Tue, 26 Nov. 2024, 08:00 UTC — Thu, 28 Nov. 2024, 03:00 UTC 


Saudi Arabia,Riyadh

Blackhat MEA CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL: https://blackhatmea.com/capture-the-flag

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 22.50 

Rating weight: 22.50 

Event organizers 

Black Hat MEA in collaboration with Saudi Federation for Cybersecurity, Programming & Drones (SAFCSP) will host a CTF Tournament and powered by FlagYard Platform, with over 1,000 participants (250 teams) entering the final stages at different levels of competency: amateur, intermediate and expert.

CTF competition run as a jeopardy-style competition and team based both in the qualification and final stages.
Participants will be challenged across a range of categories during the competition including Web, Reverse Engineering, PWN, Crypto and Forensics.

Qualification Round:
- Date: 24 hours from 01 Sep 2024, 10:00 GMT (01:00 PM KSA Time)
- Location: Online

Final Competition:
- Date: 26-28 Nov 2024 during Black Hat MEA conference
- Location: On-Site - Riyadh

*** The top 10 teams (if based outside of Riyadh) that qualify for the final round will have travel and accommodation sponsored by the organizers.***


Top 10 teams qualifying for the final round will have their flight tickets and accommodation sponsored by the organizers
Total Prizes for the BlackHat MEA CTF On-Site CTF will be 700,000 SAR (Approx. $187,000)

- 1st Place: 300,000 SAR (Approx. $80,000)
- 2nd Place: 200,000 SAR (Approx. $53,500)
- 3rd Place: 100,000 SAR (Approx. $26,500)
- 4th Place: 60,000 SAR (Approx. $16,000)
- 5th Place: 40,000 SAR (Approx. $10,500)


