000
52 Arcturus 808.0000.000
53 Prisma 808.0000.000
54 CyberGen1_CU 808.0000.000
55 SinMetasploit 808.0000.000
56 rand0m_t3am 757.0000.000
57 waiting for friends 747.0000.000
58 QuartetoFantastico 724.0000.000
59 cyberghost 692.0000.000
60 VSL 681.0000.000
61 B00T2R00T 681.0000.000
62 BreakCode 647.0000.000
63 n0ty0ur5 647.0000.000
64 Pumahat Cybersecurity Team 581.0000.000
65 PHCT 581.0000.000
66 UciTeam1 576.0000.000
67 Breaking The World Security 576.0000.000
68 0N1 C0D3RS 576.0000.000
69 <S4lchipap4s/> 576.0000.000
70 r@ns0m__R¡d3rz 576.0000.000
71 quest 547.0000.000
72 GopherHack 532.0000.000
73 EICARwasRIGHT 476.0000.000
74 KrakenSec 476.0000.000
75 minipif 443.0000.000
76 YMD_HK 432.0000.000
77 ★Sentry★ 432.0000.000
78 H4CKTH3T45K 400.0000.000
79 Moai system 400.0000.000
80 W@ZZ@<|@ 400.0000.000
81 Glitch 400.0000.000
82 MyMoon's Paradise 400.0000.000
83 گُمنام 400.0000.000
84 Revos 400.0000.000
85 hexapod5 400.0000.000
86 L0neRanger 400.0000.000
87 taurus 400.0000.000
88 bdhxgrp 400.0000.000
89 equipo umizoomi 400.0000.000
90 evil umizoomi 400.0000.000
91 Crimson_Predators 400.0000.000
92 HTTPenguinS 400.0000.000
93 Fullhouse 400.0000.000
94 404notfound 400.0000.000
95 ctf-pelican 400.0000.000
96 H7Tex 400.0000.000
97 Wandering Souls 376.0000.000
98 418WAT 300.0000.000
99 Engineers Spark 300.0000.000
100 ac1d 300.0000.000
101 ABTI 300.0000.000
102 IRIyC 300.0000.000
103 catjack 300.0000.000
104 seagull 300.0000.000
105 s3cr3t 300.0000.000
106 Munity 300.0000.000
107 cass0ulet 300.0000.000
108 cockrackers 300.0000.000
109 ICP 300.0000.000
110 gamgam 300.0000.000
111 Cicada 3301 300.0000.000
112 gpx 300.0000.000
113 JUMAHGlitch 300.0000.000
114 Varma 300.0000.000
115 Stuntkid_unique 300.0000.000
116 Impsble_crak4 300.0000.000
117 خليها على الله 300.0000.000
118 0xNemesis 300.0000.000
119 NuvC 300.0000.000
120 @X0L0tl3 300.0000.000
121 EvilSpark 300.0000.000
122 Leafy Greens 300.0000.000
123 Cyb3rGh0st 300.0000.000
124 N2L 300.0000.000
125 Slime 300.0000.000
126 Reprobadines 300.0000.000
127 salentoKing 232.0000.000
128 CyberUNIT 200.0000.000
129 None 200.0000.000
130 Circe 200.0000.000
131 Triada 200.0000.000
132 N00b 200.0000.000
133 5kI11_I55u3 200.0000.000
134 ISC UACAM 200.0000.000
135 CrémeTartinéFabuleuse 200.0000.000
136 Centinelas del Viento 200.0000.000
137 ctfrrteam 200.0000.000
138 R@tas_Atomicas 200.0000.000
139 NCA@Nepal 200.0000.000
140 C0mpu7a710na1 3ng1n33r5 200.0000.000
141 i need teammates 200.0000.000
142 gamgam-gamgam1 200.0000.000
143 D3monics 200.0000.000
144 demons 200.0000.000
145 GTC 200.0000.000
146 Mayapan 200.0000.000
147 Kikuri'sbeerpacket 200.0000.000
148 justforfun 200.0000.000
149 H4ck_th3_Wh47 200.0000.000
150 jbhehe 200.0000.000
151 TereDeNaranja 200.0000.000
152 noob_mist 200.0000.000
153 Alexius 200.0000.000
154 L3ak 200.0000.000
155 Vespras 200.0000.000
156 wwwww 200.0000.000
157 hudai 200.0000.000
158 4fun 200.0000.000
159 foued 200.0000.000
160 Pi22 200.0000.000
161 MOJOS 200.0000.000
162 ttttt 200.0000.000
163 Tacos De Acero 200.0000.000
164 SharkSecurity 200.0000.000
165 Los Alebrijes 200.0000.000
166 Tazos Dorados 200.0000.000
167 kelapacuyy 200.0000.000
168 meow 200.0000.000
169 Exidis 200.0000.000
170 test1234 176.0000.000
171 Bunoud 100.0000.000
172 teat 100.0000.000
173 eliaselp 100.0000.000
174 New Team 100.0000.000
175 GUDBYELUV 100.0000.000
176 alvwin 100.0000.000
177 FUQN 100.0000.000
178 Cubankid 100.0000.000
179 afr_123 100.0000.000
180 PWNyeta 100.0000.000
181 no0bie 100.0000.000
182 Just4Fun 100.0000.000
183 Wild Nature 100.0000.000
184 St4wREenjoyer 100.0000.000
185 TCTN 100.0000.000
186 potato 100.0000.000
187 Blood Hunters 100.0000.000
188 INV4D3RS 100.0000.000
189 Team_Sharks 100.0000.000
190 Uncoma-DTI 100.0000.000
191 Boorcei 100.0000.000
192 BlackLotus 100.0000.000
193 Poki 100.0000.000
194 helloworlds 100.0000.000
196 José Marcos Lucena Romero 100.0000.000
197 Frankolo 100.0000.000
198 testers 100.0000.000
199 zlibxy 100.0000.000
200 Orangutan 100.0000.000
201 abobus123 100.0000.000
202 CyBEERSecurity 100.0000.000
203 The Dark Knight 100.0000.000
JukeOct. 27, 2024, 11:28 p.m.

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