184 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 DiceGang 12557.00045.000
2 bingus 11674.00032.168
3 Nu1L 11650.00028.375
4 Guper Suesser 10659.00024.724
5 organizers 10202.00022.780
6 DeadSec 8771.00019.466
7 *0xA 8579.00018.586
8 CyKOR 7505.00016.260
9 Project Sekai 7265.00015.518
10 SРRUSH 6846.00014.517
11 thehackerscrew 6712.00014.072
12 PETIR - Placeholder 4388.0009.738
13 r3billions 3598.0008.178
14 noreply 3374.0007.653
15 CBL 3231.0007.289
16 M0tH3r5h1P 3231.0007.196
17 Snibedisnaphesback 3150.0006.968
18 Mazala 3017.0006.656
19 Little Green Men 3001.0006.561
20 AirOverFlow 3001.0006.502
21 Platinum 2609.0005.746
22 Lexicans 2534.0005.563
23 SHAHEEN 2474.0005.411
24 Sup3r_Napst3r 2401.0005.240
25 ITSEC ASIA 2269.0004.966
26 C0d3-B4ndits 2229.0004.859
27 bi0s 2220.0004.811
28 Black Rage 1985.0004.360
29 SafeCottage 1889.0004.161
30 SecurEyes 1889.0004.135
31 FR13NDS TEAM 1772.0003.901
32 Vanaheim 1714.0003.774
33 Toasters 1624.0003.592
34 Elite 1597.0003.523
35 TheHiddenCastle 1597.0003.504
36 3ushaq_al_7asoob 1531.0003.368
37 Empasoft 1455.0003.215
38 Kheshig 1385.0003.074
39 Griffyns 1248.0002.813
40 cyber_blitz 1248.0002.799
41 CYB3RBULL1ES 1248.0002.785
42 G0tF1@G 1148.0002.593
43 CatCommandos 1116.0002.523
44 us3c 1075.0002.438
45 MISSION 1048.0002.378
46 way2easy 1048.0002.367
47 0xFUN 1004.0002.278
48 The First Stones 1004.0002.268
49 Lanterns 979.0002.213
50 V3n0m.py 960.0002.170
51 JordanShell 948.0002.140
52 Zero Day Warriors 944.0002.124
53 NerdNinjas 944.0002.116
54 Gg bro0 *_^ 944.0002.108
55 Cyber-eto 944.0002.101
56 0xGG 819.0001.869
57 1n1t 775.0001.783
58 Insight Warriors 744.0001.721
59 Shunkhlai 744.0001.714
60 PsychoTherapist 700.0001.629
61 [censored] 700.0001.623
62 Boozifyr 700.0001.617
63 PK_Squ@d 700.0001.611
64 B A N D I T S - V I I 700.0001.606
65 APT-X 700.0001.600
66 KP Cyber Warriors 700.0001.595
67 R4v3ncl4w 700.0001.590
68 MNM 700.0001.585
69 OutLaws 700.0001.580
70 LuD0 G4nG 700.0001.576
71 Imp3rator 700.0001.571
72 SaudiHat 700.0001.567
73 VendattaRG 700.0001.562
74 tteam 700.0001.558
75 Nazgul 644.0001.454
76 Bl1nd_3Y3 600.0001.371
77 SOS 600.0001.367
78 CyberUNIT 600.0001.364
79 Qu4nt1x 600.0001.360
80 Phi 600.0001.356
81 Nigma Galaxy 600.0001.353
82 .0xploit 600.0001.349
83 H@vOK 600.0001.346
84 Elite Security 600.0001.343
85 Tarao 600.0001.340
86 m4lware 600.0001.337
87 sh3ll 600.0001.334
88 SSSRKA 600.0001.331
89 FrostByte 600.0001.328
90 D0R1M3 500.0001.146
91 HQC 500.0001.143
92 CyberGhouls 500.0001.140
93 TuxPwners 500.0001.138
94 Yazam 500.0001.135
95 DKH 500.0001.133
96 OnGod 500.0001.130
97 Overflow 500.0001.128
98 Hash-blur 500.0001.126
99 Scarlet Squad 500.0001.123
100 Sharingans 400.0000.942
101 Y0nk0$ 400.0000.940
102 DEADBEEF 400.0000.937
103 MeowSec 400.0000.935
104 WonKru 400.0000.933
106 HackTheGrass 400.0000.929
107 HACKuna Matata 400.0000.927
108 0rBits 400.0000.925
109 CyberZone 400.0000.923
110 {Motameez} 400.0000.921
111 Beetlejuice 400.0000.919
112 lEg3nDz_n3V3r_d!3 300.0000.738
113 CyberWalkers 300.0000.737
114 brute f0rce 300.0000.735
115 LT. 300.0000.733
116 Admir4!s 300.0000.732
117 Scouse 300.0000.730
118 ASAP 300.0000.728
119 BugsBunny 300.0000.727
120 Ba10naH 300.0000.725
121 Khaliha3alaAllah 300.0000.723
122 The Jesters 300.0000.722
123 RBT 300.0000.720
124 Side squad 300.0000.719
125 Plan Z 300.0000.718
126 Eliot@root 300.0000.716
127 0xCha0s 300.0000.715
128 CyberGuests 300.0000.713
129 f.society 300.0000.712
130 JDK_APT 300.0000.711
131 brootforce 200.0000.530
132 🐧‎ 200.0000.529
133 d3vil 200.0000.528
134 X_CH40$ 200.0000.526
135 SecurityGuys 200.0000.525
136 Bing_Shilling 200.0000.524
137 dz_noobs 200.0000.523
138 FL4R3 200.0000.521
139 0wn3dR00t 200.0000.520
140 Hun@rs 200.0000.519
141 W4rriorz 200.0000.518
142 the boyz 200.0000.517
143 HydraOnTop 200.0000.516
144 toor to root 200.0000.515
145 NexGen Guard 200.0000.514
146 Vittoria 200.0000.512
147 Jobedu 200.0000.511
148 NCST1 200.0000.510
149 E42 200.0000.509
150 zer0pts 200.0000.508
151 0xdeadbeef 200.0000.507
152 HEADSPLIT 200.0000.506
153 tomato 200.0000.505
154 EL MUNDO 200.0000.504
155 Guardians of the Galaxy 200.0000.504
156 AMIGOS 200.0000.503
157 Cyberfortify 200.0000.502
158 Sarab 200.0000.501
159 1337 200.0000.500
160 Hunters 200.0000.499
161 Malware Minions 200.0000.498
162 VorTeXHex 200.0000.497
163 Shad0ws 200.0000.496
164 Ashes 200.0000.496
165 meowmeow 100.0000.316
166 AnAn 100.0000.315
167 Byte Busters 100.0000.314
168 Olives 100.0000.313
169 DigitalDefenders 100.0000.312
170 CyberZero 100.0000.312
171 Infinite 100.0000.311
172 NmKnG1 100.0000.310
173 CS intruders 100.0000.309
174 ShadowOps 100.0000.308
175 onyx 100.0000.308
176 g33ks 100.0000.307
177 0xh3r0005 100.0000.306
178 Watchout! 100.0000.306
179 Pentestopia 100.0000.305
180 Gunners 100.0000.304
181 NCST2 100.0000.303
182 Sys owners 100.0000.303
183 microTech 100.0000.302
184 Zero-Day Zealots 100.0000.151
185 Sauditrackers 100.0000.150
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